Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1251 The filth after the failed armed coup

As for Obito, he was just a lunatic who got a lucky chance. He was really unconvinced.

The second patient, Xie, walked in.

There was still no need for anesthesia. He poked some parts of his body very cruelly a few times and lost the pain. He even tried to have academic exchanges with the doctor during Kushina's surgery.

The exchange was about some key points of sealing techniques in human body transformation.

Doctor, do you think if the brain is taken out, it can be sealed in a container and remain active?

Doctor, can the sealing technique put the whole body's chakra onto a small piece of flesh?


Kushina's hair stood on end after hearing this, what kind of monsters were there in the Akatsuki organization.

Moreover, human experimentation is something that breaks the moral bottom line and is unacceptable to normal humans.

Doctor, don't get me wrong. I am planning to conduct experiments on myself, and I will need your sealing skills to assist me.

Xie said that he had corrected his evil ways and hoped to get the support of this big boss in the sealing technique.

After entering the Akatsuki organization and understanding the organization's behavior, Scorpio will understand what to do to maximize benefits.

That was a crazy evolution in line with universal moral values. This woman's sealing skills had reached a point where he looked up to her and deserved respect.

After curing the two patients, Kushina became even more confused about the nature of the Akatsuki organization.

A money-making and self-destructive peace organization?

After both patients were treated, Noah decided to confess Obito to Kushina. After all, he has made a contribution to the Akatsuki organization, and the process is considered complete.

There are heretic demons here, and it is impossible for Black and White Jue to come over without being discovered. As long as Kushina controls her emotions in the future, she will be safe.

Congratulations on your successful promotion to a core member of the Akatsuki organization. Next, I will explain the benefits of core members.

After that, it’s time to get down to business. A licking dog is preparing to drag the world into fantasy, and that licking dog is someone you know.

Obito, can't you kill him even with your own strength?

Yes, the ability of the Sharingan is very tricky, and there is a bigger operator behind it controlling everything.

I will develop a sealing barrier that can destroy space. Don't stop me then.


The deal was reached, and Kushina had reached the edge of darkness after experiencing collapse, despair, regret, rage, and calm.

Although it matches the style of the Akatsuki organization better, this is not what Noah wants.

They are a peaceful organization, so if the Uzumaki clan has any sudden change of temperament and wants to destroy the world, it will be a big deal.

Keep Obito so you can resurrect the Yondaime, please think about it.


Theoretically, it is possible. We need to study it further. This involves the power and rules of the Pure Land and Six Paths.

I know. I'll try to control it.

Well, think about Naruto, think about Minato.

After going through so much trouble to appease the blackened sealing teacher, Noah was particularly unhappy.

If he could kill Obito, he would have done it long ago, but it's a pity that he is not strong enough.

Then we can only let this lunatic go through some more ups and downs in the Rain Country as interest.

After Noah sorted out some hidden dangers within the Kingdom of Rain, he began to practice sealing techniques and flying thunder gods.

He also laid some interesting little traps just waiting for the masked man to come to his door.

Fire Nation.

The Sandaime finally went to Daimyo Castle to report on his duties. He simply took four guards with him.

Hiruzen is not completely old yet, and there are really not many people in the entire ninja world who can kill him.

Then the expected assassination began, and all the people who came from the root were wiped out except for those who used wood escape armor. Even this Kai was captured by Kakashi.

In the second battle, Kakashi solved everything with one move of Chidori.

The current level of Wood Release really doesn't have any strength, and is no different from A-level ninjutsu.

.You go first.

Kakashi let this boy go, he was nothing more than a pathetic experimental subject and tool.

Then a large amount of energy fluctuations and aura of fighting erupted in the surrounding area.

The head-on confrontation between the roots and the ANBU has begun. If the roots before the Rain Country incident still had some resistance, the roots now are at their weakest.

Without a master like Ryoma to lead the team, they would have to be defeated by the strangulation of the ANBU.

This is what Danzo has left. Even the sealing squad has been sent out with many forbidden ninjas.

It's a pity that these people who fell into the trap are still resisting. Some are completely brainwashed, and some are bound by the curse seal and have to fight for their lives.

In the end, all the root teams from all directions were completely killed by the Anbu. This was a coup of force and there was no need to hold back.

Several captains came to the center of the field to compare with each other and immediately rushed to the village after completing the mission. There might be a second battle.

Kakashi was also looking forward to something in his heart.

In the Hokage Tower at the same time.

Shimura Danzo walked behind the desk and sat down.

This chair, this backrest, is comfortable. It's like it was specially made for me.

The feeling of power, this is how Naruto feels.

He was simulating his life after successfully ascending to the throne, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

Probably the most comfortable and sincere smile I've had in years.

Hiruzen, I told you you would regret this.

In order to increase the success rate of assassinating the third generation, Mudun ninjas were specially arranged to cause a momentary emotional loss.

The subsequent sealing techniques and various forbidden techniques have been arranged. As long as you fall into the pre-set tactics, you will definitely win the target's head.

Even a speed ninja like the Yondaime fell into the control of root tactics, and Hiruzen had no chance.

Thinking about all these years of getting along, he still felt a little sad.

In the blink of an eye, I was the only one left.

But it doesn't matter, Konoha will be glorious under my leadership.

The fifth mother's shadow rock needs to be carved as soon as possible, and the Hokage robe needs to be made into a new one.

As for those ninjas who didn't support me before, I hope they will be wiser. Hiruzen was assassinated by an assassin, and they don't want the same thing to happen to their family.

Kakashi can't keep this brat, he knows too much about him. And the next Hokage must not be him.

Asuma~~keep it, this child is not in danger.

Go through the process one last time.

Hiruzen, I said you will regret it, I am the Hokage!

Sorry, I can't give this chair to anyone else yet.

A familiar face appeared in front of Danzo, which almost frightened the dark ninja who was in the climax of his fantasy.

The nightmare-like voice made this restless heart feel a chill to the bone.

My old friend, are you unwilling to go down alone, so you came to help me?

In an instant, Danzo used his half-life acting skills to try to prove that he was not surprised at all. I don't understand what it means to come back alive or not.

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