Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1252 Kakashi’s self-awakening

The third generation sold Kakashi calmly, saying that it was the young man who suddenly woke up that allowed him to escape the disaster.

This technique is really perfect. It not only means that the genius boy is my own, but also means that I know everything.

Cold sweat, a large amount of cold sweat flowing down from the forehead uncontrollably.

Assassinating Naruto is the most unforgivable crime in Konoha Village.

There is no doubt that the person behind this will be sentenced to death.

Coupled with Sarutobi Hiruzen's murderous tone, Danzo was thrown into confusion.

Hiruzen really planned to kill Danzo this time, and this matter really violated the taboo of those in power.

Playing life-attack without following the rules of the game is not what a person in power should do.

But on the way back, he thought again that after he returned to power, someone would still have to do the dirty work, such as the Uchiha clan's suppression of other ninja clans in the village.

Without the threat, would Inarakacho and Hinata really be so obedient? Will the transfer and Mito, etc. become even more unscrupulous?

There are also human experiments. It is a good thing that Orochimaru has changed his ways, but experiments have to be done.

How can Konoha's strength improve without Danzo's desperate efforts to do this.

Only then did he realize that he, the Third Hokage, was still bound to death by Danzo, and no one could live without him.

So when we arrived at the village gate, we decided to spare this guy's life. Anyway, as long as he lived, Danzo would never be able to turn over.

The assassination of Hokage locked him into doing dirty work for the rest of his life. Let's take advantage of this incident to give it a serious beating.

I plan to let this matter go, but I also hope that he can help Konoha grow up with peace of mind.

Danzo was relieved to hear that he was let go, knowing that as long as Hiruzen didn't pursue it, it would be fine.

But out of embarrassment, he still blurted out a wave of taunts.

Your naivety will harm yourself, Hiruzen!

Innocent? Who is the naive one among us, old friend?

The third generation began to enjoy the pleasure of intelligence. What do you know?

By the way, the Wooden Ninja has released all the control seals and transferred to ANBU. I hope to see him here tomorrow.

You want me to poach my people if I can't become Hokage?


But what if I don't agree? Now I don't have any leverage at all.

As Danzo walked to the door, he became more and more angry as he thought about it. Why was he just a little closer? Is this a curse? ! !

Then he became even more hatred towards Kakashi. If this kid hadn't been so double-dealing, how could he have lost to Hiruzen.

Just report the backhand, right? What the hell!

No matter how much Sakumo was crippled, you must be crippled too!



That boy from the Hatake family can't be trusted.

I can tell this myself, just do your own thing.

He already knows about Sakumo.

What! I already.

I told him, goodbye!

Danzo left an unsolvable problem for the Sandaime and Kakashi and got out immediately. If he didn't leave, he would be beaten.

Sure enough, Sarutobi Hiruzen's feeling of being in control immediately disappeared.

How dare this bastard! ! Kakashi is one of the few ninjas in the village who can be considered a potential ninja.

Sharingan is a kind of training at best, and the Sandaime has other ways to let him break through this limitation.

Kakashi's mastery and talent in jutsu are really good, and he has a bit of his own demeanor when he was young.

No ninja of the same generation can achieve the same prestige, and the only ones who can possibly be tied are those from the Uchiha clan.

The most important thing is that this defection was also a form of surrender. The original ANBU was directly under the fourth generation to the ANBU directly under the third generation. He accompanied the large troops to participate in the strangulation operation at the ambush site.


At this moment, Kakashi was instantly removed from the training list of the next Hokage. It was impossible for him to choose someone who might cause trouble to Konoha to sit in this position.

Damn it~ Why did Sakumo commit suicide? !

The final classification of Sakumo was the third generation's helpless venting point.

They really didn't want to take things to that level back then, and this matter almost became the third generation's heartache.

After Minato came to power, he specifically asked about this matter and he didn't tell the truth, but Danzo Shimura is an old guy! ! !

Hiruzen can only accept that all this happens, and Kakashi will most likely disappear from everyone in the future.

The growth stage of genius needs to be protected and arranged for training.

When he was young, it was Hatake Sakumo who shielded him from wind and rain and taught him skills. Later, it was Minato who protected and guided this little brat.

The care of these two is indispensable for Kakashi to be where he is today.

The right mission, the right enemy, and the right battlefield all require more effort to maintain.

Otherwise, no matter how talented he is, he will die on the battlefield. With Kakashi's chakra amount and physical fitness, he will not survive for more than a month on any frontal battlefield.

Oh, what a pity.

Kakashi didn't know that his future fate would be decided so easily. He followed the large ANBU troops back to Konoha to prepare for the orders of the Third Hokage.

As a result, the order received was to disband on the spot, and the team leaders were asked to submit a mission report.

This assassination operation against Hokage was the work of other countries and had nothing to do with the internal affairs.

Kakashi felt chilled, could he not know who did it?

It wasn't until he received a warrant to go to the Hokage Tower that he had some hope left.

After arriving, the Sandaime looked kind and kind.

First, he cared about his life, saying that it didn't matter if Minato left, if he had any questions, he could talk to him.

He also mentioned the recent difficulties in Konoha and his desire for stability.

at last.

Don't tell anyone about Elder Danzo. His village will be severely punished.

The future of Konoha still needs it.

The will of fire.

Kakashi didn't listen to a word behind him. It turned out that assassinating the Hokage could be passed easily, just like killing his own father had no consequences.

Is the Hokage, who is so indifferent to right and wrong, really practicing the will of fire? Anbu and root ninjas are also human beings. They are used as tools to fight to the death in the game between the two sides. In the end, it is just a misunderstanding.

Danzo has done so many sinful things in the village and is still a good elder of Konoha. His father performed his mission conscientiously and risked his life for the village but could not even go up to the commemorative monument.

The words in Adam's letter really fit the current situation.

Is there anything else in Konoha Village that can be hidden from the Hokage, haha.

After darkness is the real darkness.

After listening to the Will of Fire, Kakashi walked out of the Hokage Tower numbly and returned home.

He picked up the broken White Fang Blade again and placed three sticks of incense on his father's memorial tablet.

He wants to practice sword practice again.

Just like Noah, he is moving forward towards his goal, even if his enemy is the most powerful man in the village, he is also the most powerful force.

But as long as you find like-minded partners, you can continue to grow.

At this moment, I am the light of Konoha!

Some readers said they hoped I could burn the Grim Reaper, but I hesitated and gave up. The main reason is that it is too long. The Dead Fire Sea is a long novel and it is too tiring for me. I can’t write a book for two years. This is also the reason why I wanted to finish the book by adding a short story about killing girls after finishing Naruto.

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