Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1250 The reason why the fire transmission failed is that the painting style is different

In the end, Kushina expressed her rejection for the time being.

The main reason is that he has a different style from all the other villains who joined the organization.

In fact, Orochimaru, Scorpion, and Kakuzu can join any terrorist organization. With such a perfect temperament that one can blend in instantly, no one would believe that he is a righteous ninja.

Hanzo the Sansho Fish doesn't look like a good guy, who looks like a good guy?

As for the original three members of the Akatsuki organization, they are similar to Kushina, but their behavior has become slightly bolder since taking Noah's class.

To some people, this is a sign of success, but to the former Blood Red Chili Peppers, it was completely deviant.

Kushina couldn't leave the Heretic Golem to visit the Land of Rain, so she could only judge from the behavior of other people.

The result is doubled suspicion.

Fortunately, Nagato's samsara eyes and his clan identity made her lower her guard a little.

The two just kept their distance and continued teaching.

Even if you load and learn the plug-in according to your method, it will take a year to learn enough to lift the imprisoning seal.

It's probably too late for the surgery and the enemy you mentioned.

Kushina also asked about the reason why Noah learned the sealing technique.

One is to learn to fly Thunder God.

This made her very unhappy but she couldn't stop it, and if she could get a full set of sealing techniques, then the Flying Thunder God Technique would probably have fallen into Noah's hands long ago.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying a monster swordsman who can cut down the Nine Tails one-on-one on a frontal battlefield with his swordsmanship would be if he also had the ability to move in space.

To add to that, he still tamed the Nine-Tails Super Jinchuuriki.

In its heyday, Kyuubi is no longer its opponent, so is it going to conquer Konoha Village alone?

It was as if I saw the birth of a new god of the ninja world. I really don’t know why I still pursue power when I reach that level.

And the purpose after mastering the power is even more crazy and unimaginable.

Now that I think about it, Hashirama-sama is really a breath of fresh air among the strong. No, Hashirama-sama only calmed down after pushing the ninja world.

Sure enough, the world of the strong is very different from that of ordinary people.

The second one was to rescue two members of the organization, who were put into a confinement seal by a strange enemy with a Sharingan eye.

The words mask, blur, and sharingan awakened the spirit of revenge at once. That kind of unforgettable hatred cannot be washed away by all the water from all over the world.

Noah didn't say much more information, peripheral members shouldn't know so much. Our Akatsuki organization is a very strict peace organization with strict confidentiality measures. We can only say it after at least completing some tasks.

Kushina was only unilaterally mad about this matter, but unable to escape from the heretic demon, she could only be helpless and furious.

And even if he escapes from the golem, he will not be Obito's opponent.

Although Obito often looks defeated, the opponents he faces are all top masters in the ninja world. It cannot be said that he is special, just average.

Kushina really had nothing to do with this little beast at this time.

After the sealing teacher calmed down, Noah gave his own solution to the surgery time.

I know I don't have enough time, so I'll just let you do the surgery on Xie and Kakuzu in the past few days.

It's really not difficult to get familiar with the use of the Sharingan. There is no need to worry about the power of the pupil and other things if there is a heretic demon. It just requires sealing techniques and surgery. With your level, there will be no problem.

Really, when you encounter a problem, you have to learn to go around the problem to solve it.

It gives people who have fallen into misunderstandings a new brain.

Yes, only a sealing master and the ability of the Sharingan can unlock it, so why not just let Kushina be the chief surgeon?

A few days later, Noah was still studying, and Kakuzu also took time out of his busy schedule to come to the operating room under the heretic golem.

In addition to sighing at how big this thing was, he also asked about the price, and instinctively told him that it was a treasure.

When I heard about the priceless treasure, I couldn't wait to pounce on it and take a bite.

But Noah was still dragged into the operating room with red eyes. He didn't need any anesthesia, and his body could fully withstand it.

Doctor Kushina Bai officially appears. The eyeball with a Sharingan hanging on the left eye was like a surgical speculum. After opening the flesh, it began to form seals on the back of Kakuzu's neck.

Noah assisted as an assistant and learned the sealing technique by the way.

Kushina was quite nervous during the first operation, so it took a long time to lift the imprisonment seal bit by bit.

Kakuzu became interested when he saw that Kushina's sealing technique was so good.

It feels very good. Can this sealing technique be simplified and popularized? For example, sealing space or something like that.

Noah was a little surprised why he asked such a question.

This thing has unlimited business opportunities. I think we can combine it with Chief Xiaonan's secret technique of test strips. By then, this will be one of our flagship products in the Kingdom of Rain.

You are thinking too much. No one has simplified this strategic ability yet. If it could be done, the entire structure of the ninja world would be changed. Otherwise, why are the seal scrolls so precious?

This idea is good, but it really can't be done. Sealing scrolls are exclusive props for wealthy ninjas.

All right.

Kakuzu regrets that he bought all his sealing scrolls from the black market. That price can be remembered for a lifetime.

Everything he sees now feels like money. There is a country's power behind it, which can almost invest heavily in research and development after finding a project.

When the time comes, he can have a huge amount of capital in his arms. After all, he thinks too well, but

“Can we provide sealing services for a fee?”

Kushina felt that the style of the organization members was very commercial and not ninja at all. Why is everything measured in money?

Noah hurriedly explained in order to restore the organization's image.

Don't get me wrong. As the person who is about to take over the finances of the Land of Rain, it is normal for Kakuzu to have some utilitarian attributes.

You can also entrust him with any outing missions in the future. As long as the money is available, it's okay to assassinate the First Hokage. Even the assassination of the Third Hokage is fine.

Thank you. I don't think the Sandaime needs to be assassinated yet.

Even though she said that, Kushina still remembered it. Naruto was still in the village. If it was inconvenient for him to go out, he really needed help from a reliable person.

Kakuzu can use the sealing technique as a tool for payment, mark it down.

When it was completely removed, both parties breathed a sigh of relief, while Kakuzu controlled Yu Yu to mend his body while squirming and jumped up.

Hehehehe, that masked man is dead.

After saying that, he left with a murderous look on his face.

When had his uncle Kakuzu ever suffered such a loss? As for Noah and the first generation, that’s their own blessing.

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