Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1249 I have a better way to study

A slightly embarrassing passage about the Will of Fire came out of the mouth of the Dark Ninja Realm. It was really funny. Even Shimura Danzo himself felt a little embarrassed.

After finishing things hastily, I just hope to get a road map.

I'll give you a reply after I go back and think about it.


Danzo is very confident that this boy will not be able to escape his clutches after all, hahahahahahahaha.

Hiruzen, you will regret this.

Kakashi, who returned home, looked at the Will of Fire and Adam's letter and thought for a moment.

There is a lot of useful information in Danzo's information, and Hiruzen Sarutobi's role in it is no different from that of the instigator.

They just didn't expect their father to be so strong and didn't want to compromise with the dark Hokage.

It seems that everything has come to light. For the sake of the village, I will give you one last chance.

I don’t have Noah’s decisiveness, but I still have the courage to try.

He turned around and went to the Hokage Tower to report that Danzo wanted to assassinate the Hokage and launch a coup. As for White Fang's information, he did not tell him.

He wanted to test the Sandaime's reaction to this matter, and he also wanted to see if the Hokage, who had suppressed even his father's hatred, was worth it.

If it's not worth it, then reforge the dagger left by your father and become a brave man.

The other side is the land of rain.

Noah didn't know that his letters and stories had helped Kakashi embark on another path.

After completing his true Nine-Tails mode, he found a sealing teacher to learn from.

Sealing techniques are different from Ninjutsu. They require extremely solid skills to learn.

It can be said to be something independent of the ninjutsu system. It is equivalent to inheriting the incantation against mysterious forces before the ninja era, and combining it with the path taken by chakra.

The Kingdom of Whirlpool was famous in the ninja world for its sealing technique in the past, and the Tailed Beast Seal was born here.

The Nine Lamas pouted and thanked you for your research results.

It was difficult for Kushina to refuse Noah's request to learn the sealing technique. She couldn't figure out whether it was protection money or medical expenses, but she just had to pay.

Moreover, the country of Whirlpool was destroyed, leaving a legacy in Konoha.

From now on, she lived for herself and Naruto as a peripheral member of the Akatsuki organization, and started teaching happily.

It's a pity that I didn't bring any information about Konoha's sealing technique. It would take a long time to write it from scratch.

Noah pretended to send a signal to Xiao Nan.

A paper airplane flew over in the sky, and dropped a packet of information as it passed by.

After Kushina opened it, she saw that it was exactly the same as the information in Konoha.

The peace organization also has spies in Konoha? And the position is very high? It can't be the Sandaime-sama, right?

This was her first thought. The value of the sealing technique in the Kingdom of Whirlpool was very high, and only the top leaders of Konoha had the opportunity to watch it.

And here are not only those from the Kingdom of Whirlpool, but also various forbidden-level sealing techniques left behind by the Nidaime-sama.

Many of them are top secrets that she, the Hokage's wife, and the sealing master are not qualified to have access to. Really, only the Hokage has the opportunity to see such comprehensive information.

Anyway, Minato was very principled in this kind of thing and never brought the Sealed Book home. He learned it himself and then taught her when he came home.

Does Elder Danzo know?

What! He is also a member of the Akatsuki organization!!!

Kushina was shocked. She didn't believe the nonsense that the Akatsuki organization was a peaceful organization. That disgusting one-eyed dragon was not a good person.

He had always wanted to pull the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki to its roots. Because of this incident, the fourth generation almost put a pill in Danzo's other eye.

Don't get me wrong, I'm saying that Elder Danzo has always been a passive sponsor of our Akatsuki organization. These are the information picked up from the roots.

I understand, it has the same meaning as picking up wild chakra for you.

Kushina suppressed her complicated emotions and began to formally teach the sealing technique.

Every wrong stroke will lead to unpredictable consequences. If ninjutsu uses seals to simplify ninjutsu, then curse seals complicate chakra through chakra strokes. Only in this way can we achieve something that is unattainable. boundaries.

It takes a lot of time to learn from the basics. The most talented person I have ever seen took 3 months to memorize all the mantras, and it took 7 years to reach the level of a master. That is my lover Minato Namikaze.

It is precisely because of a good foundation in sealing that he can become a golden flash.

Xiaobai, come here.

Sharingan learning machine is online.

What did you just say you need to remember for three months?

Who would slowly rely on the brain for pure memory and input functions? As long as the will can bear it, it will come quickly this way.

No one in the Uchiha family dared to learn like this, but Noah brought him to a new level. This is the power of his origin.

Kushina had an unsurprised expression on her face. She found out why the people in this organization are particularly good at learning. That thing called Xiaobai really works.

In this kind of cheating situation, I have completely learned the basic spells in a few days, and I can at least describe them accurately.

Kushina was a little unconvinced, feeling that she was so stupid when she studied hard back then.

Deep learning cannot be like this. These data must be refined over many years to produce results. It cannot continue without a safe and quiet environment.

Long time? Got it.

My vision went dark and I came to a familiar old place.

Brother Nine Lamas, how about we study together.

The operation of the sealing technique learned in the sealed space left Hu speechless. Is this guy really not able to practice well?

Also, for a fox, it’s already outrageous that I can learn ninjutsu. Why should I learn such a thing? Isn’t the sealing technique what seals us?

That's wrong. Think about it, if you learn it, no one will be able to seal the tailed beast, because you can break the seal with your backhand.

Be bold, and you can even seal those humans who want to seal you. Or if a tailed beast offends you, wouldn't it be fun to give it a seal?

It makes sense, step aside and I need to study hard.

What would be the effect of studying in a quiet place with unlimited chakra, unlimited attempts, and super fast thinking?

The effect is that Kushina's cognitive limit is refreshed every day.

Is your will as unlimited as the tailed beast's chakra?

Thoughts in the sealed space are naturally faster than those in the outside world, but not to the extent of infinite time, and the mental pressure endured every minute and every second is beyond the ability of normal people to withstand.

There are many talented people in the ninja world, and this method of sealing space to accelerate thinking is not something that no one has thought of before.

The Nidaime had this fantasy in mind when developing the art of spiritualization. Representing the soul alone could speed up the thinking process, but the fact is that it does not work.

Human beings have limits.

And even if his own willpower could bear it, the tailed beast would not cooperate.

It's so quiet today. I wish everyone good luck in the college entrance examination.

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