Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1242 Read the ninja number directly

But it's easy to make him give up the Kingdom of Rain, just a brutal and inhumane beating.

Maybe we should also arrange some scenes that are dangerous to people's hearts.

Ahem, since we are all here, we won't hide it. Now let me announce the data of the masked man.

Uchiha Obito, male, former Konoha Chunin. No. 010886. Height 154.2, weight 44.5. Type O blood.

The disciple of the Fourth Hokage, the scum of Uchiha, the last person in the Ninja School, calls himself Uchiha Madara.

Chakra attributes are fire, wind, thunder, earth, water, and yin.

He is good at ninjutsu including elementary wood release, fire release ninjutsu below B level, and Sharingan Eye Jutsu.

The time and space pupil technique is called Shenwei. It can transfer oneself back and forth between the real space and the different space. It can also suck the enemy into the different space, and can make oneself virtual to avoid the enemy's attack.

At the same time, the ninja tool can also be stored in a different space in advance and released when needed.

The disadvantage is that when absorbing, releasing or attacking an opponent, the body will materialize and cannot avoid the enemy's attacks. In the single-eyed state, the duration of the divine power's aberration lasts up to five minutes. If it exceeds five minutes, the aberration will become invalid.

The whole place was quiet, and everyone had countless flaws ready to come out.

The mystery of the masked man has been thrown into the trash can by you.

Basically everything else except the mask was introduced.

Even if you know someone's name, why do you have a height, weight, and ninja number?

Moreover, the information on Ninjutsu Eye Technique is completely clear. Did this guy named Obito read his own information in front of you? Or you dug it out from Konoha's ninja files.

Disadvantages There are two endings for a prepared ninja and an unprepared ninja.

Those present here are either demigods in the ninja world or immortal legends, or even worse, super ruthless people with a lot of secret skills at their disposal.

As long as you know the shortcomings of Shenwei, you can really come up with a bunch of tactics in a matter of minutes.

The most heartbreaking thing is that Noah added the last sentence.

The masked man himself is not very strong, and his fighting consciousness is very average, equivalent to that of an ordinary chuunin.

The mastery of Five Elements Escape Technique is very small and can be ignored. So just be more vigilant in ensuring your own safety.

Obito, who was in a secret stronghold somewhere in the Land of Fire, felt a chill in his heart, as if some kind of malicious intent appeared in a distant place.

Haha, is it the people of Konoha who are cursing me? The cry of a weakling!

Hei Zetsu, wait until I recover from my injuries and we will come to the Land of Rain together. The ninja world cannot remain so peaceful.

Black Jue

I don’t want to go to the Land of Rain. The guy named Noah is too perverted. The sword that cut off the nine tails really has a bit of Hashirama’s style during the period of victory.

If Obito can practice more and rely on sneak attacks, he still has a chance, but how can he win with a head-on confrontation?

He doesn’t know how powerful the Sharingan is~~ It really varies from person to person.

The Tower of the Kingdom of Rain.

Without Obito's knowledge, all his information has been placed on the table of the top management of the Akatsuki organization.

Even doing dog licking is known to everyone, which shocked others.

Everyone said that they never expected that the world would be destroyed for such a bloody reason. They really felt that this world was not worth it, and they also felt that it was not worth it for the fourth generation.

Nagato is also not worth it for Kushina. This guy named Obito is really disgusting.

No matter what tactics you use in the face of such a pervert, it won't be cruel.

If everyone's illusion skills weren't so good, they really should have created an illusion that could not be licked by a dog to stab such a dog to death.

After seeing various targeted tactics, Noah felt what a ninja was, and he actually came up with several plans for everyone to prepare.

The solution to the imprisonment seal in Kakuzu and Scorpion's body has been sent. We happen to have a Sharingan in our organization.

The sealing technique teacher is also in place and can release this thing at any time.

Angle means okay, I always feel uncomfortable having such a thing on my body, and I can't devote myself wholeheartedly to making a fortune.

As for Xie, he felt a little regretful, because his own research was almost at the point where he could solve this problem, but he couldn't be willful in the battle ahead, so he nodded in agreement.

After explaining Obito's affairs, the Akatsuki organizational meeting after the Night of the Nine-Tails ended.

After clearing up all the recent government affairs in the Kingdom of Rain, Noah entered the retreat mode.

A red fireball hangs in the huge dark space, and the will of the light is shining here.

Nine Lamas, here I come.

Damn human being, why do you know my name?

Kyuubi exploded and hid behind the iron gate of the sealed space, questioning Noah.

There should be no records of the name Kurama in the ninja world. Except for the tailed beast himself who voluntarily told his true name, ordinary people should not know it.

The other tailed beasts probably wouldn't say much about this, as they all resist communicating with humans.


The breath of the two seals of yin and yang was introduced into the sealed space, spinning behind Noah's spiritual body.

The big fox almost burst into tears when he felt Hagoromo's breath. He had been really frustrated these past few decades.

The ninja world was so good in the past. Although every few decades there would be humans with short memories who would try to make plans for themselves, but they were all easily solved by Kyuubi.

On the contrary, he has developed a reputation as the God of Disaster, and he is majestic and majestic wherever he goes.

Unexpectedly, there would be so many perverts after a thousand years. Some people used Sharingan to control it, some people choked it with one hand, and now some people use swords to chop it. It really makes the fox desperate.

Hagoromo, do you know that we were caught and stuffed into a small dark room by humans as if we were giving gifts?

I can't fight again and again, I can't run but I can't run~~~

Noah saw Kyuubi's gaffe and knew it had an effect, so he struck while the iron was hot.

I am actually good friends with Otsutsuki Hagoromo. That's why I know so much.


The Sage of Six Paths, who was observing the ninja world daily between life and death, was about to vomit. What good friend? After you fooled my son, you're going to fool my little fox?

But Lama Nine should be smarter than those two silly boys and would not be fooled.

Sure enough, when Kyuubi came back to his senses, he realized something was wrong, and he had a strange idea after careful sensing.

Ahem~~Why do I feel like this thing is like a seal?

After saying that, there was a burst of horror. What the hell could the old man seal with his own hands? When it was a child, it heard the old man Liu Dao say that the last person to be sealed by his own hands was his mother, the goddess Kaguya.

It seems that the swordsman in front of him has become more terrifying. Even if he is smiling, the smile of a human creature is the most untrustworthy.

Ahem, don't get me wrong. I am really friends with the Sage of Six Paths. He saved my life in the first place. This seal not only protects me, but also protects your world.

Protect the world? I understand, this is a big devil.

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