Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1243 Another kind of fist bump

The fox's eyes were full of suspicion, as if to say, do you think this fox believes that you and Hagoromo are good friends?

Dang rang~~~

An iron bar full of cracks rolled down on the ground of the sealed space.

Kyuubi nodded immediately.

Well, it is indeed possible that you are Hagoromo's good friend. But isn't he dead?

Jiulama has not found any trace of Yuyi for so many years, always thinking that he was dead like other humans.

No, I will take you to see him when I have a chance in the future.

By the way, Hagoromo said that the biggest mistake he did in his life was not teaching you properly. It's a pity that such a smart tailed beast has never read any books. So please ask me to teach you how to read.

Kyuubi was just about to say no, when he saw that bastard lift his sword.

Actually, it's good to read some books. I also feel that I can easily be deceived because I don't read enough books.

What follows is a side-by-side teaching session.

Because the time flow rate in the sealed space is different, classes here are extremely efficient.

Basically, in three days in the real world, Noah had already completed all the basic courses on his own thinking.

After all, not all Chuuriki can stay in the sealed space for so long, not even the Uzumaki clan like Naruto. This has to do with mental endurance.

But in terms of endurance, Noah can really hold on for a few years. This put the Nine Lamas in dire straits.

Such a big fox is sitting upright and looking at the blackboard. It is really a scary PLUS version of Xin Shiniang.

Whenever the Nine Lamas don't want to suffer the hardships of study, they will suffer the hardships of life.

A bright moon rises, and the cold sword light pours down. The fox felt that he could still suffer a little more from studying.

This kind of education method was so advanced that Kyuubi couldn't bear it and forcefully forced it to use its brain crazily.

The thousand-year-old fox does have a few skills. As long as he really enters the rhythm of immersive learning, his learning ability will surpass many scholars or top ninjas.

The basic popularization of red education was completed in a very short period of time, which means that he graduated from primary school.

After three days of studying, Noah was still in high spirits, while Big Fox was a little depressed.

I'll give you a day off. Can we practice chakra mode together tomorrow?


The next day, Noah deliberately found an open place. He had a hunch that there would be a lot of movement when he was practicing.

Nine Lamas, I'll leave it to you for the rest!

Noah stretched out a fist in the sealed space.


Fist each other to let you feel my feelings.

What Noah wants is a caring fox, not a nine-tailed fox who is forced to cooperate by force.

As for how to prove that you are a good person, fist bumping happens to be the best way.

Open your heart and let Nine Lamas witness the beauty of the lights.

Kyuubi stretched out his fist strangely.

The sense of malice was of no use to a strange guy like Noah, so it was also curious about this man's attitude towards tailed beasts.


Endless thoughts hit Kyuubi's mind like waves.

Noisy sounds came from the void, and the storm of flames and sword energy baptized every inch of the soul. Only after passing through this did he see the real Noah.

It never thought that a human being could carry so many things in his heart.

Ordinary people in the ninja world are regarded so seriously. Ninja beings who have mastered chakra are treated equally. Even tailed beasts are equal in his heart.

It seems that any intelligent creature will be given the fairest treatment. He is really a strange man.

If you can assist him, it's not a bad choice.

However, the deeper information in the soul is constantly emerging.

Logically speaking, fist bumping is just to understand the intention, but Noah is different. He wants Kyuubi to see more, so Kyuubi can see more.

All kinds of confusing information flowed through Jiulama's brain, which was the life experienced by a man named Noah.

An island by the sea. The boy was facing off against a terrifying enemy. There was a world of ice in front of him and a hell of fire behind him.

Then is this right or wrong! If I am not wrong, then the world is wrong!

Among the ruins, I held a little girl's hand and walked among them, letting her tears flow.

This is not willfulness, this is a declaration to the world. We may be the only ones in the world who still remember them.

On the warship, facing the purple-haired soldier young man, he said seemingly unintentionally.

Let all the people of the world unite and do something.

In the capital of seven waters, the man with the tattoo on his face was full of shock, and the feeling of finding light in the darkness was beyond words.

We may sacrifice ourselves before victory at any time, do you understand?

Under the 10,000-meter-deep sea, the mermaid was horrified and heard some terrible language.

If you seek peace through struggle, you will survive in peace; if you seek peace through compromise, you will perish in peace.

On the red earth continent, there were fires everywhere. No matter how strong the enemy is, they can't stop the boy from laughing wildly.

See Mary Joa's fire? That's our decency.

Facing the reporters who were interviewing him like albatross, this man spoke words that made people fearful and yearning with ease.

The sea is not only their sea, but also our sea. They won't let you live, so why don't you let them die?!!!

Stand on a fortress that will never fall and face a hundred thousand naval warships.

World Government! I recognize you!!

On a bridge with no end in sight, the mysterious man bowed.

Stay here, or follow us out of here and face the more cruel world outside.

The gods came to the world and the whole world fell into despair.

Comrades, are you ready to experience the red world?

War, the South China Sea War, the World War, this is the history of growth and war. Countless humans and humanoid races are united in this memory.

It was a terrible idea to be an enemy of God. Eventually, the fire that spread throughout the world came together to completely burn the old world and the gods of the old era.

Endless sacrifices, wars, deaths, separations, and beliefs are haunting this person. Jiu Lama doesn't know how to characterize this person.

The magnificent and epic past is this person's life experience.

Kyuubi heard the voices of countless people, including gratitude, hatred, admiration, and curses.

The tailed beast is nothing compared to the God of Disaster, and how can the legendary Susanoo compare to his legend.

He is truly an amazing person.

Shaking his head, Jiu Lama was trying to regain consciousness. The things he had just experienced made him tremble.

So you are like this Noah.

So are you willing to help me walk through this world? Nine Lamas.

It's surprising that Old Man Six Paths only sealed you but didn't kill you, but I want to try.

Fire rose up where the fists met, and the light of chakra ignited on Noah's body.

Jinchuuriki mode. Start!

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