What about liberating the labor force, improving the status and living environment of ordinary people in the ninja world, liberating the mind, the industrial revolution and the information revolution, breaking the three mountains of the ninja world, burning the old world, and entering a new world without war.

Of course we have to face many crises outside the ninja world, including the source of chakra, which are within the scope of prevention.

Generally speaking, it is an organization that maintains world peace and security.

It’s over~~ After that, it seems more like a terrorist organization.

Sure enough, Kushina's jaw almost dropped at this moment. It turns out that the Akatsuki organization is such a terrifying organization!

Konoha seems to be fully occupied in the three mountains, and even the ninja family's suppression of ordinary people is considered a crime.

The situation that has lasted for thousands of years has been reversed in an instant. No big war sweeping the world can solve these problems.

My dead husband~~~~What kind of monster did you entrust me to? !!

Fortunately, a man came to the rescue.

Teacher, you are finally back. What's wrong with Yahiko during this time?

As soon as Nagato returned to his territory, he saw the weak teacher. And the haggard Xiaobai. and a red-haired woman with a dead look on her face.

Why is it similar to my own hair color? There are not many red-haired ninjas in the ninja world.

That kind of majestic vitality and surging chakra are also rare.

Kushina also felt inexplicably friendly when she saw this young man coming in and his conspicuous red hair.

Nagato is here just in time, come and meet a relative.

This is Kushina Uzumaki, the wife of the Fourth Hokage of Konoha. Maybe it's one of your cousins.

In the Kingdom of Whirlpool, only these core characters have a chance to escape.

The wife of the Fourth Hokage? Isn’t the fourth generation Hokage already

Nagato was a little surprised. The teacher went out and not only picked up chakra, but also picked up a widow?

As for relatives, he didn't have much feelings about them. There are too many ninja clans that have been wiped out in the ninja world, so what can the Uzumaki clan do?

With the presence of Konan and Yahiko, there are not so many emotional vacancies.

Moreover, while he was struggling to survive in the Land of Rain, the other party had no worries about food and drink in Konoha, and his relationship was also much different.

In the original work, Uzumaki Naruto was not spared much, and in the end he was defeated by words rather than blood ties.

Some people in the ninja world take blood very closely, while others look down upon it. Reference Uchiha Itachi.

Nagato's normal reaction would be to be quite happy.

In the end, it was just Kushina who was very excited and asked questions. She really lacked a clan member.

Afterwards there was a brief recognition meeting.

Kushina went to Konoha when she was very young, and Nagato's life experience is unknown.

Logically speaking, the two parties involved in the marriage between the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan should not be ordinary people. To settle in the Land of Rain is outrageous, and to die at the hands of Konoha ninjas is a bit outrageous.

So just let the older one be the sister.

Nagato was a little confused by having a sister for nothing, but gaining a relative was still acceptable.

After all, Kushina will be stationed next to the Heretic Golem in the future. As a relative and colleague, she has to help build a residence for her.

Nagato will tell Kushina about our Akatsuki organization later. She may have a little misunderstanding about my style of doing things.

By the way, let the demon replenish Xiaobai more. As long as Xiaobai is satisfied, you can add some Nine-Tails Chakra to him to replenish his body.

After saying that, Noah left here.

It is good to have the Uzumaki clan as an anchor in the Rain Country, which can ease the mood of the sealing class teacher and prevent her from getting too bored.

As soon as Noah left, Kushina boldly asked her doubts.

Nagato, what you told your sister about your teacher is true?

The one about burning the world? Of course it's true.

Nagato answered categorically that the Land of Rain has changed drastically now, and both people's livelihood and ideas are moving forward according to the plan planned by Teacher Noah.

The child's smile appeared again in this country that has been crying.

Now even if his parents are born again, he can't stop him from following his teacher to start a revolution.

Nagato decided to use 100% enthusiasm to help this sister he just met embark on a great path!

Noah didn't know that Nagato started burning after he left, so he returned to his room and fell asleep.

After waking up, I stretched my muscles and immediately went to a meeting.

On the high tower, several leaders, honorary leaders, and core members of the Akatsuki organization gathered together.

Xiaobai all sat on a chair in a decent manner. Except for the absence of the honorary leader Orochimaru and peripheral member Kushina, it was the most complete staff in recent times.

The ninja world will enter a new situation after the Night of the Nine Tails. Countries may not immediately start a war while they are licking their wounds.

But the weak Konoha will definitely make a certain mountain country unable to resist.

The situation in the future will be one of constant minor frictions, and there will be the possibility of long-term armed confrontation in the east.

During this period, the development of the Akatsuki organization was still low-key, so as not to attract the attention of other major powers.

At this meeting, Noah also formulated a talent introduction plan and made a large list.

After the large-scale war, the ninja world was within a controllable range, and now it was much safer to go out and look for talents.

Orphans from bloodstained families such as the Uzumaki clan, or special mutants like Jugo who were transformed by natural energy.

Our biological scientists will also return in a few months, and by then they will be able to solve some of their own problems and decipher some of the peculiarities of the blood stains.

In Noah's opinion, these blood stains are similar to devil fruits, which can assist the advancement of technology.

Ninja world technology can finally make use of these special energies. For example, there are many application scenarios for Explosive Escape and Zhuo Escape.

As long as it is cracked to the extent that ordinary people can use it, two of the mountains in the ninja world can be directly knocked down. Of course, this is not easy. ,

It is difficult to generate a large number of talents just relying on the existing population of the Rain Country. As for geniuses, they are rare in every country.

Each one sent back is considered as a reward for a B-level mission, and a separate team can be arranged in a small country to handle it.

After the stable stage, Noah will personally go out to various big countries to find talents, such as a certain Fire Country. There are too many~~~You have to find someone to share the burden.

Next comes a battle-related issue.

Obito is likely to come to Yu Ninja Village to take over the Akatsuki organization during this time.

We don’t know where this kid’s confidence comes from. Anyway, he really plans to do this. Even two spies have been planted in advance.

According to the information provided by Kakuzu and Scorpion, the other party decided to come to the Akatsuki organization to seize the leadership of the organization after completing the big event.

When the time comes, they will cooperate with each other inside and outside to occupy the magpie's nest in a matter of minutes. The plan is very crude.

This made Noah decide that it was time to teach this unfortunate kid a lesson. It's still difficult to kill this bastard. Black Zetsu and Madara definitely left something on Obito's body to save his life.

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