Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1235 The path to salvation lies within

Noah is gone, but the second half of the Nine-Tails Night has just begun.

Wow wow wow wow~~~~

The cry of the baby rang out in this empty land, and the Sandaime Hokage hugged Naruto with tears in his eyes.

Minato. Kushina. Oh~ What can we do?

The ANBU and the jounin at the core of the village were walking around constantly searching for information, trying to find traces of the Yondaime and the others.

Hiruzen looked at the Bagua seal on Naruto's stomach that had not yet dissipated, and the Nine-Tails chakra trying to break through, and immediately understood Minato's choice.

The only one who can achieve this level is the legendary forbidden technique.

The corpses are sealed away!

It is the most bizarre sealing technique among the last ones in the Book of Sealings, and it is the ultimate killing technique for souls and special creatures.

It should have been done by him, the retired Hokage.

But in front of the Kyuubi who is going all out, the so-called ninjutsu doctor, the so-called Ninja, and the so-called strongest Hokage are just like a joke.

When the void dog cannon that penetrated the sky and the earth and the last tailed beast jade with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared, I felt shameful fear and fear.

The mythical battlefield made him, an old Hokage still in his prime, aware of his own powerlessness.

No matter how exquisitely the Five Elements Escape Technique is used and the more profound the tricks, they can't withstand the majestic chakra suppression.

In the end, it was only after outsiders defeated the Kyuubi that Konoha took advantage. This is a shame for the great country ninja village.

Minato's sacrifice made Konoha even worse. The new generation of shadows left so early, leaving Konoha without a leader.

Coupled with the village's losses in the early days of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, such a heavy price cast a shadow over Konoha after the war.


Take a special soldier food pill. The special medicinal materials inside can quickly replenish the lost chakra and forcibly boost one's spirit.

As I get older, my energy has begun to deteriorate, and the crisis I will face this night has not yet dissipated.

The weaker you are, the less likely you are to let down your guard. At present, the village is too empty for some young people to realize that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The ANBU left traces of cleaning up the Kyuubi and searching for the remains of the Yondaime couple.

Others were evacuated in batches according to the wartime team model, and entered the village to participate in disaster relief operations.

Martial law will continue to be enforced tonight, and ordinary people in the shelter should not evacuate. Wait until safety is confirmed before issuing lifting instructions.

Those who know medical ninjutsu will register and then go to Konoha Hospital to help.

The defense forces outside the village immediately returned to their positions and entered a state of war.

Please all the family patriarchs who have spare capacity are asked to allocate manpower to conduct safety inspections and appease emotions.

Finally, send someone to find Jiraiya and Tsunade. Konoha needs them.

Please everyone!

After returning to the village, it was just as Hiruzen imagined, there were all kinds of chaos, wailing, crying, the smell of smoke after the fire was put out, and even the body being burned. In short, it seemed that he was not returning to his own village, but to a certain place. A tragic battlefield.

The tragedies in all directions caused veins to pop out in the third generation's hands, and he could only run back to the Hokage Tower quickly.

The frustration and anger in my heart are almost uncontrollable, but who can I vent it to?

Let Danzo come to see me, immediately!


The moment the refreshed Sandaime returned to the office, all kinds of information came pouring in, instantly overwhelming the Hokage's desk. It was a brightly lit night.

Orochimaru was also dragging his tired body towards the village.

The previous simple battle with Kyuubi consumed too much of his energy and chakra, especially the summoning of the two dragon-burrowing snakes was a huge drain.

After all, he still had to fight against the restrictions of the psychic contract, so he used more chakra than usual to summon.

But none of this can cover up the spiritual excitement.

I saw the power beyond the ordinary, I also saw the power of the tailed beast, and I witnessed the special nature of the Sharingan.

Noah is really not a human being. The sword given to him the last time they met was too restrained.

If you have the opportunity to study the body of this Akatsuki organization mentor, you will definitely be able to find the root of that physique.

And that special spiritual power appears again.

Others didn't notice it, but Orochimaru still remembered it.

It was that sense of absolute annihilation of the soul that made Kyuubi so helpless in the face of sword energy.

But what kind of power it is is worth pondering. Orochimaru instinctively feels that this is not a change of Yin attribute chakra.

As for the tailed beast, the impression has been deepened a bit.

The Nine-Tails and other tailed beasts are completely different species, and their chakra output is really more than the combined total of all the ninjas in the village.

Orochimaru knew clearly that there was nothing he could do against this creature.

His route is very similar to that of his teacher, currently focusing on the use of various traditional ninjutsu.

There are very few techniques for scientific transformation. In order to face this crisis, the research on new techniques must be accelerated.

Sharingan. Very interesting change. The changes in Shisui Hitomi's power and the way Nine-Tails was controlled in the early stages all point in one direction, that is, Sanmagatama will have a new evolutionary state after that.

The degree of advancement of pupil power is very unreasonable, and the breakthrough is most likely to be achieved through extreme emotions.

So should we design some scenes for Shisui in the future? It would be a good idea to ask Noah to write a few explosive scripts.

So many questions were also swirling in the scientist's mind, thinking as he walked.

As for what will happen to Konoha because of this incident, it has nothing to do with him. The fourth generation is gone and there is still the third generation.

If you covet that position too early, you will be tricked to death, like myself before.

Shisui, you still can't return to the Uchiha clan, you know the reason.

Yes. I'm sorry for bothering you today, teacher.

Shisui played a key role in the battlefield just now. Without the Sharingan with soaring pupil power, it would be difficult to control the two big snakes and use the tactic of luring the fox out of the hole.

Orochimaru was not the only one marked by White Snake Sage, the Sharingan kid next to him was also targeted.

Later, when Kyuubi went crazy, he also relied on his special teleportation technique to save many Konoha ninjas.

Although they have made some achievements, Uchiha's problems are extremely serious. Going back now is equivalent to being locked up together with no effect. It is better to stay in the outside world and do more things.

For example, searching and rescuing more people in these ruins can save some reputation.

Shisui had the same plan. After confessing to Orochimaru on the way, he prepared to go to the area with the worst disaster.

Orochimaru looked at his disciple's back and shook his head.

Only Namikaze Minato can solve the Uchiha clan's problems, no one else can save them.

Now four generations are missing. Kyuubi has Sharingan in his eyes again.

No matter how the person behind it planned it, Uchiha was finished. It's just a matter of time.

My Sarutobi-sensei is not a kind-hearted person.


The Uchiha boy who had not gone far turned back.

The way to salvation is in the Will of Fire. You have time to understand it deeply.

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