Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1236 The situation in the ninja world before dawn

After saying that, Orochimaru left and allowed the boy to act on his own.

Shisui was a little confused, but the teacher was not someone who liked to talk nonsense. It seems that the book in the apprenticeship ceremony is not an ordinary Will of Fire.

After that, he plunged into the rescue work, accepting instructions from other ninjas.

Shisui, who had a pair of Sharingan eyes, received a lot of abuse and criticism, but he endured it and silently began to save people.

When the chakra is exhausted, take Bingliang Pills. If your physical strength is gone, use stimulating ninjutsu to force recovery and continue rescuing.

In short, this child wants to shoulder Uchiha's reputation by himself. Both pitiful and pathetic.

Of course, there was another person who did not participate in the battlefield but was also excited and did not sleep. It was Elder Danzo.

Being beaten by the third generation hurts, but, but!

The fourth generation is dead! ! ! Shouldn't you open a bottle of sake?

Everything that happened tonight seemed like a dream, it was so perfect.

The fourth generation was dead, Uchiha was thrown into the abyss, and the root's re-emergence was just around the corner, and even that position was within easy reach.

In addition to a little happiness, there is also a hint of guilt.

Because based on the intelligence feedback, he inexplicably felt that the masked man with a Sharingan's behavior was slightly similar to Gen's behavior.

After careful inspection, it was discovered that there was a real possibility that the underlying information had been leaked.

In other words, another one of our own was tricked to death.

This matter can be big or small, it is best to treat it as if nothing happened.

On the contrary, the current chaotic situation in Konoha was a good thing for Danzo, so he began to gather his subordinates to start planning some unknown things, and he stayed up all night.

But the most stupid thing about Danzo is to hide underground and engage in some conspiracy and calculation, while Sarutobi Hiruzen conducts rescue operations on the ground.

Those ninjas all used the banner of the Third Generation when they went to rescue civilians. This is the difference between high and low skills.

Elder Danzo, Elder Sarutobi, please go to the Hokage Tower again.

Danzo was a little panicked. The leak of the root information would not be known. Probably not. Even I just discovered it, and all the evidence of the crime was destroyed.

In the end, I reluctantly went to the Hokage Tower.

The Night of the Nine-Tails was like a huge stone falling on a calm lake, completely disrupting the world situation after the Third Ninja War.

A mysterious man attacks Konoha, and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki loses control. The mysterious swordsman breaks into the battlefield and defeats the strongest tailed beast head-on. The Fourth Hokage seals the tailed beast and dies on the spot.

In the past, every piece of information was breaking news. It was no joke that Konoha was called the center of the world. Every move would attract the attention of countless people.

In the end, within just half a day, the ninja villages of the other four major countries received first-hand information about this incident.

It was still dark before all the Kages and elders were woken up by ANBU.

The big names in the ninja world who can influence the situation are all discussing the truth or falsehood of this matter and its impact on themselves.

In the follow-up, a steady stream of details are being filled in at a rapid pace.

The spies in Konoha Village can almost be said to be acting with impunity.

Even though the ANBU and Jonin had been arresting, those people worked hard to spread the information tonight, and in the end it became a live broadcast of the tragic post-war situation in Konoha that was broadcast simultaneously to the entire ninja world.

The land of wind.

Damn it, why is it at this time!!

Chiyo, Rasa, Ebizo and other key figures sat together looking helplessly at the eastern night sky.

They really want to make something happen. It would be great if they could get rid of the war reparations.

But what if~~No one is sure whether the mysterious swordsman who broke in has anything to do with Konoha.

Moreover, they also understand the principle that the mourning soldiers must win. Although Konoha is at its weakest at this moment, it is also at its craziest.

Anyone who dares to take the lead will be crushed by the opponent with terrifying and ruthless strength to frighten the other three countries.

Sand Ninja Village was a standout once, but it really can't be done this second time.

In the end, the damage to the Suna Ninja Village's vitality was too severe and they were unable to send troops.

The land of water.

The third Mizukage has grown old and no longer has the ambition to participate in the disputes in the shinobi world.

The absence of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the death of several generals in the village made it impossible for them to cross the sea and attack Konoha directly.

After all, even his own three-tails have been lost. What qualifications do he have to raid a Konoha that has reclaimed the nine-tails?

Yuanshi also said that the current Kirigakure Village is suitable for continuing to hibernate and restore vitality.

The major blood-stained families are ready to take action. If they send out troops again, it is very likely that their hometown will be overthrown.

When the two of them reached an agreement, the entire Kirigakure Village would not be able to make any waves, even if there were warlike people, it would be of no use.

The land of earth.

The Tsuchikage in Iwagakure Village was so excited that he almost jumped three feet high.

An old rival suffered heavy losses and even that brat, the Fourth Hokage, died in battle. Isn't this a God-given opportunity?

Send my order and call for a meeting immediately.

I fall!

I was stuck for a long time before I remembered that all the powerful characters from my family had been fucked by Minato and the Third Raikage.

In such a huge ninja village, there is not even one strong person who can take charge of the job on his own.

Although there are still many ninjas left, the violent soldiers just deliver food to people without arrows.


By the way, I heard that there is an Akatsuki organization in the Rain Country that also accepts missions.

It's better to hire them to cause trouble in Konoha. The price is easy to negotiate. The current economic situation of Iwagakure Village is still very good.

Do you want.

The country of thunder, Cloud Ninja Village.

The Fourth Raikage was shocked and punched the table.

Namikaze Minato was his opponent, how could he die so easily? They agreed to fight again when they were each other's shadow.

The fourth-generation Lei, who was full of love, lost his destined opponent, just like losing his left hand.

etc! The nine tails can be released and then the eight tails can be released.

Bring that bastard Kirabi back immediately!

The fourth generation of Lei seems to be five major and three coarse, but in fact he is coarse and fine. He takes care of his younger brother first.

The other Jinchuuriki of the Ninja Village are under surveillance, but the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki is as free as the wind. Now is not the time for him to be willful.

The conference room was filled with senior executives of Yun Ninja, when a happy rapper rushed in.



He was knocked down by the fourth generation Lei with a knife.

Now is not the time for you to sing and dance rap, just listen to me honestly.

Then the Kumo ninja began to plan a war plan for a surprise attack on Konoha. These fools were really tough.

It's just that the war didn't start so quickly, and the Kumo ninja also wanted to avoid Konoha's crazy state at this time.

So just before dawn, the entire ninja world unexpectedly restored peace.

The Third Ninja World War had a profound impact on the five major nations, preventing them from sending troops to start a war immediately.

Unexpectedly, Konoha got a chance to breathe.

In the same second half of the night, there was another person who couldn't sleep, and that was our brother Uchiha Madara Obito.

He was coughing up blood as he walked, faltering, and finally had to be helped by Hei Zetsu to return to his temporary stronghold.

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