Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1234 The wheel of fortune begins to turn stumblingly

But I originally wanted to save your life. Isn't the fourth generation's chakra-exhausted posture delivering food to Kyuubi? The old fox secretly recovered a lot of strength just now.

Xiao Bai! Hurry and sense where that guy has gone!

So through Xiaobai's induction power, Noah discovered their presence twenty miles away.

so far? ! It won't be all cold by the time I get there.

Without saying a word, he disappeared from the spot.

The Sandaime and others, who were a little far away from the aftermath of the battle, were speechless when they found the fourth generation coming and going in a hurry. However, everyone was relieved to take away Kyuubi.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, the Nine-Tails was defeated by a strange and strong man but was recovered by the fourth generation. It was not a huge loss.

But Hiruzen had an ominous premonition that Minato's chakra should be running low. Kushina will definitely die after the Kyuubi is drawn out. Don't let me down, Minato.

Remember, you are Hokage. Put the village first!

Noah hurriedly relied on Xiaobai's guidance and finally arrived at a place blocked by a shielding barrier.

All right. Count on your ruthless feng shui gate.

Kyuubi was no longer lying dead, but was once again entangled by Kushina, who was about to die, using the King Kong Blockade.

Naruto and the altar beneath him were placed in front of the fateful couple and they were bidding farewell affectionately.

There is no plot of one wearing two, and the new claws grown by the Nine Lamas are not very easy to use.

You are not fast when you should be fast, and you are very fast when you shouldn't be fast. The main theme is that you will fall into poverty and fall into hell.

No wonder Obito wanted to kill his teacher, he was really cheating.

The God of Death has been summoned, and in Noah's eyes, this thing looks somewhat similar to Otsutsuki.

Once the ritual is activated, Noah can't intervene. It will be even more troublesome if some unknown changes are caused after killing the god of death.

The speed at which the other party died was truly worthy of a speed ninja, it was really too fast. You can't save yourself even if you want to.

In order to avoid something bloody happening next, such as the God of Death trying to tear out his heart or something like that.

Noah decided to take the initiative in this brief exchange and could no longer let this professional Xunsi cause trouble.

First, Xiaobai was peeled off his body to reveal his true face.

Death has no use on me. Don't try randomly.

Minato did indeed see the expressionless Shinigami showing fear towards Noah, and he understood that what the other party was saying was somewhat possible.

Don't talk yet, let's hurry up.

First of all, you are dead. There is no need to redeem yourself.

Secondly, I saved Konoha today, and your village must pay for it.

Finally, I can save your lover.

Secondly, I can help you save your lover. Do you admit this?

Nothing could be done without the last word, and Minato, who was originally vigilant, broke through in an instant.

What did you say?

Minato felt extremely unbelievable. It was almost universally recognized in the ninja world that the Jinchuuriki would definitely die after the tailed beast was extracted. No one had ever broken this rule.

The life force in the body of the tailed beast host will continue to flow out directly from the seal. This speed is very fast, and if you pull it out on the spot, you will die on the spot.

Kushina relied on the incredible vitality of the Uzumaki clan to survive until now, but she was about to die, and the other party actually said that she could save her.

Don't get excited, I'll show you the results first.

Xiaobai, come on!


Xiaobai sighed and walked to Kushina's side with numb steps.

But Minato, who had no hope at all, didn't stop him at this time, because no matter how bad he was, he couldn't get any worse.

When Xiaobai possessed Kushina, the blood-red pepper's complexion suddenly improved a lot.

The Yondaime immediately knelt down to check.

I don't know what means you used, but Kushina's vitality is still passing away, but it has been reduced a lot.

Now it can maintain her life span for about 5 days, which is incredible!

Of course, even Xiaobai can glue Noah's own wounds. It can also play a certain role in sealing gaps.

The broken seal is the outlet for the loss of life force. This is irreversible.

As long as there is a way to continuously input vitality within five days, life can be maintained.

This method once saved an elderly man decades of life. The only price is that it is difficult to leave, and at most I can give her a few days off every year.

Minato thought for a few seconds before he realized that his heart was moved. Even though it sounded very dangerous and unreliable,...

In the end, Kushina didn't want to, to the effect that she didn't want to live in a world without Minato. Is it an idol drama? The one who doesn’t want it is the one who doesn’t want it.

If Noah continues to delay, he will buy or sell by force.


Just this sentence made Kushina give up her willful thoughts. Yes, she was already a mother and could no longer be willful.

She wanted to live to see Naruto grow up, even if she had to go to a region or an abyss.

Then the plot begins.

First, half of it was stuffed into Naruto's body amidst the unwilling roar of the Nine Lamas. The process is very simple, Biu can do it in one go.

It's so pitiful. After going out and being beaten, I was moved to a smaller dark room.

When there was half of one left, Minato suddenly looked at Noah.

It's unreasonable to say this, but I really can't believe you.

Noah smiled confidently.

Come on, when you seal the Nine-Tails, you can leave a back-up in the sealed space. You can even put some restrictions on me. It doesn't matter.

There is no need to worry about the debt, Madara has already been released by the Sage of Six Paths, and he doesn't care at all if he has the Fourth Hokage added to his body.

Is this man sick? Is it really okay to leave Kushina to him?

In the end, the lover gained the upper hand between Konoha and his lover, and Minato used the last of his chakra to put the Kyuubi into Noah's body.

In the black sealed space, time passed in an instant. Here, Noah had a good chat with Nagaminato.

Crazy dissing about the other person’s pursuit of death and wasting time.

A large number of pens, paper and blackboards were also embodied in the space. Minato explained the idea of ​​burning the world.

Just outside the iron gate, Minato smiled bitterly.

I was wrong, giving you the Kyuubi would be an irreversible mistake.

You are a real madman who will destroy the world, countless times more terrifying than that masked man.

No, I'm a madman who will make the ninja world a better place.

Yes, you might as well make the world a better place. Finally, take care of Kushina.

When he returned to the outside world and opened his eyes again, the wariness and hostility in Minato's eyes disappeared.

The exhausted Yondaime, who was holding himself up, walked into Kushina's arms.

Leave Naruto to them and let's go.


Then he closed his eyes peacefully.

When Minato died, Kushina was so distraught that she also passed out, and Xiaobai took over the body and followed Noah out of here.

When the Third Generation and others arrived, they saw no sign of the Fourth Generation and Kushina. The scene was just a barren, scorched earth after being washed with Kyuubi's blood.

Only a crying little Jinchūriki was left on the spot.

Looking at the seal on Naruto's body, the Sandaime came up with the forbidden technique of the corpse seal.

The shadow of Konoha fell, in order to protect his village.

The Night of the Kyuubi is officially over.

I’ve made up for the chapters I owed before.

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