Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1233 The fourth generation flashed and begged for death

Damn it, my life is so miserable.

It was clear that the soul was almost reaching its limit, but Xiaobai was still trying desperately to repair the scars on Noah's body to prevent them from further cracking.

Even if he keeps complaining, he must be the luckiest Bai Zetsu to follow this man.

I also tried my best to teach myself about the will of fire, the light of revolution and other ideas, and did not treat myself, a cloned creature that was not even a human being, as an alien.

You bastard, really you still have to rely on me!

Xiaobai burst out despite the heart-burning pain, and gave Noah the greatest support with his full support.

Feeling the continuous support filling the wounds, the feeling of fighting side by side with his comrades came back.

Red sword energy flowed out from the whole body and lingered on the long sword. A scene that could make Kakuzu collapse happened. The Nodachi made of pure metal chakra was slowly cracking.

Except for Wado Ichimonji, no magical weapon can withstand this kind of power, but this level is enough for a certain swordsman.

Invisible forces are shaking the world. Dark clouds, thunder, and domineering energy are struggling to break in from outside the rules.

It was as if I heard the roars of countless people and saw the anger of countless people.

Finally, the red flying slash appeared in this world again.

Different from the fancy moves before, it was just a simple sword move, still nameless.

The thin red line directly runs through the nine tails and the tailed beast jade on its head.


This was the sound of sword energy cutting into the fur, flesh and bones. The huge nine tails were cut off the ground like a kite by a sword.

A movement like red mountains rising from the ground set off strong winds of more than ten levels. The tailed beast, which was several hundred meters in size, flew thousands of meters through the air and then rolled to the ground motionless.

He couldn't even cry out, only blood gushes out like a river bursting its banks.

The huge black-purple chakra aggregate was completely killed in mid-air, and the dispersed chakra melted like a dead thing.

Kyuubi, defeated!

This scene directly shocked the eyes of all the ninjas behind. Is this a human? ! Could this be a human being like us? ! ! !

The impact of a normal-sized humanoid slashing the nine-tails that was 100 meters high with one sword was unbelievable, just like being in an illusion.

Many ninjas, including Shisui, subconsciously performed the hand seals that ended the genjutsu.

But after opening his eyes, he could still only see the broken battlefield and Kyuubi lying on the ground in the distance.

Noah calmed down a little and then walked towards Kyuubi.

The sword strike just now was so exciting, it could be said to be the most satisfying strike since coming to the ninja world.

Although it's a bit out of strength, it doesn't matter, but the effect is achieved.

I think Kyuubi will definitely be able to remember him in the future, instead of calling him Hashirama Hashirama.

When he got closer, Noah secretly exclaimed, he would not die even if he did this, and his vitality and chakra were recovering at an incredible speed.

A super long sword wound extended from the head to the abdomen, almost splitting in half. A large amount of hot blood spurted out from his chest and abdomen, and the magma-like blood ignited a large forest.

But the breath is steadily recovering. The infinite chakra of Kyuubi is not a joke, but he can't get up after being severely injured in his will.

It seems that the current combat power can only defeat but cannot kill Kyuubi.

Then scare it again, it is so difficult to tame a ferocious beast.

Noah stepped down, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the head of Kyuubi. The sword filled with the power to kill the soul was already raised high under the full moon.

In fact, this stance is strong on the outside but strong on the inside. The will leaks out through the seals of the six paths, and a trace of blessing is applied to the sword to create an illusion. With a little more effort, the yin and yang seals of the Six Paths on his body will emerge.

Moreover, the novice in him will not be able to withstand the devastating aftermath of willpower for the first time. I'm afraid the Kyuubi will be destroyed before it is destroyed. We can't let our good brothers suffer because of itchy hands.

Kyuubi's pupils were full of fear, which was his attachment to life. He really didn't know if he would be resurrected after this sword attack.

Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, and the swordsman.

The ninja world shouldn't have such power, Old Man Six Paths. Alas.

Wait a moment!

At this time, a magical intruder finally appeared.

The visitor was the Yondaime Hokage, whose aura was somewhat weakened.

Minato finally got rid of the masked man. That guy who looks like a mangy dog ​​won't let go even after being beaten into a pig's head. It's really disgusting.

Why did I think that this kind of person could be Madara Uchiha? But any arrogant and strong person would probably not continue to be entangled like this.

When he returned to Konoha Village, he found that the Kyuubi had been repulsed. When he arrived at the scene, he found that Konoha's trump card was at risk of being killed.

So a flying thunder god kunai came here in an instant.

The ninjas of Konoha also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Minato appear.

But they didn't know that the chakra of the fourth generation was running low at this moment. The flying thunder god on the island had consumed a lot of chakra, and several ultra-long-distance flying thunder gods had brought the blue energy to the bottom.

Although the final battle with Obito didn't consume much chakra, the brown candy also tortured him for a long time.

Being able to run here now is because the Hokage's will is supporting his tired body.

What are you going to do with my booty?

This is Konoha's property, although I'm grateful for it.

Noah was speechless. In addition to wanting to find a source of chakra, he also wanted to kill the Kyuubi himself to save the fourth generation's life.

One is that although the Yondaime is difficult to reform, he has a way to extend Kushina's life.

With this, we can definitely reach a preliminary cooperative relationship with this warm-haired man without harming Konoha.

As long as we don't talk about the Burning Ninja World in the early stage, and just work together to help each other make progress, we can still talk about cooperation in business dealings and other aspects.

Namikaze Minato was more rational, and to a certain extent, he was easier to talk to than the third generation.

Secondly, as long as the Yondaime is still alive, Naruto's growth trajectory will be changed, and there will be no more life like a wild dog and a lot of fear and white eyes.

Can the mouth-dunning ninja who never gives up still appear? Will a Boruto version of Naruto appear in advance?

By then, the resistance to liberating the ninja world will be much smaller.

This is a routine to peacefully liberate Konoha Village, and it is also a reasonable attempt.

Otherwise, why would he fight the Kyuubi so hard? The other tailed beasts in the ninja world are not much easier than the Kyuubi.

As a result, this guy didn’t come early, he didn’t come late, he came now.

The weak Namikaze Minato and Noah, who was almost on the verge of reaching his limit, started an extreme confrontation.

The Kyuubi, who was still capable of fighting, was lying on the ground slowly recovering from his injuries, and was waiting for an opportunity to escape.

Facing a strong man like this terrifying swordsman, you can let go of your arrogance. Being able to gain freedom is considered a success.

It's just that Minato didn't wait for Noah to say anything and immediately started his own redemption.

Without protecting the village and failing to protect his lover, the Kyuubi must be left to the village and he is willing to go to hell with Kushina.


Missing? I'm so big and a nine-tail is missing?

This rude teleportation made Noah a little irritable.

Why is this guy so stubborn?

Isn't he known as the perfect ninja? Well, it's understandable that he's a little bit out of control tonight.

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