Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1232 Kyuubi, you are too dangerous.

The common fighting style in the world of One Piece is incompatible with ninjas. Fighting with fists and fists is the romance of men.

The blood was flowing like a river in the body, and Xiaobai was also silently maintaining the cracks in Noah's body.

Along with the release of power, thin dark clouds gradually appeared in the sky, slowly covering the blood-red full moon. There seemed to be a sound of thunder in the distant sky.

This kind of primitive competition between power and power made the third generation and Orochimaru and other jounin feel incredible.

In the ninja world, you can have the speed of lightning, have neurological reactions that exceed limits, and you can reach the limits of ninjutsu through changes in nature and form, and you can even control your soul.

But why would anyone reach this level of sheer power? This is an essential difference in the human body.

The crispy ninja really didn't understand the battle scene in front of him.

Although the powerful power-releasing technique causes the ground to crack continuously, the power from the condescending Nine-Tails itself requires strong physical fitness to support it even if it needs to be transmitted.

Ninjutsu? No, it's the strength of the body itself!

Orochimaru's eyes were almost on fire, and things that were difficult to explain scientifically had aroused his desire to explore.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you must study Noah's body structure. This is a treasure.

Kyuubi is furious, I'm losing face.


Shut up, Kyuubi. Don't speak out arrogantly. It will only reveal your weakness.

As he spoke, Noah used the edge of his sword to guide the power of Nine Tails and passed him by, his front paws firmly inserted into the ground.

And he put the sword back to his waist.

Don't forget this pain~~Nine Lama


The crimson light of the sword cut off Kyuubi's arm, and his claws, which were several stories high, rolled to the ground and blood spattered out. This made the big orange-red fox howl in pain.

Physical pain can be recast directly with chakra, but the pain that touches the soul is irresistible.

Hohohohohoho! ! ! ! !

The chakra was rioting, and the arm regenerated instantly under the wash of massive energy.

You, you bastard, why. why.

Because you are too dangerous, Kyuubi.


Even the pain of a broken arm and the raging emotions were stagnant for a moment.

Looking at the claws that fell off and have not dissipated, do you think I am too dangerous?

At that moment, Kyuubi was wrapped in memories from decades ago. It seemed that a man who strangled his neck like a chicken had said the same thing.

Then, I was thrown into the dark room until now.

You devils! asshole! The greatest disaster in the ninja world!

No!!! Hashirama!!! Don't even think about it!! Do it again!!!

The blood in Kyuubi's eyes turned red and purple.

Its nine tails and re-grown limbs are wrapped in endless energy, malice, madness, fear, erosion, beating around like a sea tide.

No, let's retreat.

After the Sandaime discovered what the masked man said, Kyuubi completely lost his mind. As a bystander, he didn't understand why praising the powerful was taboo. The tailed beast was really sick.

It's just that this kind of indiscriminate chakra burning is really not something that ordinary ninjas can get close to, so they can only retreat with a large army.

Tail, claws, tailed beast jade, endless arms that are the embodiment of chakra.

At this moment, Kyuubi showed his true full-strength posture and launched a violent storm against Noah. Every time the tail fell, it would tear a ravine in the earth, and several deep scratches stretched under the sharp claws. Several hundred meters long.

In this terrifying continuous attack, Noah relied on his superb swordsmanship to fight.

The stars all over the sky quickly turned into a curtain of light, and the deafening sound of gold and iron was deafening.

No matter how fast or powerful the Nine Tails were, the swordsman would catch them one by one with incredible sword skills.

Even because the invincible swordsman kept advancing towards the Nine-Tails body

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps.

The strongest tailed beast was cut off by the swordsman with one strike after another, leaving the outskirts of Konoha Village and walking further away.

Stab~~~! ! !

Every drop of Nine-Tails' blood falling into the rock will corrode a hole, and the hot, corrosive chakra mixed with blood begins to bloom in the forests of the Land of Fire.

Because Noah has increased his speed, this guy with a thick health bar needs a burst of energy to knock him down.

Endless fire and blood bloomed on Nine-Tails' body, and magma-like blood continued to flow, while its wailing echoed through the night sky.

Orochimaru, is this really our Kyuubi of Konoha?

Looking at the surrounding land that had been twisted into a wasteland, and the rivers of blood like magma, I had to admit that the one who was beaten in an extremely embarrassed state was his ultimate weapon.

But existences like the masked swordsman make the tailed beast's existence very embarrassing.

Orochimaru was not interested in talking about Sarutobi Hiruzen's rude remarks. It seemed that he was a little far away from that man.

Senjutsu Sharingan. Vitality. Sublimation of the essence of life.

A breakthrough must be found as soon as possible. The arrogant Leng Jun was also a little disappointed today.

After pushing the thousand meters, Noah was a little tired. If he continued to fight, Xiaobai wouldn't be able to stand it anymore and had to fight quickly.

Then he ducked behind Kyuubi and cut off one of its tails with a sword.

The huge fox's tail hit the ground like a mountain, and Konoha in the distance once again experienced a strong vibration.

Although the blood-red chakra replenished the tail again, the pain of tail cutting touched the soul and made Kyuubi completely lose his mind.

The huge tailed beast jade began to condense in the sky above him, and the black-purple chakra ball was already half the size of the Nine-Tails.

Together with the opponent, he endured the huge chakra impact. The Nine Lamas had an immortal body and suffered a burst of physical pain even if they were bombarded, but the enemy would definitely not be able to bear it.

Seeing this scene, the Sandaime was almost desperate and called on all the ninjas who knew how to escape to complete the joint ninjutsu. They must build a buffer zone of more than ten high walls before the giant tailed beast jade fell.

Even Orochimaru couldn't think of any way to stop this other than time and space.

Now even if the Yondaime arrives, it will be useless. He cannot transfer such huge chakra away.

Noah expressed his appreciation for Kyuubi's move to seemingly die together.

Nice idea.

I'm sorry, Xiaobai, please bear with me for a while.

Red light overflowed from the cracks in the body under the windbreaker, and the burning sensation made Xiaobai feel like he had been thrown into the center of the sun.

It is not the cells that bear it, but one's own will and soul that bears this pain.

He has acquired his own soul and thoughts since he was created, but he has never had an experience like today.

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