Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1229 The fear of Nine Tails, who is coming? ! !

Next, the master-disciple duo ran to the edge of the village again.

Shisui, this should be the last time.



The smoke dissipated, and what appeared in Konoha was the star snake of Ryuji Cave, Xinya!

It is a one-eyed serpent with reverse scales deep in the lair of the most violent group of snakes in Ryūchi Cave. It has an extremely violent personality. All the snakes living in Ryūchi Cave hate it and no one wants to get close to it.

It can be said that this is the strongest snake among several fairy fairies.

Even the White Snake Immortal is a little helpless towards this child. It has lost one eye and its brain is really not very good.

The news of Green Snake's death has once again been conveyed by the Immortal to all the advanced snakes in Longdi Cave. The summoning channel for the psychic contract has been partially blocked by the White Snake Immortal. As long as there is no response from the snakes, the connection can be severed.

Orochimaru, the alien who dared to provoke the Holy Land again and again, would get reciprocal revenge sooner or later. This time, even the green snake's body was not recovered.

unacceptable. The angry immortal is venting his anger in the outer world.

There are not many younger generations who can grow to this stage in thousands of years, which is weakening the strength of the Holy Land. And Miao Mushan will also laugh at him.

But Xin Ya, an angry guy, now wants to avenge his younger brother.

So it responded happily like a brainless person. It was prepared to reward Orochimaru with a shot of petrifying liquid as soon as he appeared, and then bite him to pieces, promoting the reputation of Ryūchi Cave and venting his recent irritable emotions.

It's just backlash, what snakes like to do the most.

Hiss~~~~Orochimaru~~~How brave.

Hiss~ Sharingan?!

Another illusion.

It's just that Xinya's ability to resist illusions is stronger and Shisui's eyes haven't evolved to the point where the kaleidoscope was broken after just a moment.

Then the irritable superstar One-Eyed Snake saw the Nine-Tails not far away.

If you are angry, it will wake up instantly. In fact, snakes are cold-blooded animals and need to be calm.

Reverse psychic!

boom! A lot of chakra was scattered, and it was of no use.

Orochimaru, this non-human thing, was actually transformed in the necromancy, not to block it but to delay it, but the delay was enough to make it die countless times.

It can be seen that the targeted transformation of this kind of warlock is probably not a temporary idea.

Looking at the nine-tailed Xin Ya who was charging at him again, he was so angry that he was so angry, ah tui! Just a mouthful of petrified venom smeared Kyuubi's face.

Theoretically, this move can petrify any enemy, but

boom! ! !

A big paw crazily pushed Xin Ya to the ground, and the big paw whipped back and forth.

In the end, he was whipped with nine tails, which was really brutal. I thought that the green snake was brave enough, but who would have thought that Xinya was even more powerful.

When had Jiulama been spat on? Even with the power of the Sharingan, he couldn't control his temper.

What the most violent snake! Are you talking to me about being angry?

The blood-red chakra eroded Xin Ya's skin crazily, and even the chakra in his body was assimilated into the same type.

Damn it

It’s not that he didn’t try to resist, Xin Ya’s fighting power is really not weak.

Chakra is very strong, and the body is even more powerful. It is the one under the Three Immortals.

The special spells of Longdi Cave are also very abnormal. If you use them, you can definitely compete with the Nine Lamas.

As long as there is a normal contract owner, you can cooperate to launch the ultimate ninjutsu

Oh, the contract person is Orochimaru~~That’s okay.

After beating for a while, its bones and skin were rotted into hollows, buying precious time for the people of Konoha Village to evacuate.

It was just that the dying and violent snake was grabbed by Nine-Tails' claws and shook.

Orochimaru, Ryūchi Cave will not let you go. The Immortals will come to find you.

Before it died, it had been angrily cursing Orochimaru about why he didn't deserve a good death, but it was already too late.

Orochimaru also gave up on continuing the summoning because he felt that the holy land of Ryūchi Cave was closed.

Finally, the bloody one eye looked at the unsolvable monster in front of him. I, Xinya, will never be weaker than a snake in my life!

Ah, tui!

Ho ho ho ho ho!!!!

A shot of tailed beast jade was directed at the head. The red and black tailed beast jade was like a laser cannon, blasting everything in sight. Even the hills behind were directly impacted into plains.

The strong wind brought by the shock wave directly blew away the outer walls of Konoha, revealing its overwhelming power.

At the same time, a special will squeezed out from the void, which was the thought wave of Immortal White Snake.

Orochimaru, I miss you very much. Come to Ryūchi Cave for a chat when you have time.


What he didn't say was: I will take people there, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie.

Although the two big snakes died in the battle, the strategic goal had been achieved.

Kyuubi was led to the outskirts of Konoha Village step by step.

The Sandaime behind him was moved to tears. Orochimaru was indeed his good disciple. He sacrificed his own psychic beast's life to forcefully attract the attention of the Nine-Tails. This was self-determination in the Holy Land.

I really blamed him wrongly before. This is not the will of fire, but the will of fire.

Perhaps the Yondaime's selection was too incomplete, which was a pity.

Now is not the time for commendation. Time is running out and the fourth generation still has not come.

The Sandaime called to the remaining ninjas to follow me, and the group of people rushed out of the village.

When everyone just ran in front of Kyuubi, the Sharingan in the God of Disaster's eyes disappeared, replaced by a pair of vertical pupils filled with bloodshot eyes.

Hohohohohohoho!!! Uchiha!!! Damn it, everyone deserves to die!!!

To be manipulated like a wild beast again is simply a shame and a great humiliation, which is unacceptable to Nine Lama, who stands at the top of all tailed beasts and is extremely proud.

Moreover, that Uchiha's pupil power and ability are far inferior to Madara's. As a result, Madara can continue to control himself because of the backdoor left by Madara.

what is this? ! You can’t treat me like a house pet! ! !

His huge pupils looked even more irritated at the little bugs rushing towards him. No matter what, the village of Konoha should still be destroyed.

This is the source of the destruction of the world.

So the second battle is about to break out, and the Kyuubi's momentum, which has escaped the control of Sharingan, is stronger and more terrifying.

The Konoha ninjas are a little panicked. It seems that the enemy's method of controlling the tailed beasts has been cracked, but why hasn't Lord Hokage come yet?

Minato was also helpless. The masked man in front of him had really weird space ninjutsu, but his combat IQ was extremely low.

He quickly figured out the basics, so the second stage of the Flying Thunder God increased the size of the ball to seriously injure the opponent, and then the contract seal released the control of the Kyuubi.

But if the conspiracy failed, why didn’t he fight to the death? !

Because Black Zetsu has evolved.

He could see that the Yondaime and the Hokage were capable of achieving things. If they wanted to break the dominance of the Konoha family, they must severely weaken Konoha.

So I specially brought a few more White Zetsus to replenish Obito's body and replenish energy. With the high battery life, I can continue to fight.

Obito is also very willing to continue to take revenge on Konoha, even though he, Madara Uchiha, was beaten into a dog by the Fourth Hokage.

The main battlefield fell into a state of isolation and helplessness. Orochimaru and Shisui were walking on the battlefield to provide constant support, but they still could not stop the Nine-Tails.

The plot collapses, Konoha may really be wiped out by the crazy Kyuubi. The third generation's eyes showed determination. It was unclear whether sealing off the zombies would be useful, but the time had come when it had to be used.


Suddenly, the nine tails stopped moving forward as if facing a formidable enemy. The nine tails were dancing uneasily, and the hairs all over the body stood on end.

Danger! The ultimate danger is like meeting those two people from back then.

No, it's not the same. Although I was powerless to resist back then, I didn't feel so scared. Why did I have a premonition of approaching death this time?

Jiu Lama sensed an aura that he had not felt since he was born.

What came was a fireball, no, was it the sun? What is that searing heat that burns the soul? ! ! !

Where does this fear of having nowhere to vent come from?

I made up for what I did yesterday, so I think I have fulfilled part of my promise. The characters Kari, Xiaobai and Bucky have been updated. You can give them a thumbs up.

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