Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1230 The name of the villain with full aura

Xiaobai, are you afraid of Kyuubi?

Not afraid.

Because I'm not afraid, so I'm not afraid?

What are you talking about? I just think that the tailed beast may be a pitiful beast compared to you.

Okay~ Xiaobai. After working with me for a year, his speech is now well-educated. He knows how to use innuendo to attack me.

Don't forget the salary increase, vacation, and human rights you promised.

.Of course. Hahahahaha.

Facing Xiaobai's suspicious eyes, Noah was a little panicked.

Okay, no more talking nonsense, I can already feel the chakra I dropped. Fusion!

Xiaobai rolled his eyes innocently and walked to Noah's side, and the two figures gradually merged into a human form.

Noah was also very distressed about his plan to go out to pick up chakra this time.

That is, which vest should I wear? Both Adam and Noah have completed a seamless connection with this world.

So which one should be used for the third character?

As a man with a very detailed deeds of identity and background woven through many vests, he has been elevated to a level A boss with pretender skills.

If he doesn't wear a vest when he goes out to cause trouble, he will be very uncomfortable.

Although the power of the Holy Grail was beaten to pieces by Otsutsuki after traveling across the world, it still gave him a slight blessing.

Including sublimated swordsmanship and various special status bonuses. Including the power of the lights, they are actually emitting slightly.

Orochimaru's sometimes keen suspicion is not without reason, it is indeed a bit like

With the prosperity of the Rain Country, the Holy Grail in Noah's body is also continuously receiving feedback from the humans on that land.

The light from deep within is mending and filling the cup.

When the Holy Grail is full.

Now that he and Xiao Bai are combined, as long as his appearance is separated from the original canon and the weaving background is reasonable, it will be easier for people to believe that this identity is a natural transformation buff.

If a big event like the Night of the Nine-Tails is to be avoided, it must not have any connection with the original person.

The profession of ninja is too suspicious and insane.

As well as this being an opportunity to communicate face to face with Chakra, Noah wanted to leave a good impression on the Nine Lamas.

As for the character? In order to differentiate from his own light image and get closer to the villainous style of all members of the Akatsuki organization.

After thinking hard, I really thought of a good way.

Just put on a mask without any features. After all, it's a one-time identity to kill the fox. The most important thing is to hide it from the ninja.

The brown hair has a bunch of bangs hanging in the front. The eyes under the mask are extremely arrogant and domineering.

A long coat with a white background and black edges, and a dark red belt. A new abstinent sportsman is coming out, ah, that’s right!

With one hand, he smoothed back the brown flow on his forehead and finalized it, and activated the Hairspray Hand skill.

Ahem, adjust your voice.

There is no opponent ahead of us.

Very good, it’s this magnetic tune.

Then he took out a two and a half meter long nodachi and swung it a few times. The silver blade easily tore through everything around him.

Nodachi Masamune can be regarded as one of the trophies of Madara who has been in the ninja world for half his life. In terms of material, it is considered to be the top level in the ninja world.

Used in combat, it can bring out most of Noah's combat power.

The cold air at this moment was not as cold as the swordsman's eyes.

What you see now is reality, and what you remember is an illusion.

Very good, the villain BOSS is full of aura. If King Frieza's appearance and voice weren't so bad, Noah wouldn't mind, well, he would still mind.

Noah thought to himself, if this can still be associated with the identity of a writer and scholar, I would accept it. Everything from the appearance to the weapons was disguised in order to dissuade the suspect. It was stable.

In short, Sephiroth Soyousuke makes a grand appearance.

Kyuubi, here I come! Prepare to feel pain and gifts!


The ground beneath his feet cracked, and the big boss holding a long knife rose into the air with the support of his powerful body.

With the blessing of Xiaobai Chakra, he continued to accelerate towards the red chakra aggregate that reflected half of the sky.

As he moves forward, he is also adjusting his state.

Eager to fight, eager to fight, the fighting spirit is gathering.

Different from the old, weak, sick and disabled feeling when Uchiha Madara fought, the Kyuubi this time is the Kyuubi in its full glory before the Yin and Yang are separated, and Noah is not the one who even needs the help of Xiaobai to draw the sword. Disabled people.

The peak of Kurama can only be encountered at this time in the entire Naruto chapter. After that, it will split into two and fall to its peak.

Noah can continue to recover and even achieve higher breakthroughs. The natural energy of the ninja world has a special bonus for physical growth.

It was a great swordsman's luck that the two sides met at this time. After all, cutting something is a problem that every swordsman would worry about.

Even though he was overly excited, the aura on his body did not restrain too much. Instead, the gathering started in advance in order to enter the state as soon as possible.

The sword energy gathered around him, like the sharpest magic weapon in the world, breaking through the air in front of him and increasing his speed again and again.

The extremely active sword energy mixed with Noah's will is special, and it poses an extremely severe threat to the chakra products of the mixed will in the ninja world.

Under the will of the lamp, the great swordsman can truly kill both reality and reality.

The will in the haki is sublimated in the Holy Grail. The so-called chakra will or the existence of the tailed beast will feel instinctive fear, just like a natural enemy.

Immortal? There is theoretically no such thing under Noah's sword.

Kyuubi finally fell into a state of madness as he felt the information about the natural enemy coming from afar.


In an instant, dozens of black-purple chakra energy gathered in front of it, as if it had transformed from a single-shot Chakra Tailed Beast Jade into a continuous-shot Chakra Machine Cannon.

This is what the Nine-Tails, who has so much chakra that is unimaginable, can do it, unlimited reloading of the virtual dog cannon.

The ninjas in the induction class have fallen to their knees. This kind of energy can clean up any ecology within dozens of miles in an instant.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A dozen beams of light containing energy that could tear the earth apart blasted out in the direction Noah came from.

The whistling sound was endless. It was the sound of the energy beam tearing the air. The displaced air flow spread out in a ring. Many ninjas who had no time to escape were directly blown away by the shock wave and were seriously injured.

This high-energy energy reaction made the Sandaime and others at the foot of the Kyuubi numb and dumbfounded. Under the turbulence, except for the ninjutsu attacks of top masters like the Sandaime and Orochimaru, which can still have some effect, the other ninjas have been completely reduced to spectators.

So is this the state when the tailed beast is truly mad?

Why did the style of painting suddenly evolve from a ninja war to an inexplicable surface war?

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