Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1228 Orochimaru, you are not human

But selfishly speaking, as long as one Uchiha passes by, the public opinion will be much better afterwards.


This time I called out the teacher sincerely.

Shisui was completely moved by Toru Orochimaru's hand.

The defenses he had kept in his heart before were so ridiculous. Teacher Orochimaru was still carrying out the will of fire at this time and still believed in his disciples, so what could he have to fear?

Then let's set off.

He had great faith in the other two disciples Orochimaru. Kabuto is very alert. Needless to say, Orochimaru has already led everyone in the orphanage to sprint towards the shelter. With the help of Nonou, this is not difficult.

And the Mitarashi family, as a ninja clan, would be doomed if they couldn't protect the new generation.

When Orochimaru and the two arrived, they were greeted by a shower of looks.

Seeing an Uchiha arriving, everyone cast resentful glances even on the battlefield.

However, Orochimaru was very majestic at the moment and stood directly in front of Shisui to block these people's emotions.

Shisui is my disciple and a Konoha ninja who has implemented the will of fire. I believe in him.

The Sandaime's mouth moved a few times but he didn't say a word. Then continue to command other ninjas to attract the attention of the nine tails and suppress the opponent's destruction.

He took the time to fall in front of Orochimaru and said.

We have to do two things now. One is to lead the Kyuubi out of the village, and the second is to hold on until the 4th generation arrives.

There is an unknown enemy fighting against Minato. Without his sealing technique and the sealing team, it will be difficult to deal with the Nine-Tails.

Orochimaru nodded. He knew what Sandai wanted to do with him. When facing tailed beasts, their size disadvantage leaves them with nowhere to attack.

Summon a large psychic beast to delay time. Rely on the seal to gain a chance of victory. No matter how bad it is, this disaster can be kept a little away from Konoha.

According to Konoha's records, the power of the Nine-Tails is comprehensive, with an immortal body and endless chakra that are unfathomable.

In the entire ninja world, only Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara could contend with such a god of disaster.

The sealing technique has been around for a long time, but the actual sealing of the Nine-Tails relies on the operation after the force is suppressed. Now everyone is not sure whether the fourth generation can seal the Nine-Tails.

But the role of the Hokage is also to improve morale.

The fourth generation, who is famous for his speedy tactics, would probably be able to deal with the enemy very quickly, as long as he delayed it for a while.

But what they didn't expect was that things were different because of Noah's intrusion. Even though Obito didn't evolve, Black Zetsu evolved.

This bitch won't let the Yondaime go so easily this time.

Orochimaru took over the task of attracting Kyuubi's attention, and he was very confident about it.

Although he had a complete falling out with Long Didong, this time it happened to make the matter a little bigger.

I'm afraid some idiots in Longdi Cave also want to find him and question Wan She, so won't the opportunity come?

For controlling tailed beasts and psychic beasts, the Sharingan is really a good thing.

Shisui, follow me.

The two of them started from the side and walked around behind Kyuubi, which was the direction outside the village.

As the battle began, Konoha began to shake, the civilians wailed, houses shattered, and the bombardment of ninjutsu descended on the world like hell on earth.

Even the new generation of ninjas spontaneously gathered together to prepare for the battlefield.

But they were blocked by those old ninjas.

This is not a fight with other villages, but a matter within the village. You don't need to risk your life to fight.

The future of Konoha must be supported by people like you.

Yi Shengmaru looked at these teenage ninjas in front of these new generations and sighed, this is the future of Konoha.

In terms of potential and combat power, these little guys on the opposite side are much stronger than me.

I am the only one who is still a chuunin at the age of 22. I usually do tasks in the village and survive by luck on the edge of the battlefield. Only those who have lived a carefree life and have no worries are suitable for fighting the Kyuubi.

Now is the time to show off your ninja skills, but you can't leave such a handsome moment to these juniors.

Yuhi Mahong also stood in front of Yi Shengmaru and told these young people about the inheritance of the Will of Fire.

Then he led his team members to the front line of the battlefield.

Since then, the entire structure of Konoha has been completely formed.

The new generation of genius ninjas are responsible for rescuing and evacuating ordinary people in the village, and protecting everyone to the shelter.

And older ninjas or ninjas who no longer have much potential rushed directly to the front line against the Kyuubi. Together with the Sandaime, he faced the seemingly invincible monster.

But the Yondaime they were longing for still hadn't come, but Orochimaru was already in place.

Shisui. After I summon it, I will immediately release the genjutsu on the psychic beasts, causing them to stop for a moment or attack the Kyuubi.


The tactics are very simple and crude. Orochimaru summoned his chakra and bit his finger to perform a psychic technique on the ground.


In addition to Ten Thousand Snakes, there are many large snakes in Longdi Cave. For example, the green snake summoned by Sasuke is now about the same size as the Ten Thousand Snakes. This time it was him who responded to the summons.

Hiss~~Orochimaru~~~How brave.

The green snake showed a cruel expression. As the new leader of the holy land, it decided to go to the ninja world to question Orochimaru and give him a tooth sacrifice.

Although the killing of Wan Snake was Longdi Cave's loss, it was not its loss. Ninja world, here I come!

Hiss~ Sharingan?!

He had just been channeled and before he could summon up his chakra, he was struck by an Uchiha genjutsu and froze in place.

The huge green snake had already attracted Nine-Tails' attention, and the old fox was still very concerned about the appearance of a large psychic beast behind him.

Kyuubi, who maintained the habits of a beast, could not accept this thing standing behind him.

So after Green Snake used his chakra to break through the illusion, he saw a God of Disaster with nine tails wagging and pounced towards him.

Orochimaru~~your mother!!!

Being pushed to the ground, it couldn't stop the Kyuubi's bite other than screaming in pain. In terms of size and strength, he is no match for the tailed beast. As for chakra and the real monster in front of him, he is a little loach compared to himself.

It's not that the psychic beasts in the Holy Land can't compete with tailed beasts, even one-tailed beasts can fight for a while.

But Kyuubi needs to rely on tactical sneak attacks to steal a little bit of the chicken at the beginning, and then it will face brutal killings.

The consequences of facing Green Snake head-on can be imagined.

The crimson tailed beast's chakra is highly corrosive, and its proud snakeskin defense is easily torn apart like a thin piece of paper in front of this chakra.

molt! Useless.

Malicious perception + embodiment directly cracked the secret of escape.

The big red hand that was embodied by chakra was snatched back from the ground alive, and it was so bloody that it looked pitiful.

The snake eyes were full of nostalgia for the world, and he looked at Orochimaru in a daze.

‘If you still want to be a human being, just send me back. ’

Orochimaru shook his head sincerely, Sorry, I don't have that much obsession with being a human being.

Finally, after being thrown into the air by Kyuubi's claws, a small tailed beast jade blasted out.

The green snake rushes into the street.

Only a small part of the tail was left, which fell to the ground and was taken away by Orochimaru with a sealing scroll. It could not be wasted.

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