
Looking at the word Wado on his neck, and the beautiful blade of the sword pressed against his neck, he surprisingly had no fear of death, only unwillingness.

He made such a hearty sword strike, but he still lost.

Guina was a little unwilling, even though her opponent was so terrifying, she just couldn't be reconciled. She didn't want to lose, she wanted to win. The sharpness in his eyes was so high.

You win, Kuina.


To overcome one's own life and death is to win.

The word Hedao was withdrawn.

Feeling that the sword edge was far away from her neck, Guina relaxed and breathed heavily. She had subconsciously held her breath for such a long time, but now she had a violent reaction after returning to normal.

As soon as I relaxed, I felt dizzy and a little unsteady on my feet. This is the feeling of having too much energy. When he was about to fall, he was supported by a hand.

He looked up and saw that it was Noah.

I recognize you, Guina, be my disciple.

You can't miss such a good disciple. There are many solutions to physical problems. You can eat devil fruits, you can ask Kuleha to develop medicine, or you can use recipes from the Shemale Kingdom. None of these external conditions were a problem for Noah.

Only a firm heart of swordsmanship is the most critical, irreplaceable and irreparable thing.

Looking at the most powerful swordsman she had ever seen, she did not hesitate, just as direct as her sword, and saluted on the spot.

Meet the master.

Is this what it feels like to have a disciple? Quite amazing. The seniority has gone up.

Ahem, I don't know if Master Koushiro has told me in detail. Please introduce yourself to the master. My real name is Noah, and Adam is my pseudonym.

Okay, Master Noah.

Guina answered quite simply.

Yes, this little apprentice has really good mental qualities. He was still very calm after knowing my real name. Many famous people were shocked when they found out my real name.

After putting Wado Yimon back into the scabbard, Noah came back with Kuina.

Seeing his daughter's apprenticeship succeed, Koushiro was indescribably happy. Although the seniority is a bit strange, those who have mastered it are their teachers. The resources and prospects of following Noah are far better than this small island.

Guina, are you okay? I didn't expect this guy to lose sometimes, hahahaha.

Such mindless words are what Zoro can say.

Huh, if you lose, you lose. Master Noah is a swordsman that even my father respects.

Oh~ That guy's name is Noah, right? I will defeat you and my master in the future. I, Roronoa Zoro, am the most powerful swordsman in the world in the future.

However, the name Noah sounds a bit familiar.

Zoro felt as if he had seen this name somewhere. He scratched his head, as if he had indeed seen this name.

Listening to Zoro, the idiot, talking about the name, Kuina also felt as if she had seen this name before. Where did it come from? newspaper? It can’t be a wanted warrant, haha.

Wanted order! Big story in the newspapers!

Master Noah. Are you that Noah?

? Confused, which Noah?

That's the enemy of the world, the one who offers a reward of 5 billion beli for the man who freed the slaves on Marie Joa?

Noah smiled heartily.

It's me.


Even the crude Zoro was stunned. Is this... such a big deal?

After giving the two children a little buffering time, Noah and Koushiro discussed the future arrangements.

Robin and I will stay in Frost Moon Village for a while. Let's give Kuina some time to prepare. If we want to take her out of here later, we will go to the South China Sea first, and we will also take a trip to the Grand Route in the future. I still remember what you said before. However, swordsmen are all killed. I will also arrange such a path for her. I wonder if you will regret letting your daughter embark on such a path.

It is Kuina's honor to be able to embark on such a path. Her love for swordsmanship is sincere. People from the Shuoyue family will never regret becoming swordsmen.

Well, this old father is really restrained in his love for his daughter. When I drew my sword just now, the sword intent in your body was not fake.

By this time, Kuina had calmed down, and she looked at Noah with more than respect, but more admiration in her eyes. In fact, Noah underestimated the children's admiration for the strong. Before your horizons are widened, you can tell whether a person is strong or not by looking at the wanted poster. Five billion Baileys is extremely rare on the Grand Line, let alone the East China Sea.

Master Noah.


Can we take a look at your true strength?

The young apprentice's eyes of admiration were irresistible. Although Zoro next to him didn't say anything, his eyes revealed a trace of desire. Then, satisfy them.

After seeing and hearing, there are no masters nearby, so let's go wild. Master Koushiro's move of splitting mountains and cutting off water shocked him for a long time back then, and this time it was time for him to show off.

He took Kuina's wooden sword and moved to the beach as usual.

With a gentle wave, the leaves blown by the mountain wind to the seaside were not damaged.

A swordsman can cut through anything.

He waved lightly at the boulder.

A swordsman can cut through anything.

The boulder is divided into two halves, and the cut surface is as smooth as a mirror. The artistic conception is extremely high.

This hand made the eyes of the two children widen. It was just a wooden sword. If it were swung at someone, the scene would be too beautiful to think about.

At this time, the black armed domineering energy covered the wooden sword, and a black sword appeared. Now that you’ve shown it, let’s show it more.

He raised his energy, gathered his sword intent, and then swung the sword. He slashed a red flying slash at the sea. The slash looked very slender at first, but it flew bigger and bigger, and after falling into the sea, it directly cut through the sea for thousands of meters.

A grand canyon was briefly cut out of the sea, and sword marks could be seen on the seabed with the naked eye. After a while, the sea closed in the middle, covering up the shocking blow. The huge roar of the collision of sea currents made everyone present feel the speechless shock.

Is this really still swordsmanship?

Kuina asked tremblingly. The upper limit of kendo in her heart was broken. In fact, even Koushiro was shocked. Such a kendo realm was just one step away.

Young Zoro was so excited when he saw this scene. This is the realm he will definitely reach in the future, dividing the sea. It's a pity that he doesn't know why, but he always feels that there is something wrong with him. Is it because he didn't say something before taking action? This must not come to Duanjiushanbahai or something?

Young man, your path is a bit strange.

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