Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 123 Splitting Life and Death

The next day, at the beach of Shuangyue Village.

Koushiro brought Kuina here, this is the place agreed yesterday. There was also a green algae head following blatantly, because if he followed quietly, he would disappear first.

Father, is the master you want to introduce to me the same person as yesterday?

After glaring fiercely at the green algae head not far behind her, Kuina asked Koushiro with some doubts.

Yes, you have seen it before. Do you remember asking me and Dao Yiwen? You can see it today.

Is it the one in the Shuangyue family's book collection, so that person is the mysterious senior brother you told me about before?

Yes. He is also a person who is about to reach the top of kendo. Follow him and you can see a different scenery.

Guina fell into silence. She was curious about this senior brother, because from her understanding, this senior brother had two appearances.

One is a great writer among the old people in the gym. His level of swordsmanship is very mysterious and he is relatively aloof. Many years ago, he took his sister to settle in Frosty Moon Village. Later, he went to the Grand Line and was a frequent guest in newspapers.

The other one is what his father said. He is extremely talented and has great ideals. He also took away the family heirloom sword, but later gave it back to 'Qiu Shui'. He is a man that Koushiro is proud of.

I don’t know what level this senior brother’s strength has reached and whether he can help her.

In fact, she has been hiding something in her heart. One day, she overheard her father's evaluation of her. Because she was an ordinary girl, her physical disadvantages would become greater and greater, and she would be surpassed by real geniuses in the way of swordsmanship.

She loves kendo so much, and she is full of hope every day when she practices swordsmanship. She is eager to see the highest scenery. As a result, because she was a girl, her father disapproved of her future path. It was so cruel.

Noah at the beach started posing after seeing and sensing the arrival of the person. Of course it was not JoJo. He was afraid that Koushiro would turn around and leave when he saw it, and he didn't want his daughter to follow such a weirdo. It is an orthodox master's style, with arms folded and facing the sea. The sea breeze blows the hair tips, and the temperament arises spontaneously. Hedao Yizi stood beside him calmly, as ordinary as before.

You are here.

Naturally changing from holding the arms with both hands to holding the hands behind the back, the painting style is stable and pinched. Turn around slowly and show a reserved smile.

At this time, Koushiro saluted very solemnly, which immediately broke Noah's expert demeanor, and he hurried forward to stop him.

With a swipe, he appeared in front of Koushiro and stopped his movement.

Master, this doesn't have to be the case between you and me. I owe you for teaching Shuangyue Swordsmanship, and I haven't even repaid you for this kindness.

Kuina next to her and Zoro behind the big tree watched Noah suddenly disappear and reappear. They both rubbed their eyes in shock. Are they dizzy? Why did a big living person teleport here?

Because Koushiro has never shown his true strength in his daily life, the two children have not yet seen how high the level of a true master in the sea is.

I am very happy that you are willing to teach Kuina. When I sent Hedao Yiwen, I knew that your future would bring different changes to the world. In just a few years, I saw those news. I knew you The road is the same as in the book he showed me back then, straight, majestic, vast and incredible.

With your current status and strength, giving Guina a chance is a great kindness. I believe she will not let you down.

Looking at her father's actions and words, Guina knew that this master was more terrifying than she imagined. Is even status considered a favor? She quietly clenched the wooden sword in her hand.

After helping Koushiro up, Noah turned to look at Kuina. Those plain eyes brought huge pressure for some reason. They were as high as the sky and as deep as the sea. It makes people want to avert their eyes unconsciously. But the current girl is sharp and unwilling to back down.

Looking at the young swordsman who was tense but never took a step back, although Noah's face was expressionless at the moment, he gave a good evaluation in his heart, he was brave enough.

Swordsmen, when fighting, have to look at their opponents even if they die.


Noah moved to the boulder on the beach, pulled out the word Wado, and shouted an invitation to the girl to fight.

Come and fight!

Now that he has the courage, he wants to see the girl's determination and swordsmanship.

Kuina looked at her father's expressionless face but with expectant eyes, dropped the wooden sword, and stretched out his hands to Koushiro.

After a moment of silence, a smile bloomed on his face.

Koushiro handed his current sword to Kuina, an ordinary sharp sword that had been sharpened and seen blood.


After pulling out this sharp sword, the light of the sword flashed in everyone's eyes. Zoro had unconsciously walked to Koushiro's side. Looking at this woman who had failed him countless times, the dangerous aura at this time was getting stronger bit by bit.

Kuina walked towards the boulder calmly. Calming her breath, she knew that she didn't have many chances, maybe only one chance with a sword, and she wanted Noah to see her determination and her sword!

Slowly approaching, the closer she got, the more she could feel the incomparable pressure, and the sword in her hand became heavier and heavier. The swordsman's slightly exposed sharpness on the boulder was already touching her body.

Cold sweat appeared on her forehead, and she didn't dare to wipe it away. Although this flaw was meaningless to the man in front of her, she just didn't want to expose it.

Finally arriving in front of Noah, what she didn't know was that 5 minutes had passed in these short few steps. Zoro behind him only saw Kuina's laborious and slow pace, as if she was carrying a huge boulder. Just when she was about to shout, Koushiro stopped her. This was also a test. Now it depends on whether Kuina can draw the sword.

Standing in front of Noah at a distance where he could draw his sword, Kuina looked at the opponent's unassuming posture. For a moment, Kuina couldn't find a way to draw the sword. All the things her father taught her before were of no use at this moment.

Unprepared, without any flaws. There was only overwhelming pressure. She could vaguely see herself being instantly beheaded after drawing her sword. Was she about to reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship? Then let me show you my sword!

Under pressure, Guina broke through after being mentally forged! No matter what the flaw was, no matter what the defense was, no matter what happened, he struck it with a sword.

After one sword strike, life or death is at will.


Liang Kuaida was knocked away, and Hedao Yiwen stopped on Kuina's neck.


Koushiro let out a loud shout, she is indeed his daughter! This sword is beautiful!


Noah was also happy, he saw a new swordsman appear.

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