Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 125 One Sword Opens the Sky

At this point in the show, Noah was a little excited. He had a hunch that if he continued, something different would happen. Then continue. He turned around and handed the wooden sword to Kuina, who was still immersed in the Fenkai Ichijian. This sword could no longer be used by him, so he took out Wado Ichimonji.

The color of the weapon is entwined, the mind is united, feel the breath of the sword, and then

An unparalleled overlord came to this world, and violent fluctuations caused the spirit to interfere with reality. The surrounding tangible objects and invisible spirits were also destroyed by the huge pressure.

Noah controlled this power and deliberately avoided Guina and others. At this time, they could not bear this power, and it would leave a psychological shadow. However, the restraint was not complete, and the domineering aura still exuded made the two children feel breathless and stressed.

The red torrent that does not exist in this world is venting wantonly in this space. Illusory figures appear one after another. Some are roaring, some are kneeling and crying, some are rising up to resist, and some are wielding swords to kill the enemy. Finally, it all turned into the richest red color, slowly converging on the sword.

When the phantom disappeared, the terrifying power was completely concentrated on the word Hedao.

Overlord color entangled, done!

He looked at the crushed bushes, crushed rocks, fainted animals and the silent forest behind him.

The pupils of everyone present shrank for a while, fear of the unknown, this was not a swordsmanship at all. What kind of power caused such a terrifying phenomenon before it broke out? The crimson power swims around the sword, eager to be released and destroy everything in front of it.

Damn it, what happened this time!

No one can answer Sauron's questions. Even Koushiro fell into self-doubt. He knew about the overlord color and domineering spirit, but was this really the overlord color and domineering spirit at the moment? There is no record of this overbearing color in the classics, this red that burns everything, the shadow of countless people, what is this? Koushiro had the same question as Zoro in his heart.

Looking at his results, Noah felt that he had reached the threshold. It turned out that this step was so simple, a sword with all his strength?

Looking at the sky, the thick clouds seemed like a palm covering the sea. He raised his arm and swung the sword heavily.

A thick red sword energy soared straight into the sky. This sword energy contained the historical years and the torrent of humanity. All the tangible and intangible things blocking it were chopped into pieces. Finally, the sky was opened!

The boundless clouds were cut open, as if the sky was split, and this sword entered the peak realm.

The red-haired Shanks, who was drinking in Windmill Village, flashed red in his eyes and disappeared instantly. He came to the coast and looked in the direction of Shuangyue Village with shock on his face.

Then all the crew members appeared here one after another.

What's wrong, Shanks?

Beckman, who was using all his power to use his erotica, didn't feel anything. He asked curiously. You must know that he was stronger than Shanks in the erotica. As a result, Shanks seemed to feel something, but he didn't, which was a bit strange. In line with common sense.

But he believed in the red-haired judge. Although this captain was usually unconventional and lazy, he was always out of his mind, loved to hold parties, and always drank too much, but he was a very reliable person at critical moments.

It's nothing. I just didn't expect that a great swordsman would be born in the East China Sea at this time. It's not far from us, and I just received a little information. I really want to see it. Right, Griffin.

As Shanks spoke, a bottomless sword spirit surged through his body, and he patted the hilt of his sword. This was the resonance among great swordsmen.

Captain, please don't mess around at this time. If Donghai can't stand the torture of you two, it will lure Garp back in advance. Things will get out of hand by then.

After thinking about his mission and free will, the red-haired man pressed down on his straw hat and controlled his desire to fight. After looking in that direction for a long time, he finally sighed and turned around.

Hahaha, it's okay. Let's go back and continue drinking. By the way, did the last person who left pay? Maginot will be sad, you guys.

Captain, weren't you the one who ran away first? We thought you ran away first because you didn't have money to pay the bill, so we followed you out.

Shanks covered his face, who did he find? The crew member covered his face, why did he follow such a captain in the first place.

Not to mention how it was here in Windmill Village, on the seaside of Shuangyue Village, Noah slowly sheathed his sword. Looking at the clouds split in half in the sky, his face was full of shock. Could this be cut by himself?

He himself didn't believe it. Originally, after reaching this level of swordsmanship, he was mentally prepared to stay at this stage for a few years, maintaining his realm, tempering his body, developing the fruits, and then breaking through in a life-and-death battle. This kind of opportunity There is no shortage of revolutionary troops. As a result, we broke through just after reaching the East China Sea, which was incredibly smooth.

After entering the realm of a great swordsman, I feel that my sword energy is different from before, as if it is more spiritual. The degree of solidification of the sword energy is also different. This feeling is mysterious and mysterious. No wonder there is no specific description of the realm of the great swordsman in the books. It makes sense. An all-round improvement would widen the gap in combat power.

After the breakthrough, Noah felt that it would be very easy for his current self to beat his former self. Of course, it's not to the extent that a few moves can lead to life and death. This is not a fantasy world. It's just that you can win steadily, but if you encounter a dirty trick, it will overturn. Akainu is a lesson learned from the past.

The sense of security brought about by the breakthrough has also been greatly improved. At least it will not be so easy to lose against an opponent like the red hair. Yes, it’s just not that easy to lose.

Noah is now a floor tile in this class. Anyone who belongs to him can beat him, but no one can easily beat him. After all, he is the youngest, has the least experience, and his physical fitness has not been honed to the peak. He still has obvious shortcomings. Board.

Noah, have you broken through to that level?

Yeah, I didn't think of it myself.

Koushiro felt excited, he was witnessing the birth of a legend. Even in Wano, the Great Swordsman can be recorded in history.

Needless to say, Kuina and Zoro didn't know the difference between a swordsman and a great swordsman. They only knew that Kuina's teacher split the clouds in the sky, which was too strong.

The world of kendo is now open to the seeds of kendo in the future, and the original intention of becoming stronger is buried. One day, I will also cut through this sky.

It’s impossible to break through in terms of strength. The battlefields of the Revolutionary Army are too high-end, and they will have to be prepared for tactics and tricks. For the sake of future plots, the protagonist’s strength has to be mentioned a little bit.

It takes less than 10 years for the great swordsman to reach his peak from the beginning, which is exactly in line with my plan. It’s also very troublesome to calculate the time every time.

Today should officially pass the 300,000 threshold. Think about the content on the outline, there is at least 700,000 words of plot, and the final Total War volume.

Brothers, writing a novel is really not easy.

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