Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1219 Go out and pick up chakra and come back

There is a valley far away from Yuren Village that has now been designated as a forbidden area.

No civilians or ninjas are allowed to approach without the leader's approval. What kind of dangerous experiment is being conducted?

In fact, this place has been opened up into a huge underground space.

A humanoid creature with ten broken tails leaned against the mountain. Its nine eyes were tightly closed on its face, and its color and body were like dead wood.

There was only a special notch between his eyebrows and his eyes, where a faint red light shone slightly.

The original lotus pedestal underneath has disappeared, and the fancy patterns on the walls have also disappeared. The main theme is tranquility.

This is the heretic demon statue that was originally in the cemetery.

Nagato, who returned to the Land of Rain, sat cross-legged on top of the golem, looking a little relaxed.

The pupil technique in the eyes of reincarnation has supplemented the last shortcoming, and the understanding of many skills has been improved to a higher level.

Basically, the six-path skills and outsider abilities are constantly pouring out of his eyes, which is basically consistent with the list given by the teacher before.

It's just that the consumption of chakra has reached a dangerous level, and Nagato is a little uncomfortable with the emptiness he has never felt before.

For example, the ninja unit Kakashi's daily chakra consumption is small drops of water dripping down. Nagato's daily chakra consumption is to turn on the faucet and flow down. Now that Nagato has the heretic golem, the water pipe bursts. and rushed down.

Even Chatonla, who had dual bloodlines, could not bear this kind of consumption and was gradually losing weight.

A large amount of food and drug supplements and other methods began to make up for the consumption during the growth period. Sometimes the boy himself despises his own appetite.

Huh~ After a while, the Heretic Golem won't need to replenish a lot of energy. It's already very gentle now.

This mode of getting along with the golem is already the easy mode. I really don't know how miserable I will be if I insert those black metal rods. The mobile power bank the teacher mentioned?

Recalling Noah's grace that day, Nagato longed for it.

This is the style of a strong man in the ninja world. He is extremely domineering and his principles are high and hard.

Under the sword mark is endless death, a great crisis that can wipe out the remaining spirituality of the Ten-Tails.

The head of that unruly monster that looked like a god and Buddha could even hang down, which really shocked him for a whole year.

Negotiation turns out to be so easy to use. If you learn it, you will lose it.

After the negotiation, the heretic golem conveyed that he was willing to cooperate in transferring part of the psychic chakra consumption, and he was also willing to control the intensity of the extraction in the later period. The obedient ones were like some kind of pets.

After returning to the Kingdom of Rain, Noah asked Xiaobai to dig out this secret space in the cave.

Then I tried to use the samsara eye to communicate, and the other party was very obedient and was channeled.

As a result, Nagato's training center was officially established.

Hearing that such a strange thing had been transported, Yahiko and Konan took time out of their busy schedules to see the world and listen to Noah's class.

If you don't tell me, I really thought this was just a stone statue. It's really too big.

Yahiko still can't understand that this kind of thing belongs to the category of living things. If this thing moves, wouldn't it be super powerful?

Xiaonan, on the other hand, was worried about Nagato's safety. After all, there was a possibility of backlash.

As long as it has not absorbed all the tailed beasts, there is no need to worry. A little bit of wisdom is more of a desire to survive.

Then Noah told everyone how to use the other party's desire for survival to negotiate.

Of course, the deepest reason is that the domineering will that is triggered but not released plays a key role in obliterating the soul's will.

The six realms are also afraid of this.

Remember, you can go up together with your companions when you gain strength in the future. We don't advocate fighting alone.

The teacher's teachings were definitely a model of pragmatism, and the three disciples nodded repeatedly.

Also, this thing is full of treasures and can be used in many ways. It is the most valuable asset of our Akatsuki organization.

With it, we can exchange for many, many good things. Several honorary leaders in our organization will like it.

As for how to use it, I have been thinking about how to put this thing in the sky and then throw it down, or it can be used as a shield to block some attacks or something.

The heretic demon trembled slightly.

Hahaha, I'm just kidding. You'll be out of breath even if you watch Nagato's channeling. Unless you're proficient in Flying Thunder God and have more energy than Chatonla, you can do it.

Noah briefly talked about his attitude, which opened the eyes of the three disciples.

Teachers strive to squeeze out every drop of resources in their utilization of resources.

You have to think this way, sooner or later this thing will not belong to us. It is better to make good use of it while it is still in our hands.

Nagato was a little worried.

Teacher, are you talking about the creditor? Is it true that the original owner of the eye can come back?

Yes, and I also need them back. Chakra cannot have an owner, nor can there be a will concentrated in it.

The happy ending that Noah needs is to let the source escape, and then the enemy may not be Madara.

Because his sword can really kill gods.

Xiao organized the small class to end, and the others left here, leaving Nagato to continue practicing here.

After patting the demon statue under him, the extraction speed dropped to a certain level again, with some tension and relaxation.

Maybe the reason why the golem is so obedient is also because a certain revolutionary light opposite is sharpening his sword.

Teacher, why are you sharpening your sword?

I don't have chakra, so I have to find a way.

In the ninja world, many very useful props and ninjutsu have been born due to the versatility of chakra. It is a very good choice to borrow the ninjutsu system before Noah breaks through the seal of the six paths.

Especially the Flying Thunder God Technique, the power of the door cannot be used temporarily, but the space ability is also crucial to Noah.

This involves the basis of whether he can cause trouble in the ninja world in the future.

And he also has sufficient experience in speed tactics, which can restore his combat power to a suitable stage again.

Even he has many bold ideas that require the help of some external chakra energy. Just relying on Xiaobai is not enough.

His energy is at the level of an ordinary jounin, which is not enough for someone like Noah to cause trouble.

So I made the plan to go out this time. It’s not too much to go out and pick up some things.

Through the detection of the heretic demon, my body and will slowly overflowed the boundaries of the Yin and Yang seal.

His strength is a bit stronger than when he fought Madara, and with Xiaobai's assistance, he can still fight a long and high-intensity battle.

Nagato was once again shown off by the teacher's operation, which was a bit counterintuitive.

.Can I have chakra without practicing chakra?

Even though Noah's injuries looked so scary, he didn't think that the teacher couldn't practice chakra.

No one can fly around the world despite such fatal injuries. If he dies eight times, the teacher may not be able to do anything.

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