Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1218 I have special negotiation skills

“Who doesn’t want to enjoy the moment after struggling for so many years?”

But! We are not qualified.

Noah started to push his students with the attitude of the two newcomers.

In the world of pirates, he succeeded in this way, and he has very rich experience in this.

There is no room for stopping on the road of resisting the world. The fear and hesitation in the heart will stab a very fatal sword in the gap.

Countless people who have fallen behind on the road of revolution have fallen into ideological traps one after another, which is very heartbreaking.

So Yahiko found out sadly and angrily that his liver was not enough. He was overwhelmed by the heavy responsibility of practicing kendo, learning revolutionary theory, integrating relationships within the organization, and steering the future development of the Land of Rain.

In the capital city where the rain has passed, I am squeezing my time every day, and there is really no time left at all.

Have you ever seen someone practicing chakra control while handling government affairs? Numerous little cultivation techniques were taught to him by Noah.

Sanshouyu Hanzo has taken root in the road infrastructure project. As for the task release and ninja training of the Rain Ninja Village, Xiaonan has been given full authority.

There is still some way to survive on the mountains or swamps outside, but it is really impossible to survive back to the tower.

They were so tired that everyone ran as if a knife was held to their necks.

The young man Yahiko's eyes were filled with anger. Last time, I wanted to stay and help manage the affairs of the Rain Ninja Village. Just kidding, this is a trap that an old man like him should step into~~

Those young people are all crazy. They are trying to push the national power towards the level of the five major countries in just a few years.

Although it can be done according to the data given by Noah, he really wants to live a few more years.

Use your own eyes to see the dreamland of rain, instead of lying in the grave and listening to whoever is burning it for him.

Konan was now very powerful, and together with Nagato, they were in charge of all ninja affairs of the Rain Ninja Village.

The ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village all accepted that their current boss was this woman who looked young but had extremely terrifying moves.

He raised his hand with hundreds of detonating talismans and closed his hand with hundreds of sealing talismans.

Ordinary people really can't afford to offend such a big boss. At least the only ones in the Rain Ninja who can withstand such attacks are in the Akatsuki organization.

The coolest thing is that his flying skills are almost beyond the sound barrier, and his wings are slowly changing towards a more aerodynamic standard.

There was even the idea of ​​using detonators as accelerators, inspired by Scorpion.

In order to prevent herself from being turned into a young old woman by the wind and rain, she resolutely proposed the plan to set up telephone lines within the Kingdom of Rain, which was recognized by everyone.

At least the line from Yuren Village to the capital must be established, as well as the connections between several important gathering points.

Radio technology and wired communication technology have been around in the ninja world for a long time. It was abandoned simply because wires and communication towers were easily damaged and too expensive to maintain.

The ninja world is full of wild beasts, bandits and farmers who don't know anything. It really only takes a matter of minutes to destroy the line.

If it is only set up within the Ninja Village, it will not make much sense, except for many gathering places in villages like Konoha, which can only be walked from east to west within an hour.

Without a suitable application scenario, no one will commercialize it. Big businessmen know that this thing has huge profits in a peaceful world, but in a chaotic world, it will definitely lose money to death.

The amount of funds invested in civilian communications is huge, and it cannot be achieved without the efforts of the whole country.

Of course, the reason why ninjas are unwilling to implement it is to maintain the encryption of information. They can only use manual messengers, psychic beasts and other methods.

The Kingdom of Rain was the first to build one across the country, and it was also at the forefront of the world.

And Nagato was even more miserable. For the first time, I felt that Fairy Eyes was a bit of a trap.

With everyone's expectations on his back, he dealt less with specific matters and more with developing the Six Paths of Samsara.

Not long after the Hungry Ghost Realm awakened, the Animal Realm also successfully awakened, and the reaction to the heretic demons underground in the Kingdom of Frost became even stronger.

So after thinking about it, I found Noah and said that he was going to channel this demon to the Kingdom of Rain.

It seemed that he needed to communicate if he wanted to make a bigger leap, but the threat of hidden dangers made him cautious.

Here's Golem. It's a problem.

Noah felt that Nagato's induction was right, and he might be able to continue to develop those eyes by really contacting the ten bodies.

It's just that something as big as channeling will definitely squeeze the spirit and body to a limit. Nagato is likely to become the indescribably weak state in the original work.

The thought of having a bunch of black tubes inserted into my body makes me sick.

That's good. If the mountains don't see me, I'll go see the mountains myself. Let's go to the Kingdom of Frost to see if there are any other ways to control this thing.

Noah had seen this thing being honest in front of Madara, and he had never penetrated that guy randomly.

Even if the tube was connected, it was Madara who took the initiative to connect it to maintain his life, and he was not someone who was drained to provide the vitality of the heretic golem.

Nagato entered the final stage of his life early. In addition to offering the reincarnation eye, he was severely whipped by the heretic demon.

Using human power to drive the ten-tailed body is a bit perverted, and it's impossible without paying the price.

So the two embarked on a quick trip.

They found the underground space very easily without using the senses of the Samsara Eye. Nagato was also speechless when he saw the teacher's familiar appearance.

This teacher always does incredible things.

This is where I negotiated with the owner of the Samsara Eye.

In this lake?

Well, Noah was so handsome when he opened the canyon with a sword, but after the conversation, he patted his butt and left.

A skylit underground base was left exposed to the sun.

Madara also walked very freely, which was a pain for Black Zetsu and Obito.

They couldn't create the heretic golem. Even if Obito blinded his eyes, it would be useless. The Kamui space couldn't absorb something of such a large size.

I'm sorry, Earth Release, everyone knows about Obito's situation.

As for using illusions to control an earth-bending ninja to cover up, it's ridiculous. The only one who can cover up alone is Onoki.

Neither of them brought up the matter of controlling Onoki to perform ninjutsu. If they did, they would look stupid.

So out of desperation, Hei Jue came up with a way. Since this canyon appeared, he simply didn't hide it.

Find the node of groundwater and connect it here, just turn it into a lake.

This is a genius idea and easy to implement.

Anyway, Future Nagato relied on channeling to move the demon away, so he wouldn't come here to dig graves.

Who would have thought that this place would leave a problem for the host of the Samsara Eye. In the end, Noah diverted the lake away with a light sword.

The underground water channel was sealed by Nagato using ninjutsu.

The huge golem sat in its original place without moving, while Nagato sat cross-legged on top of the monster's head.

After a moment, he opened his eyes strangely, and a black metal rod fell from the void.

In the original book, when he channeled the heretic demon for the first time, many black rods were inserted into his body, and these black rods were chakra receivers.

After all, the mixed blood of Uzumaki and Senju clan cannot control this thing.

So Uchiha Madara reserved a super cruel prop before his death, which can absorb the user's chakra to facilitate the user to control the golem.

Teacher this.

Nagato originally wanted to say that he could sacrifice himself for the sake of world peace.

Don't talk nonsense, teacher, I have special negotiation skills.

I remember that I had gone through countless negotiations and returned with great victory, and all my opponents were willing to surrender to me. I relied on the word reason.

I think even heretic demons have to be reasonable, right?

Nagato saw the teacher calmly take out a weapon and place it on the forehead and eyes of the heretic demon.

A red aura appeared on Noah's body.

Buzz~~~Boom! ! ! ! !

The canyon was trembling, and the rock walls on both sides were crumbling. The clear sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and there seemed to be lightning and thunder brewing.

The air began to feel strangely sluggish, like water, and the power of will was ready to move.

There seemed to be roaring sounds and the sound of crashing waves coming from the void.

The black and white seals appeared behind Noah and spun crazily, constantly suppressing the power outside these rules.

Liu Dao looked in the direction of the human world again and felt tired.

Noah's sword edge slightly cut into the middle eye of the demon, and he felt the trembling under his feet still not stopping.

It didn't stop until it penetrated three points, but the terrifying will was still burning the opponent.

Although I won't win with force, I have never been moral towards evil spirits and heretics.

I know you can still maintain a semblance of sanity, and you know what fear is.

So I only give you one last chance to go with Nagato and let you go today.

Nod now. Otherwise, die!

I didn’t have time to type today, so I stayed up late last night to write.

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