Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1220 Sasuke is born, crisis is approaching

Noah was also helpless. Cultivation is very simple.

It may even be possible to recover from injuries faster after practicing. That may be what the old guy from Six Paths planned. As long as you practice chakra, you can be regarded as one of your own in the ninja world.

It only seals the power from outside the world. The sealing technique is so unreasonable.

But just because the will of Otsutsuki is mixed in it, Noah does not intend to use his body to practice chakra to provide energy for Otsutsuki.

To put it bluntly, the amount of chakra he can provide with his origins in two worlds is very huge.

The physical body is extremely tempered, and the spiritual will is beyond the meaning of conventional concepts.

The combination of the two can almost be regarded as a weaker version of Chakra Fruit.

This kind of useless thing that leaves hidden dangers cannot be left to Otsutsuki's gang of perverts to know about.

So Noah said calmly.

If there is a way, we can solve the problem when we come back this time. It is enough for some people to give a reminder out of humanitarianism.

Nagato was a little confused. The teacher still didn't explain the relationship between sword sharpening and chakra. Why does the teacher look like he's going out to kill someone?

In fact, Noah did everything he had to do, but just like what he thought before, he couldn't change what happened, so he got involved.

He continued to practice his sword on the top of the mountain to adapt to every change in his body. With the rise of the Kingdom of Rain, the collision between his will and the seal of the Six Paths became more and more intense.

There may not be a need to wait for more than ten years before the seal can be completely unsealed. The Holy Grail in the body is also slowly being repaired. The material is - the red of this world.

No one knows what will happen when the Holy Grail is full, Noah is looking forward to it.

The pace of the Akatsuki organization is still slow and they are short of people.

When I was practicing, I didn’t forget to greet Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai, we are going to fight a tough battle this time. You must be steady and eat and drink more good things during this time.

In terms of dietary intake, whitening is mainly based on sunlight, water, and minerals. If not, what delicious nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium can be supplemented?

Mr. Noah.

It's okay, just say it, don't be afraid.

There are loopholes in human rights in our Country of Rain. I read the books you corrected, and it seems that this is wrong.

.Go eat something good.


Noah couldn't bear to see Xiaobai's lonely figure. Although Xiaobai has not been with us for a long time, he has made a lot of achievements.

We pulled a car, fought together with Madara Uchiha, worked as a public learning machine, investigated underground intelligence, did resource exploration, even acted in a play, and dug holes.

It can be said that in the Land of Rain, he is definitely a model worker among model workers.

Noah was worried that the ethical and human rights issues surrounding human cloning or cyborgs had come too unexpectedly, and he was a little unprepared.


When I get back, I will work out your salary and rest days for you.

Okay, thank you Mr. Noah.

Xiaobai happily went to bask in the sun.

In Konoha Village.

Namikaze Minato was sitting in the Hokage's office, looking at a piece of paper with a strange expression on his face.

Generally speaking, someone will attack Konoha on the night of the Kyuubi's birth, and the enemy may have special skills to control the tailed beast.

The content didn't surprise him at all. It was part of their plan that enemies would attack when the jinchuriki was giving birth.

The big trees attracted the wind, and the somewhat sluggish Konoha after the war made many hyenas who had been trembling in the past ready to move.

There are even people in the black market who dare to take such a life-threatening order.

This kind of wolf ninja who has no vision can basically not even enter the gate of Konoha.

The current situation of the village is that it is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Some powerful jounin have reduced their missions abroad.

Unless you have a well-known big customer, you can only give A-level and above tasks.

At the same time, the spies of the other four major countries that were recently captured were basically here for the Nine-Tails matter.

The torture team worked overtime to get a lot of information, and the ANBU also destroyed many conspiracies.

The storm was coming, and Minato was tired from encountering so many difficult things in his first year as Hokage.

In the end, the Sandaime came out to wake him up. As long as the ANBU assigned work and kept the birth location secret, there would be plenty of time left for the Flying Thunder God.

There is no need to be overly anxious at all, Naruto should always be calm and calm.

Sarutobi Hiruzen does this very well. He has his own way of adjusting his mentality.

The treasured crystal ball and telescope book were also passed on to his disciples, which made Minato dumbfounded.

He is a strong young man and has his own way of solving problems. It’s better to wait until you are too old to use this thing.

The reason why I care about this note is that it broke through all the obstacles and appeared in front of the Hokage Tower.

Either there needs to be a very powerful master, or it can only be achieved by someone on your own.

The content of the reminder is not important, the method is more important.

It is not sure which party is responsible for this reminder. It may be that they just want to disrupt Mu Yeye's security layout and realize the conspiracy.

This kind of operation to alert the enemy is not impossible for a ninja.

In the intrigues and intrigues of the ninja world, not all information is trustworthy. Even now Konoha is still confident that it can deal with any enemy in the village.

The Great Country Ninja Village should be so confident.

Minato then left work early and bought a gift.

He was not in a hurry to go home. As Hokage, he still knew his responsibilities very well, but he had to go to the Uchiha clan leader's house in advance.

This year is the birth boom period in Konoha after the war, and many families have given birth to babies this year.

The cries of children diluted the remaining smoke of war in many villages. Even in the middle of the night, no one felt noisy. Even those ninjas who had been twisted in their hearts after the war felt a new sense of peace.

At the beginning of the year, Aburame Zhiwei's eldest son was born, and he went for a trip. Not long after, the Inuzuka clan had another child, as well as the Akimichi clan and so on.

Minato goes to see almost every birth of a new life. This is an honor and an attitude.

Minato was also willing to be there, this was his first year as Hokage and his first year of accepting allegiance.

In the future, these new lives will be the hope for Konoha's future.

The leader of the ninja clan or the son of a jounin will definitely embark on the path of ninja in the future. After more than ten years, he will join the ninja system and become the power of Konoha.

And children of medium-sized ninja and above will receive good basic ninja education.

The physical foundation and ninja psychological training since childhood will make them one step beyond ordinary ninjas, not to mention the special family ninjutsu and blood inheritance limits. This is a very realistic factor.

After being educated, trained and bonded by the will of Shinobi School Fire, they will become the backbone of Konoha in the future.

Today is July 26th. Uchiha Mikoto, the wife of the Uchiha clan leader, gave birth to her second child three days ago.

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