Donghai is back again.

Robin also came back together this time. She also missed Frostyue Village very much and wanted to return to the original small house.

Long did not bring Big Bear and Ivankov with him this time, but came together on the Voyager. Now that the revolutionary army is already very strong, there is no need to do everything personally.

This time I came just to do some personal things.

Arriving at Shuangyue Village, we parked the Traveler and got off the boat. Looking at the village that seemed to have not changed, both of us were a little dazed. It seems that I have not been out for the past few years, but simply went out and then came back.

With the heaviness gone, the two happily prepared to go home. Noah also politely invited Long to live with him, but he was rejected. Long said that he was going to visit an old friend. He still had things to do after that, so he said goodbye and then simply left.

If this dragon is not here, then the risk factor of contact with the red hair will be high.

Forget it, it’s important to go home.

Returning to my old house is still so friendly. The two started to practice hygiene. To be precise, Noah watched Robin practice hygiene.

We had dinner together and then went to bed.

Early the next morning, Noah carried some gifts and walked on the road to Shuangyue Gym. When he was sighing that this road was also the same, a little guy with short green hair appeared in front of him.

He was running forward with two wooden knives in hand. Is this Zoro?

The child ran wildly without noticing that there were other people on the road. Noah gently stepped aside and then grabbed the little Zoro with one hand and lifted him up.

Zoro was particularly unhappy when he was mentioned

Hey, you guy, let go. I'm rushing to the dojo for class. I'm almost late. Let me go.

Looking at the direction Zoro was running in and the direction of the gym, he took a deep breath. How confident is this? He actually thinks that he can still catch up with the class? Is this road sickness engraved in genes? I don’t know if Dr. Kuleha can give me some treatment, but I feel like I can’t describe it as having a poor sense of direction.

If you go in this direction, you will go straight to the seaside, young man.

He put down little Zoro easily.

Oh, really? Thanks!

Zoro changed directions and was about to speed up. He took a step out and was airborne again. This felt so damn familiar.

Hey, what on earth are you doing? I told you I'm going to be late.

You should be late already, if the morning class time of Shuangyue Gym has not changed. Besides, this direction is not the direction of the gym. You'd better come with me and I'll take you there.

Thank you, you are such a good person. Are you here to learn from me too? But you are too old.

Shut up if you can't speak. Green algae head.

Damn it, you dare to call me Green Algae Head, take out your sword and fight me to the death.

Little boys at this age are really naughty, especially guys who are super strong, which is even more difficult to deal with.

I had no choice but to speed up and walk to the gym. When I walked, I had to pay attention to the kid with my sense of sight. How could someone just give up while walking? It's unscientific.

Finally arrived, Noah breathed a sigh of relief.

The disciples in the gym were surprised when they looked at the green algae head behind Noah.

Ah, look, that grumpy kid came so early today without the curator having to look for him. He's so awesome.

It turns out that I came early today. It seems that he is right to join the Straw Hats in the future. He will probably starve to death in a corner alone.

A little girl walked out of the training team at this time, gave Zoro a helpless look, and asked him to go practice quickly. Then he looked at Noah.

Hello sir, may I ask why you are here?


Uh, yeah.

I'm here to visit Master Koushiro.

This way please, please wait a moment while I call for father.

He led Noah to the tea room, served tea, and Kuina left. I found my father in the backyard, told him that someone was looking for him, and then went back to the playground to practice swordsmanship.

Koushiro came over holding a tea cup and entered the tea room. When he saw Noah, he felt a little familiar.

Hello, I don't know

Master Koushiro, long time no see.

Noah naturally took off his disguise and revealed his true face.

It turns out it's you. Last night Long told me about your affairs. I didn't expect that you would complete that terrible cause together in the end. What a fate.

I just didn't expect you to come to the gym so early. Even if you sit in front of me now, I can't hold your breath.

As he said that, Koushiro's mood dropped for a moment. As a swordsman, he stopped moving forward, which was his regret. But his mind returned to calm immediately, and it was a blessing to see his disciple reach such heights.

Thank you, Master, for your teaching. By the way, when I was in Nanhai, I split the book The Detailed Explanation of Kendo and divided it into three. It is easier to get on the right path in three stages. These are the three books .”

After saying that, he handed it over, and Koushiro accepted it naturally.

By the way, is the little girl just now your daughter? The sharpness in her body is obvious, and it can be seen that she will have a place in the future as a swordsman.

Yes, Guina, you met me a few years ago. It's a pity that she is a girl. Shuangyue Kendo may seem cold and gorgeous, but in fact it requires extremely high physical fitness. Otherwise, the ancestors would not be able to kill that dragon. This My child, the boundaries in kendo are already very clear. Alas~

As a disciple, it was his duty to share his master's worries, and he couldn't bear to see Koushiro sigh. Since he was worried about Guina's safety in the future, he might as well smash the fate line into pieces, which he had always done.

Master, if Kuina is determined to climb the peak of swordsmanship, what do you think about letting her go out to sea with me? There are so many miracles on the sea, I believe there will be many ways to solve this problem.


Um? It's that simple? Seeing Koushiro drinking tea in a happy mood, he knew that Koushiro had this idea in advance, so he sighed in front of him. It was really a deep father's love.

Then, leave the final decision to the child. During this period, I will often come to guide her. If she is determined and willing to go to sea with me, then let her.

Well, this is the best, but I believe in my daughter. Her devotion to swordsmanship is much stronger than yours, hahaha.

It was rare to see Master Koushiro with such a proud expression, and Noah was also very happy. After eating in the gym, I went home and prepared some tricks to show to future disciples.

Back then, he was shocked when Koushiro's sword energy cut through a forest. This time he teaches his disciples to show what it means to be a peak swordsman!

It’s almost 300,000 words, which is a bit emotional and a bit happy. It’s a milestone for me personally. I hope you all will continue to support me.

I have been very busy at work recently, writing from midnight to early morning. I am really tired. When I have time, I will slightly modify the first free chapter to give you a better reading experience.

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