Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1215 Konoha’s Features: The Jinchūriki gives birth to a son

Haha, is that why your faith collapsed?

He was betrayed by someone he had trusted for his whole life, so his sword's heart was covered in dust.

Father, if only you had been as brave as the man named Noah in the book.

The bravery of never taking a step back against the enemy of the whole world really surpasses the two of us, father and son.

Kakashi looked at the White Fang Blade on the altar table with a sense of sadness.

With an empty mind, he opened the Adam Edition of Will of Fire and read it casually.

Burning the decaying old world? Is this combined with novels? As expected of you, Adam.

As the pages of the book turned, Kakashi's body trembled a little, and he wanted to raise the White Fang dagger and make a scene countless times.

But looking at the calm outside world, the village held back.

My teacher is in charge of Konoha now, so I can't burn the darkness of the past, I'm sorry.

No matter how painful it was, he couldn't do something for his own grudges, which would only plunge Konoha into civil strife.

It doesn't take much thinking to know that there must be more than one thing going on with White Fang.

He didn't have the courage and couldn't be so determined. That’s why I longed for the appearance of Noah in the story.

Just watching The Will of Fire all night in the study room with the lights on, I had mixed feelings.

The next day, Kakashi seemed to have figured it out and came to the Hokage Tower to accept the task. Some are decadent and some are free and easy.

Maybe I'm not such a good and determined person.

Kakashi, you look good today.

Well, I've gained some insights from watching Will of Fire recently.

It's a bit strange to say that a child of Namikaze Minato's age has understood the will of fire.

That's good, I want to ask you something.

Help me protect Kushina. This is the first task assigned by the teacher in your ANBU career. You must complete it well.


Minato hopes to use the birth of new life to make Kakashi return from the shadow of the past.

Unexpectedly, I had already crawled out more than half of the time before I went there. He is truly a genius.

Looking in the direction of his home, Minato felt endless happiness. In fact, he was among the people who had been cured by the little life.

Only after becoming Hokage did I realize how much darkness was buried under the fire in Konoha before. This profession is sometimes a kind of torture for an upright person.

He could only try his best to lead this big ship out of the darkness.

Moreover, the pressure from the village on the Hokage was really great, and I was a little tired of persisting.

Minato was slowly undergoing some changes after becoming Hokage.

It seems that Kakashi's matter is over here, and the Yondaime is slowly making Konoha change for the better. Obito temporarily ceased his activities, and the Kingdom of Rain developed crazily internally.

But as time went by, the atmosphere in the village gradually became tense in unknown places.

The information about the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki's pregnancy basically cannot be completely kept secret, and Kushina wants to go out for a walk every day.

She couldn't refuse this at all. It was too cruel for a person who had been locked up in the village for a lifetime to keep her from even leaving the house.

It was impossible for Minato Namikaze, a guy who loved his wife more than the village, to invite Kushina to a safe place to recuperate.

It is said that someone boldly proposed that Mrs. Hokage go to the root underground base to stay temporarily for a while.

The result was that he almost got hit by a big bullet in the head. At that moment, Minato even showed his murderous intention.

In the end, if Elder Sarutobi hadn't comforted him, he might have been beaten up in front of everyone.

Why did you provoke him?

got used to.

What kind of bad habit? If you don't go against me, the strongest Hokage, you'll feel uncomfortable, right?

Feeling tired, Elder Sarutobi suddenly decided not to care and let his old friend eat meatballs until he was full. It's not bad to be a full-blooded ghost.

But seeing how depressed my old friend has been recently, I still feel soft.

There is no funding, power is cut, and fundamental plans are restricted. It is also visible to the naked eye that he has reached the edge of the village, so forgive him.

We in Konoha are the only ninja village with experience in having jinchūriki give birth to children. Just follow Mito-sama's standards.

Danzo, on the other hand, was eloquent.

At that time, we had the first Hokage who was invincible in the ninja world, a teacher who was invincible in resourcefulness, and the protection of the Senju clan.

Now there's only the Yondaime brat and a few ANBU. You really don't trust us not to interfere at all.

Is there a possibility that the intervention of the roots will make people uneasy? And do your roots really have the power to intervene in such a thing?

Me! Why not, alas!

Danzo drank three pots of hot tea before he woke up from being burned. Sooner or later, he would personally lead the team into the Land of Rain.

Hmph, go and warn the Uchiha, my words won't work now.

Yeah. I'll go there later.

This was the only thing they agreed on about the Jinchuuriki giving birth, Uchiha could not be near the Jinchuuriki, especially during labor.

At that time, even the Uzumaki clan would fall into weakness, and their resistance to the Sharingan would fall to a low point.

The fact that Uchiha can control tailed beasts has been recorded in detail by the second generation. The wariness of this clan stems from their psychotic character and fear of strength.

They all know how terrifying the realm above Sanmagatama is.

Although the fourth generation didn't care or believe Uchiha. However, the group of elders had decided to strictly prohibit the Uchiha clan from going out within the clan's territory on that day.

Even if the sky falls and the nine tails plunder outside, it won't work.

The two of them dispersed after their exchange. As for whether Danzo would be as careless as he said, he didn't know.

Uzumaki Kushina's information has been placed on the heads of major ninja villages. Recently, the spies in the village have begun to be active with high intensity.

The period of violent fluctuations in nuclear weapons is a very sensitive matter for every ninja village.

In the period before the sealing technique and the two heroes of the ninja world, the Nine-Tails was the strongest incarnation of natural disasters, disasters, wars, and misfortunes on this continent.

Basically the same as the god of disaster in mythology. Everywhere you go there is chaos. The human race is too fragile for this Nine Lamas.

In fact, it is also transforming into the posture of this local god, and the ability to perceive the good and evil of human beings has emerged.

It's a pity that this world belongs to the two sons of the Liudao family after all, and the little pet was held down by the eldest son after all. He was locked up again by his younger son.

All ANBU have been mobilized, and even some Jonin have received fewer missions out of the village recently.

The disadvantages of lack of combat power after the third war are very obvious.

There are only a few special places that still maintain the tranquility of the years. One is the Uchiha clan.

Another place. Orochimaru's mansion.

Looking at the method of lifting the imprisoning curse deduced from the information brought by Shisui, a sense of intellectual superiority arises spontaneously.

This kind of thing is not difficult for me, Orochimaru. In the use of jutsu, he is inferior to the Third Hokage, but in the research of jutsu, he is only inferior to the second generation.


Even if he had not received any notification from the Hokage Tower at this stage, he was still not needed to participate in the defense mission.

Orochimaru knew that Jiraiya's disciple was still wary of him, and his teacher did not believe in him at the critical moment.

Haha, the wisdom of mortals.

Opening the door, he saw three disciples practicing their own medicine. Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction. At least there was nothing weird like Jiraiya here.

He turned around and went out to find Danzo. The old guy was already anxious.

I guess I can knock out some good stuff.

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