Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1216 On the Possibility of Sustainable Development of Danzo Elder Resources

Minato took the matter of Kushina's pregnancy very seriously, and wanted to arrange the highest level of protection measures, both emotionally and as a Hokage.

But the situation in Konoha after the war was like this. The only high-end combat power remaining in the village was those that could not be used, such as Orochimaru, or a certain Shimura elder who he was relatively opposed to.

Basically, there were really not enough people left, so he wanted to find his teacher Jiraiya.

As long as nature can come back, he will dare to use Orochimaru with confidence.

The fourth generation thought very well and knew how to control people. If Minato's vision could be followed, history would be completely rewritten.

It's a pity that when Jiraiya traveled around the ninja world, he said he was collecting information and relaxing, but in fact, he was gathering information about the entire ninja world for Konoha.

Out of caution, he didn't have much contact with the people in the village, and there was no Sannin who could be his superior.

Jiraiya's inability to return made Minato feel a little uneasy.

Perhaps with his Flying Thunder God, no one in the ninja world can stop him from protecting his wife.

The underground space of a certain training ground.

In the darkness, two guys who looked like bad guys got together again.

Elder Danzo didn't mean to stay silent for a while and then restart the laboratory and conduct research a few months after the fourth generation came to power.

But the Fourth Hokage's child is about to be born, why aren't the things I want in place yet?

Is it possible that someone is imagining dragging Naruto into the darkness? Will he join in the trap with you?

Or are you going to let me, a loser, bear the burden of the laboratory?

The sprayed venom smeared Danzo's old face.

His only remaining eye was twitching, and the crutch in his hand was almost crushed.

The reason why he came to Orochimaru was that he was forced to do nothing as the other party said.

Maybe Minato was wary of the former commander of Konoha, Lord Leng, one of the three ninjas, and had some respect for him.

Then he is completely wary and repulsive towards his own leader and current elder.

Danzo also didn't expect that he would be the first to be unlucky after Minato came to power.

This little guy looked like a sunny and cheerful boy before he took the position, but after he took the position, he turned out to have such a dark heart.

It can be said that he is as dark as that old guy Hiruzen, and he is better at disguise.

The ANBU actually conducts audit work, and the outflow of funds from the ANBU is being investigated year by year.

One of the financial sources at the root is taken from it. Of course, this part was reviewed and approved by Hiruzen himself and there was no big problem.

Hmm. Compared with other aspects of extraction, it is indeed not a big problem, but it is not small either.

As for Konoha's other financial allocations and various expenses, it's terrible.

In terms of other funds, Danzo, Koharu and Mito Menyan still had some interceptions to some extent.

It's just that those two idiots filled in some of it before Minato took over, which made him very embarrassed.

In addition, his business dealings are now also under review, and these things make him very anxious.

The financial capacity was cut off from the source, and all the things previously stored in the outer base were moved away by someone who could kill a thousand people. It actually felt like there was no way out.

Minato originally wanted to investigate the disappearance of the personnel but was stopped by Hiruzen.

At this time, the old guy started to dissuade him, because he acquiesced in the transfer of personnel at the root.

Danzo now really feels like he has been turned into an empty elder. It seems that in a few years, his generation will disappear in Konoha.

The transition of speaking power is so cruel.

With no outside help to rely on, Danzo had no choice but to find Orochimaru for a last-ditch effort.

He still has the last bargaining chip in his hand.

Orochimaru, I'm not here to do unnecessary things. I remember that you should have your own laboratory outside.

Let me guess the Kingdom of Frost and the Kingdom of Grass.

How long do you think it will take to find your snake nest with the power of the roots?

Orochimaru remained calm, my main base is now in the Land of Rain, elder.

Those two external bases will turn to the research of immortal arts and conventional forbidden arts in the future, so the value is really not very high at the moment.

For such a threat, Orochimaru could fully sense the elder's weakness. It seemed that there was not much he could do to me~~ He looked at the other person with his snake-like vertical pupils as if he were prey.

His tongue unconsciously stretched out and retracted from his mouth. Now was not the time to eat the other person, he would be strangled to death.

Yes, yes. Is it possible that Elder Danzo wants to report me?

Orochimaru is confident. As a scientist, it is normal for you to set up one or two laboratories outside to conduct some small experiments.

Besides, the funds used were funds he had obtained through work or other channels over the years. It’s much less problematic than some people’s channels.

Danzo was a little annoyed when he saw that he couldn't control his former subordinate, but he could only endure it in order to prevent his Hokage dream from dying immediately.

First-generation cells are available at any time. As long as you can complete the fusion experiment of the first-generation cells as soon as possible, I can give you the excess materials.

The price tag is not high. These materials are considered top-notch materials in the ninja world. Some things are even certain to die if exposed to light due to their sensitivity.

In terms of value, it is immeasurable. Danzo is burning the boat.

Danzo, sir. Just provide me with a piece of material and ask me to provide money, people, and results, but you still want to share the results?

First-generation cells are good things, and the amount used for each experiment is strictly managed and reported, but the greed of snakes is also instinctive.


The crutch struck the ground hard.

What I produced are first-generation cells! Even you can't get this.

Although Orochimaru was very excited, and Wood Release and Yang attributes were also related to the subsequent research, he felt that Danzo needed to be dealt with harshly.

The ruined ship still has three pounds of nails, which is a lot of money that Tangtanggen has accumulated over the years.

Orochimaru didn't know that there was an idiot Obito who was plotting against Konoha with a root counter plan, and he just wanted to get more benefits.

Besides, even if some people at the root have a very strong family background, my income as a single person depends on tasks and some small means.

The Shimura clan is different. They have been entrenched in Konoha for many years and have a deep-rooted boss to protect them. It's really a lot of money.

But elder, isn't what you need most right now just results?

Hit the nail on the head!

Huh~huh~~Okay, okay. Leng Jun Orochimaru's appetite is really big enough. Just tell me what else you want!

Funding, and the Sharingan.

The root has no funds! There is no Sharingan!

Haha, no Sharingan? It was useless no matter how cautious Uchiha was. There are always one or two missing Uchiha during the war.

Regarding the Nidaime's research on the Sharingan, and how Danzo's style could be without the Sharingan.

Orochimaru felt that this elder couldn't see his situation clearly, and he was still covering his pockets after what time.

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