Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1214. Join, an enthusiastic person who doesn’t talk about remuneration.

“Energy, computing power, these are not something I can do. Even the five major countries cannot do it.

Scorpion was very calm after being hit. What Noah said was indeed ideal but useless.

The Kingdom of Rain can do it!

A stack of papers was placed on Xia's desk.

The economic development strategic plan of the Rain Country is expected to increase the output value.

And science is the core plan of the primary productive force. We will continue to invest in everything from heavy industry to light industry, from basic science to theoretical science.

The National Education Plan of the Land of Rain aims to cultivate a large number of high-tech talents to invest in research in the technology industry.

These are the soil from which science is born.

Scorpion is a little numb, where are you going to bring the Kingdom of Rain?

Even people from the Kingdom of Wind began to sympathize with this country that had been crying. It would be too tiring to follow this leader who was rushing in an unknown direction.

But at first glance it sounds like everyone is doing well. The people live a prosperous life, and scientists also have normal soil, a win-win situation.

By the way, here are some mecha and puppet ideas for you to look at. Maybe they will inspire you.

Several huge structural drawings were given to Scorpion.

This is a puppet...a puppet~~?!

Scorpio's tone changed.

The reason why he was so surprised was because what he saw in the drawing was not at all the things called puppets in his mind.

Pacifist, 689cm tall. Moves at high speed, has a steel frame, electric energy, and can emit lasers. It can be called the simplest mass-produced robot.

Unit No. 1, piloted by qualified personnel. A combination of biotechnology and electronic technology, integrating the spiritual power of life as its stance. It is 103 meters tall and weighs 74 tons. Weapons include the High Wave Sword and the Spear of Longinus, the largest Scope Capture: Extraterrestrial Orbit.”

Strike Freedom, with a total length of 99.46m, a total width of 60.12m, and a weight of 552.42t. Armed with 120cm high-energy beam cannon × 2 93.7cm high-energy beam sword × 2 MA-X200 beam saber Missiles x 77. The Meteor system explodes with full force and can output all firepower instantly.

The Death Star has a diameter of 160km, a super-large super-matter reaction chamber as its power source, a total crew of 1,186,295, the main weapon is the main laser cannon, the remaining weapons are 1,768 tractor beams, and the remaining weapons are 215,000 turbolaser cannons.

This is the romance of men, the pinnacle product of the mechanical age, and art.

Puppet. If you want, keep using it.

But...are you really unwilling to create one of your own technological products?


Xie was completely fascinated by these creations that were full of mechanical beauty.

Are these really mechanical creations?

Of course, these are the pinnacle products brought about by technology in different eras. Some of them combine technology with biology, and some are pure technology. In short, the future of this path is truly brilliant, and it is confirmed that transcendence can be achieved.

“If you stay here, you can definitely create something beautiful like this in your lifetime.”

His eyes were fixed on the drawings, and the technological beauty of another world shocked Xie's mind.

Maybe the man in front of him has an earth-shattering background, or maybe the man in front of him is a lunatic.

But the beauty of technology cannot be faked, and the soul of the mechanical master is awakening.

The self-consciously gorgeous puppet images in his mind were constantly being erased, and he suddenly couldn't stand those rough things. Even the name puppet seemed a bit outdated.

Mecha, weapon, Gundam, technology god, or apostle. Whatever you want to call it. Isn't it nice to look at?

What do you need me to do?

To promote the technological development and mechanical level of the entire Kingdom of Rain, so that the soil is full of seeds that can give birth to miracles.

In five or ten years, a large number of talents will be born to join this great cause.

When this world faces the final difficulty, I hope you can bring your creations to win peace for this world.

I have no choice, let me join the Akatsuki organization.

Welcome to join, Comrade Scorpion.

A handshake is reached.

This time the induction training work has come to an end.

Scorpio is very excited and ready to devote himself to this career, but of course Puppet will not give up.

This has been the foundation for his livelihood in the past ten years, and he is very clear about this.

No matter how beautiful the blueprint for the future is, it needs to be taken step by step.

This mechanical path in the Land of Rain starts from scratch, first building an industrial foundation and in-depth study of basic materials science.

Noah brought Scorpion into an advanced laboratory.

I didn't expect there to be such an excellent laboratory in the Rain Country.

That's right, we have an excellent alliance outside. They have been providing the Akatsuki organization with advanced research equipment and some funds for a long time.

What's needed for the first step.

A large amount of equipment is needed to liberate productivity and overcome all constraints in agriculture and industry. Only in this way can there be enough resources to support experiments.

I understand, how about semi-intelligent puppets for farming, mining, and metallurgy?

Very good, your understanding is really high.

It's nothing. The Kingdom of Sand originally wanted to do this, but I was a little worried about the quality of the puppets and that no ninja was willing to do it. Now I have downgraded these things so that ordinary people can use them.

Genius is indeed a genius. He grasped the key points in an instant and started production first.

Professional, talented, impeccable work attitude and enthusiasm, Noah was relieved to see Scorpio being so good.

As for Uchiha Madara and the confinement seal, Scorpio didn't say anything, and Noah didn't ask.

Scorpios believe that they can solve this small problem sooner or later with their own skills, and the worst is to stop being a human being. As for Uchiha Madara, the masked man became even more funny after watching Shocking Sword.

Noah believed in Orochimaru's ability, and the other party's black technology methods were also emerging in endlessly. This kind of thing rooted in flesh and blood meant that Uncle Snake took more effort.

The Kingdom of Rain once again untied the iron chain, and the process of the five-year plan was accelerated again.

Like a monster hiding in an unknown corner of the ninja world, it evolved crazily. By the time the whole world noticed it, it was unstoppable.

The confused boy in Konoha Village also received a reply.

It is indeed Noah's style. He always chooses what he thinks is right without hesitation and without compromise.

Perhaps this kind of will can be called a burning will.

He even gave me an annotated copy of The Will of Fire. This is someone who cares about me again~~

But how could the Third Hokage not know about things in the village? This sentence also pointed out the problem that he didn't want to think deeply about.

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