Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1213 Xiao Organization is indeed a professional counterpart

The Sword of Dawn not only cut into Xie's heart, but also fell into the hearts of several leaders in Yu Renmin Village.

Teacher Noah seems to be teaching new students, but the movement is too big.

Nagato's eyes were full of confusion. This level of swordsmanship was too inconsistent with the style of the ninja world.

Opening the sky with one sword would be amazing in any era.

The fear and desire for power further accelerated the awakening of the Samsara Eye, and at this moment the hungry ghost realm suddenly awakened.

The ability to absorb chakra and seal seals appeared in this body.

At the same time, the heretic demon statue hidden in the mountain also trembled, as if responding to the call of the Samsara Eye.

‘Is it fear? Immortal Eyes instinctively resisted the teacher's power. ’

Nagato probably understood that these eyes did not belong to him, and they were indeed not that obedient.

The three immortals in the Three Holy Lands also looked in this direction.

The natural energy from the outside world was forcefully summoned in an instant and formed slight waves that they could sense.

The ninja world is so big, there is natural energy everywhere, the only difference is more and less.

But the intensity that can cause waves is abnormal. This is only possible if they use their own moves.

The Great Toad Immortal suddenly felt that his previous prediction had been hasty. If he attracted some terrible monster, he would be asking for disaster.

Immortal Slug continued to hide in the wet bone forest without much movement. Apart from contacting the Thousand Hands clan, it has no other communication channels in its life. Naturally, I don’t know what influential figures there are in the outside world.

White Snake Immortal's unknown feeling filled the snake's body, and he always felt like there was something missing. It seems that the guy from the outside who induces natural energy will come here.

Kakuzu, who was as busy as a dog, dropped the notebook in his hand and his eyes popped out.

It turns out that cutting out of the canyon is not Noah's limit, but the limit of his vision.

Some small thoughts immediately disappeared without a trace. He was Teacher Noah's favorite economics disciple. He wanted to follow the direction of the Akatsuki organization and contribute to the construction of the Kingdom of Rain.

Sanshouyu Hanzo was already numb, he had already gotten in the car anyway.

Not to mention Kaitian, even if you kill the Six Paths Immortal, he will follow you.

The outskirts of Yuren Village.

Xie's shrinking pupils and wide-open mouth all betrayed his emotions, and the pretty face looked a bit silly.

The child is still young and has never seen any big scenes.

In the later period, even during the Shippuden period, Scorpion's style of painting did not collapse.

Is this swordsmanship?


The young man made an estimate, ten puppets, pawn. Third generation Kazekage enters and dies. Go up by yourself and die.

No wonder the two of them rule the Four Kingdoms. It would be no problem if Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara had the same ability to dominate the ninja world.

In fact, the two heroes of the ninja world in their heyday were more powerful than this sword.

Noah made it clear that he is still no match for Hashirama and others in his heyday.

The power expended in slaying Yunhai was not very large, and was only supplemented by his own swordsmanship that transcended the world.

Really killing people is not as good as Madara's Susana Machete. As for Hashirama's true thousands of hands, he can cut off a hundred hands.

Xia was even more shocked. Noah opened up a real corner of the ninja world for him.

Does it make him feel that the world he saw in the past years was all fake? So this world was once so glorious?

Did you see it? If you don't have such strength, you may not even be qualified to step into the core battlefield in the near future.

The strongest Kazekage? All five shadows come together for nothing.

Xie was even more confused. Why did he come all the way to the Country of Rain?

Will there really be a battle of the level you mentioned in the future?

The future is destined to happen, and the initiator may be the enemy or me.

He said such terrifying words in the same tone as if he was talking about eating a bowl of tofu in the morning.


Come to think of it, I came to join the peaceful organization Akatsuki.

It's really scary. Is this going to be a world war?

I'm sorry, I haven't told you much about our Akatsuki organization's working style and vision.

Overthrow the three mountains that weigh on the people of the ninja world, and spread the fire of knowledge and civilization into every corner of the world.

The ultimate goal, burn the old world and create a peaceful new world.

Xie nodded, this tastes very good. It was definitely a terrorist organization suitable for a rebellious ninja like myself.

I just feel a little unconfident for some reason. When I first entered the Land of Rain, I was taught how to be a good person by Xiaonan, and then I was frightened by the sword that opened the sky.

I feel like my level is still a bit low.

Moreover, I am not evil and perverted mentally, so I would be incompatible with this organization.

In terms of strength, his own puppet is so fragile in the face of such a powerful force, like grass on the roadside.


Is it really necessary to constantly break through the limits that Noah said?

After Xie was sent back to the cell, the child was still confused, even more confused than before he left.

Noah came the next day, this time pushing a small blackboard.

Genius is trouble, and it takes a long time to prepare for the final attack.

That is to say, this young man's potential and ability are worth it.

Materials, computing power, energy.

The three standards were written on the blackboard, and Scorpion also understood that the person in front of him was serious.

You know the materials. Traditional metal or wood will definitely be eliminated. Even if the sand ninja has secondary processing of the materials, it will not be enough.

Excellent high and low temperature resistance, aging resistance and corrosion resistance, adaptability to space environment, and service life must meet certain standards.

As for toughness and hardness, the puppet master has to consider it himself.

Then you need basic materials science.

Computing power! This actually has a basis. It has been installed in various electronic devices. If you are interested, you can study it.

This processing capability is definitely much simpler than controlling it with silk threads, but the initial step is difficult to take.

And it's difficult to maintain it in a fierce battle. It's better to adjust it based on the characteristics of the ninja world.

Biotechnology is also a good auxiliary measure. We have experts in this field and you can communicate more.

Finally, energy, chakra can be used or stored through devices like jinchūriki.

But there will be certain hidden dangers. This energy will be extracted and swallowed, so it is not very stable.

You can also consider natural energy and electrical energy. Gravity, nuclear energy, nothing to worry about. A good foundation in the ninja world is required.

Noah almost raised the standard of the king, imagining a super invincible exploding puppet or the concept of the next top technology.

After reading it, Scorpion didn't understand. It seemed that it was not something he could do and it was not something the ninja world could do.

Are you really telling me to make a breakthrough? Instead of telling me to give up?

Just the materials for making the puppets were developed by Suna Ninja Village after so many years of continuous exploration, spending a lot of manpower and material resources.

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