Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1212: Learn more about the deus ex machina

Still searching, but I like puppets very much. Even if you say they will rot in the future, to me they are eternal.

Although not completely out of it, Scorpio has also jumped out of this thinking trap.

Noah nodded, and then took off the shackles on Scorpion.

Why do you want to kill me now?

No. These things can't actually trap a trap master. Now let's take you out for some fresh air.

The two of them walked to the outside world without anyone stopping them. They talked about puppetry while walking.

The Second Kazekage used chakra threads as controllers to create the puppet master genre, which still has a lot of merit.

Merely a saving grace?

Speaking of this, Scorpion felt that Noah was a bit of a layman giving advice to an expert.

Puppetry is his current way of pursuing art, and his ultimate vision can subvert the entire genre.

Little did they know that after Noah finished attacking art, today he was here to attack technology.

Geniuses have to be absorbed in this way to be obedient.

Only old people like Kakuzu need more force and interests. People are different.

Chakra is a very excellent energy, very practical and very universal. The combination of physical and spiritual power forms this energy.

As for the puppet master, he uses chakra energy to turn into silk threads to control the entire puppet's actions.

Using a puppet to fight the main body can avoid being directly hit. Apart from the fact that it seems more expensive, it is almost a ninjutsu with few weaknesses.

Xie nodded, this was all common sense and there was nothing to refute.

Then if the puppetry technique wants to break through the upper limit if it develops further, one way is to find a way in terms of quantity.

The maximum number of puppets you can control with one finger is 10. This upper limit must be exceeded with your talent.

Controlling dozens or hundreds of puppets can form more formations and provide richer and more varied tactics.

Scorpio already has some ideas in this regard, but it is more deviant and requires a lot of resources and knowledge to fill this step.

The other direction of development is strength. For example, allowing puppets to use ninjutsu.

Manipulate the body of a strong person and solve this weakness of most ninjas' fragile bodies through puppet modification.

For example, the cruel puppet technique of human puppets came into being.

The information about the Third Kazekage had been exposed to the Akatsuki organization, and Xieya nodded without any cover-up.

If he can survive next, he will develop in these two aspects at the same time to completely solve the puppet master's weaknesses.

It will even eliminate the last weakness, the main body. This is a crazy attempt that will surely surpass all predecessors and achieve relative eternity.

Noah showed a sinister smile at this time.

These two development directions lead to the same goal by different routes, but they will actually encounter a bottleneck.

What bottleneck?

Xie Bai was puzzled. After completing these two breakthroughs, he had reached the pinnacle of the current ninja world.

That's chakra and brain, and the material limitations of the puppet.

? !

So what if you can control dozens or hundreds of them? You can't do anything more than that. Because your chakra can't support so many puppets acting at the same time and releasing skills. At the same time, your mind can't support such a delicate operation. Manipulation.”

If the enemy is 100,000 monsters who are tireless and fearless of death, your puppet is just a small sampan in the vast ocean.

The same is true in terms of strength. The sand iron ninjutsu of the third generation Kazekage puppet is very strong. But how many ultimate moves can you unleash with his most extreme chakra state? Even the strongest Kazekage himself is in this ninja world. Zhongdu can't be said to be strong, so why can his puppet be stronger?

In the end, your puppet has its limit in terms of strength. Ordinary metal. Hard wooden structure. Various hidden weapons. In the eyes of some people, there is no difference between it and a joke.

Scorpion sneered at Noah's statement, and wanted to hit me just by relying on these fantasy scenes?

Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara.

Scorpion's face was a little stiff. Even the most arrogant genius doesn't think he can reach that level.

It has not yet been a hundred years since the two heroes of the ninja world conquered the four countries, and each country has clear records.

According to records, the Sand Ninja Village was beaten into a dog when they faced Uchiha Madara. Even Shukaku, the ultimate weapon, was sent by Senju Hashirama.

What a powerful strength and terrifying courage this is.

Scorpion had seen a Jinchuuriki lose control, and the scene of the huge chakra being unleashed in the desert was shocking.

The Third Kazekage earned his reputation as the strongest because he could defeat Shukaku. Without targeted sealing techniques, Xia didn't think he could overwhelm Shukaku at this time.

And the thing about one person fighting a village is also exaggerated. This is the Sand Ninja Village. Even if he controls hundreds of jounin, he cannot defeat the powerful ninja village.

But it was a product of staying together to keep warm in order to survive under the reputation of those two monsters.

This kind of extraneous monster is naturally impossible to fight.

For the sake of her grandson's education, the old woman Chiyo read the uncensored version of the Suna Ninja Village history book, just because she was afraid that the child would suddenly go to Konoha for revenge.

At that time, the precious grandson may fall into a certain background.

Both the two heroes of the ninja world have passed away. No matter how powerful the puppet technique is, there will be no way to face them.

This is the last stubbornness of a young genius, and this is what people of Chiyo's generation think.

No one alive in the ninja world could have imagined that more than ten years later, the style of this world would leap to the point of destroying life on the surface in an extremely short period of time.

Even a master like Senju Hashirama would be defeated when he returns to reality, such as being knocked down by a certain strongest Hokage in a one-on-one battle.

Noah feels that a genius must have the talent to withstand more pressure, otherwise it will be easy to be embarrassed like Kakashi.

So with the idea of ​​allowing young people to broaden their horizons, he decided to do something. In other words, after his body slowly repaired, he was a little ready to move.

What should I cut? Yes, I have it.

Did you see the clouds on the horizon?

The ever-lasting gloomy cumulonimbus clouds unique to the Land of Rain just block the sunlight, and the light that barely comes through makes this place always not so bright.

A gray iron bar appeared in Noah's hand at some point.

Hedao Yiwen is a little excited. Like his master, he is a restless master.

The red light circulated on the sword, and finally converged on the sword's edge.


He raised his sword and swung it gently towards the sky in the distance.

From the moment the iron bar appeared, Scorpion's heart was on fire, and his attachment to life and fear of death entangled his heart.

The red sword energy beside him seemed to pass by slowly but really quickly. At that moment, neither the Third Kazekage nor the final plan could protect him.

It can be said that from birth to now, there has been no feeling more terrifying than this sword energy.

The tailed beast jade's energy fluctuation is greater than this sword energy, but the concept of certain death is far less strong than here.

He felt like he almost met his parents.

There was no sound, and the thick clouds were separated without any hindrance.

The kind of legend that only appeared in myths came to the world again, and the sun shone directly from the sky.

The dazzling light made Xie a little confused. Is this sword energy?

Noah smiled very relaxedly under this ray of sunshine.

You see, that kind of super-standard existence has never been far away from this world.

In order to fight against such a powerful boy, are you interested in learning about the deus ex machina?

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