Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1211 What else does the Hokage not know?

Chapter 1211: What else does the Hokage not know?

The Uchiha family is also very arrogant. Now that they have the embrace of the village, they are still shouting, but they are not happy in their hearts.

The few who don't understand clearly are not geniuses.

Of course that's not what he said. This guy might explode at some point.

It was still necessary to use emotional guidance and persuasion to finally give up the matter of interfering with Uchiha at this time.

Hei Jue kept persuading himself in his heart that the path of a villain also requires slow growth, just wait until he is older.

The total period from the time of blackening to the execution of the mission was only one year. Some outrageous thoughts are normal, very normal!

Someone on Konoha Rock is planning an earth-shattering conspiracy.

There are also people in Konoha Village who are tossing and turning and can't sleep. Recently, Kakashi feels a little insomnia again.

I always feel like someone is standing at the head of my bed, watching me. Is it because my recent exploration of secrets has made my nerves a little tense?

He simply walked to the courtyard and stared at the moonlight in a daze.

Anbu's life was very simple, and the most basic training was easy for the genius Kakashi, who quickly became famous just like before.

She has long silver hair and wears a black mask. The obvious thunder attribute chakra and the chirping of thousands of birds all point to the most brilliant genius in Konoha at this time.

In the period just after the Third World War, many foreign-related tasks were carried out, such as catching spies, intercepting materials, investigating intelligence, and monitoring certain sensitive figures.

While dealing with this, he was still investigating the truth behind White Fang's death.

He kept secretly visiting and investigating, including his father's former comrades-in-arms.

Thanks to his special identity, the superimposed attributes of the fourth generation disciple and ANBU member. He can unravel the darkness behind many inconvenient things.

There is indeed a problem with that thing that I don't want to recall. I missed too many doubtful points when I was young.

How could his father, who had always been a hero, become the sinner of the entire Konoha in an instant because of the failure of his mission, and his father also had an attitude of not caring about the accusations from people around him.

He even forgives everyone very gently, but his sudden suicide is very abnormal.

There are still clues about the White Fang incident hidden in the secrets of a special power.

Kakashi flawlessly explored who was behind it. He just wanted to know where the abnormal remarks came from during that period of time.

Finally, two forces of manipulation came into view.

One pointed towards the root, which Kakashi quickly detected. The comrade who accused his father was connected to this force.

Danzo appeared in the field of vision again, a careerist, an elder with no scruples, and a department head with his own armed forces.

It is normal for such a person to use public opinion to force his father, but it is still far from asking a battle-experienced ninja to commit suicide.

He would definitely not be the core of the force that defeated Konoha White Fang.

And the other one points to the Hokage Tower.

The clues were broken when he found this, and even the power that had vaguely helped him maintain the clues disappeared.

This frightened the young man. The more clues there were, the more problematic it was.

In the melancholy, he felt like he was drawing a sword and looking around in the courtyard, feeling confused. He had the sword in his hand, but who was the enemy?

In other words, the person hiding in the darkness is an existence that he doesn't want to think about.

Will of Fire?

In his confusion, he thought of a person, a person who only appeared in his life for a short month. A firm idealist and a magical author with an unbridled imagination.

He is also a guy who is willing to be his friend, and he is also a guy who always wants to carry forward the will of fire.

The so-called strongest sword should be one that can protect what you want to protect and cut off what you want to cut off.

Adam, your story didn't say anything about finding the thing you want to cut off. In the end, if it is true as he thinks, can the sword in his hand cut off thoughts?

I took out a pen and paper and started writing down some of my worries.

Mr. Adam.

What would Noah in the sea do if he met someone who did something unforgivable for the stability of the sea?

For example, the person at the helm of the world government does it for some reasons.

I wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote again.

Finally finished this letter.

Adam is an author who has certain connections with high-level officials in Konoha, so he should be trustworthy. Kakashi specifically confirmed this after returning to Konoha.

The third generation Hokage's son's best friend, it is said that the two exchanged a lot of things. Even the Sandaime had seen those works and spoke highly of them.

Jiraiya-sama's literary friend. Regarding the publication of Adam's book, Jiraiya entrusted others to handle it. There were few people who could ask this adult to do things so dedicatedly.

And the other person is not really from Konoha Village, and is far away from the Land of Rain. After counting, only Adam was suitable to discuss these matters.

For some reason, Kakashi felt a lot more relaxed after sending it.

Young people always want to find a place to lean on when they lack support.

After receiving the letter, Noah also started to reply seriously.

Kakashi-kun, it's nice to receive your letter.

I think if Noah encountered such a situation, he would definitely pick up his sword and attack this sanctimonious guy.

The stability of the sea cannot be maintained by this method. Remember Akainu? The guy who blew up the civilian escape ship at the beginning.

Spoiler alert for you, he's going to die.

But even Akainu practices his beliefs openly.

“Those who harm others in the name of high-sounding justice, and even deceive others in the name of righteousness are the source of trouble.

The old and the new are fighting, right and wrong are confused, the truth is unclear, and lawsuits are being filed to make fun of each other. As the saying goes: He talks about benevolence, justice and morality, but he only wants to steal men and steal women into prostitution.

Such a man must be struck by the sword. Or sent to the guillotine to face the consequences of his crime.

In the letter, Noah harshly criticized the person Kakashi was going to face.

According to the will of fire, such people will be sent to the gallows.

A very gentle reminder to Kakashi at the end.

Finally, if you have any questions, please ask the Sandaime-sama. Is there anything in the entire Konoha Village that this former Hokage doesn't know?

Done, this letter should be able to clear away the darkness in the young man's heart.

With a smile, I attached another copy of the overseas version of Will of Fire with my own notes and sent it out.

A new storm is coming.

It's time to have a heart-to-heart with the artist.

Two weeks have passed, and it seems that the entire Akatsuki organization has forgotten that they still have an extremely dangerous super criminal in prison.

The person in charge of the care only brings good food and drink in every day, as well as a lot of paper and pens.

It seems like everyone in jail likes to record and think about something.

At this time, Scorpion was still recording the improvement methods of the puppet, but his handsome face showed a little vicissitudes.

The red hair like a chicken coop and the dark circles under his eyes showed his inner suffering, and his eyes were also slightly cloudy.

The guarding ninja knew very well that this was a sign that the psychological defenses had been pried open.

Mental torture is also a very common method in the ninja world. Unexpectedly, the gentle teacher who often comes here with several leaders is also a ruthless person with some methods.

How is it? Have you considered what you really want?

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