All you need to do is collect intelligence together and then be ready for my arrival.


Then Obito removed the wooden escape restraint on the opponent.

But at this time, Scorpion was still a mortal body, and he had not updated himself, so the serious injuries he suffered were still serious injuries.

What to do if your subordinates can’t get up?

Do we still have to carry him out with Tutu? Then all the villain's character will be lost.

The helpless Obito had no choice but to use White Zetsu cells to start healing his subordinate, which was completed only after consuming chakra and a large amount of cell tissue.

Then he left here without looking back. He had completed most of the work of returning to the Akatsuki organization, and now he only needed to go to Konoha and wait for the opportunity.

After completing the major event that weakened Konoha, we can bring this great force to the Land of Rain.

With Kakuzu and Scorpion laying a good foundation, Noah and Nagato will have no choice but to bow down, hahahahahahahaha.

Konoha, here I come.

Scorpion, who stayed where he was, was a little confused.

Looking at the repaired injuries on his body, he was speechless. No matter what the masked man did, this method was too rough.

He was not too worried about the curse mark on his body. The great puppet master also had top-notch control over his body.

This position led to a bold idea he had previously had.

The third generation Kazekage must be repaired as soon as possible, and the debugging should be debugging. At the same time, we must also speed up our own research, which will be a long project.

As for the Akatsuki organization, they still have to go, after all, they are still under control.

It's just a mission, it doesn't matter to Scorpion whether it's undercover or anything else.

He just wants to find a stable place where he can play with his big figures, so he can join early to save worry.

Now without the financial support of Sand Ninja Village, the money for playing figures is really not enough.

Chiyo's doting on her grandson is also reflected in the material and financial support. After running outside, she can only rely on herself.

After cleaning up the battlefield and recycling the usable parts, Xion headed towards the Kingdom of Rain.

With the arrival of Noah, the fate of this world is slowly collapsing.

Obito's early action allowed two great masters who could have dominated the Akatsuki organization for more than ten years to reach the end of their lives one step ahead. In other words, it is a new starting point in life.

Xie stopped when he reached the border of the Kingdom of Wind. He had read the information.

The Kingdom of Rain has blocked the normal entry and exit channels for ninjas, and entering is tantamount to invasion.

It wasn't that he was afraid of this, but he was cautious because he couldn't collect any information inside the Kingdom of Rain.

He used his latent mind to control the sand to control an ordinary sand ninja to conduct a infiltration investigation, but lost contact before going very far.

In desperation, we can only use the sand clone combined with the puppet technique to explore.

Finally, I left a mark at the contact point before leaving.

Kakuzu, who had just gotten off work, was excitedly preparing to find Noah for extra lessons.

The content of the current work is very easy, which is to rebuild the financial system of this feudal country. The original system cannot withstand the increasing output value.

Although the work content is relatively unfamiliar, he can still keep up with Xiaonan's work rhythm with his unique acumen.

As for him, he would definitely refuse to have drinks and dinner with his colleagues after get off work. What could be more important than studying?

A group of frogs in a well have no idea what they are missing.

Teacher Noah's individual tutoring lessons are not something that ordinary people can enjoy. Only if you are good at it and have a certain value can you be qualified to listen.

That is the source of wealth in this world.

It is possible to establish a religion in the chaotic period when the Ninja Village has not yet been established.

So the person who likes to learn the most in this ninja village is Kakuzu-san, who is rapidly adding knowledge at a terrifying speed.

The more seriously you study, the more you become obsessed with the relationship between rules and economics.

He felt that he had come to a holy place for further training, with the best teachers, the best testing ground, and the resources of an entire country.

These things completely occupied his mind.

As for the tasks given by Uchiha Madara, there will be a dedicated person to help him solve them every day. In short, the results delivered are very consistent with the regular undercover process.

Conflict, recognition, communication, doubt.

We have now reached the stage of doubt, and in about two weeks we will reach the stage of initial trust.

Kakuzu himself was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, working during the day and studying at night, and the inhuman physique of Ji Yu was exerting a strong effect.

He had already planned that if one day his liver stopped working, he would catch a black market rebel and get a liver transplant. In short, his liver would explode in the Land of Rain.

On this day, he was still rushing from the capital to Yuren Village, but the difference was that he saw the mark.

Contact person? Connector!

Two blazing flames shot out from Kakuzu's little eyes. What are these? This is a credit!

What can you do with credit? You can acquire advanced knowledge and obtain investment qualifications.

His coffin had already been retrieved from caves, strongholds, and black market exchanges by a comrade named Xiaobai in the organization.

Nowadays, Kakuzu has a lot of liquidity but no way out.

It is understandable that he does not have enough authority as he does not have a certificate of surrender and is restricted by a curse seal.

But this opportunity to break the situation has just come!

The two roads ran to the top of the tower as if they were on hot wheels.

Teacher Noah, I'll report it!

The bad guy who intends to subvert the Rain Country, seize the Akatsuki organization, and destroy our plan for a peaceful ninja world is here!

That bastard pretending to be Uchiha Madara must have found another master. Whether he is killed or captured is all a matter of your word!

I, Kakuzu, are definitely following the lead of the Akatsuki organization and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the great cause.

Yeah, it's good, it's good.

Kakuzu is really a man of faith. Anyone who doesn't let him make money is an enemy and a heretic who deserves to be burned at the stake.

I'll let Xiaobai go investigate first. You sit down first, don't be in a hurry.

Then Xiaonan and Nagato were called over. Now that the organization is getting stronger, there is no need for so many people to go out collectively to frighten the enemy.

It's the Red Sand Scorpion, which basically matches the information. The red-haired man has a handsome face, he is cautious and likes matryoshka dolls, and the chakra fluctuations are hidden in the puppets.

However, the other party is currently in the Kingdom of Wind and has not come in. The person who left the information may be the sand clone combined with the puppet technique.

After Xiaobai's information was confirmed, everyone began to discuss plans. This newcomer was much more cautious than Kakuzu was at that time.

The old man sneaked in alone and fell instantly, but the younger man was a little more cautious.

The main reason was that the Red Sand Scorpion had just suffered a defeat, so it became extremely wary of the organization that even the masked man was more concerned about.

Otherwise, the young genius is not the old Yinbi he will be more than ten years later, and he is still a bit arrogant.

Kakuzu, contact him. Let him enter the borders of the Land of Rain.

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