Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1207 The advantage is mine!

The sky was filled with wind and sand, and the trembling aftermath of the battle had ended.

This place is already under a sand dune on the border of the Kingdom of Wind.

There are a lot of man-made parts scattered on the ground, either metal or special wooden ones. Kunai, chains, fire oil, poisonous needles, and huge pits all show the scene after a big battle.

The red-haired boy was lying on the sand dune in a panic, unable to move.

But the expression on his face was still fearless, with only a faint hint of regret.

Xie felt that he was very unlucky. He admitted that killing the Third Kazekage was mostly accidental and was just impulsive.

It was before the Third World War. To be honest, signs of war were already beginning to appear at that time, and Feng Ying's disappearance was just a trigger.

The Sand Ninja Village is slowly dying due to poverty and the decreasing workload year by year. The entire village is in a relatively restless era.

Scorpion is no exception, and the attraction of the taboo puppet art of human puppets is also increasing day by day.

At this time, a piece of news came that made him lose his rationality for a while.

White Fang actually committed suicide in the Leaf Village, causing this genius puppet master to lose the goal of revenge.

Childhood without parents is bleak, and the geniuses of Sand Ninja Village have been growing rapidly with the belief of revenge.

At this time, I happened to see the Third Kazekage. The Third Kazekage cannot absolve himself of the blame for the fact that Hatake Sakumo was able to enter the village and kill his parents.

The development of the story after that was beyond everyone's expectations. Who could have imagined the strongest wind shadow~~

It's just that he encountered a strong enemy before he completed the Human Puppet Jutsu, and based on rational considerations, even if he completed the Sand Iron Jutsu, it would still be somewhat powerless against the Time and Space Ninjutsu.

I am not willing to give in. I have never imagined such an enemy. If I have the opportunity, I must consider how to restrain such ninjutsu. The opponent's flaw is very obvious - it is his own lack of strength.

On the opposite side, Obito was in a very embarrassed state. He was poisoned.

Obviously relying on the ability of virtualization to directly defeat this genius puppet master of the Kingdom of Wind just like Kakuzu.

However, his opponent's tricks are endless, but he has nothing special except illusion and wood escape.

To a certain extent, Obito really only had the bug-like ability of blurring brought about by the kaleidoscope in the mixed society during this period.

Normal five-attribute ninjutsu is basically only fire escape, and it has not reached the level of proficiency, not even powerful fireball.

Mudun relies on the half body of Bai Zetsu and is stronger than Yamato. Genjutsu relies on Uchiha Madara's direct indoctrination before his death.

Scorpio dodged as soon as he saw the Sharingan. For a puppet master, there are many ways to avoid genjutsu.

In other words, the attack methods really make people a little anxious. In order to be able to say after defeating the little red-haired man in front of him: I am Madara Uchiha.

Obito boldly tried some offensive methods, but ended up being poisoned unknowingly.

It may be that when he materialized at a certain time, he was contaminated with toxins prepared by the other party and dispersed in the air.

The compound toxin is very powerful, and ordinary ninjas may not be able to resist it for long if they are infected.

It can be regarded as something that is at the bottom of the box. The strongest Kazekage died from this poison.

It's just that the evaporation effect of outdoor air is very poor, and Obito's special physique prevents it from falling off.

It seems that every member of the Akatsuki organization in the original work has some unique skills, and all of them are cruel and cruel. They are not good people.

It’s not unreasonable for Obito to pretend to be stupid and become Fei in the later stage. His temperament is completely incompatible with the villain’s camp.

In the end, it was the ability of Black Zetsu and White Zetsu to absorb poison that allowed him to survive. As for Black Zetsu underground, his face was dark and shiny at the moment, even a little blue. The poison was quite powerful.

The thousand-year-old filial son nestled in the sand began to regret at this moment.

Starting from Uchiha Madara, the people in this family are not normal at all, but other people are not normal at all, and their abilities are in place.

With such a buggy spatial ability combined with the Sharingan, it is almost possible to walk sideways in the ninja world.

The result is... Obito~~ You should grow up a little bit, otherwise I will suffer all these hardships in vain.

After getting rid of the toxin, Obito walked up to the red-haired boy with somewhat limp steps.

Scorpion of Red Sand? Genius of the Kingdom of Wind? Nothing more than that.

I am Uchiha Madara, have you ever heard of me?

“Are you desperate for this world full of falsehoods?”

Promise to do something for me and I will spare your life.


What if you don't have Nani?!

The mask is really a good thing, it can cover Obito's stupid face that is so surprised that it is a little deformed.

Hei Jue almost choked up a mouthful of blood while underground. Now that you've become a villain, can you stop doing some funny things?

Maybe the mask is also a kind of seal, sealing the blackened side of Obito.

Watch him take off his mask at the last moment in the original work, and then he can really do all kinds of wild and violent things. Although he is a second grader, he is very ruthless and ruthless.

When he puts on the mask, he is always the silly Ah Fei. In other words, it is the embodiment of the real IQ of Uchiha Obito.

Taking off the mask is equivalent to putting on the mask, and suddenly it becomes philosophical.

Obito was really surprised. Even Kakuzu had to resist symbolically and then say some harsh words. Why did this more arrogant genius give in so easily?

Ha, this is the so-called genius, a cowardly guy without faith.

The Scorpion of Red Sand is like this, and so is Kakashi.

Good-looking geniuses are even more rubbish. Ninjas don't rely on their appearance to make a living!

Well, this guy started to hate the other person's talent and appearance again.

Who said that the appearance of the Red Sand Scorpion is indeed a handsome face? The cold and handsome face is extremely lethal to girls in the ninja world.

In addition to his strength, Kakashi's face is not bad. Although it is not as beautiful as Scorpion, the mask, a prop that can enhance the sense of mystery, is always with him.

Genius + beauty. This was simply Obito's biggest pain point in the first half of his life. Of course, his IQ was also something he would not admit.

Scorpio thinks very simply.

Now he is still on the road of pursuing art, and the perfect material of the Third Kazekage has not yet been transformed.

Moreover, there is a greater work that I have just had an idea of. It is very unwilling to die at this time.

It's a good thing to be able to survive, it's just to do the task. The fate of ninjas cannot escape this.

Obito sent another restraining spell without mercy, and recruited another general under his command.

The sense of accomplishment of slowly accumulating a team is something I have never experienced before. The Akatsuki Organization is mine, the Country of Rain is mine, and the Eye of the Moon project is going smoothly!

The advantage is mine!

Listen, I need you to go to the Land of Rain to join an organization called the Akatsuki Organization. There is one of our people there named Kakuzu.

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