Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1209 The Arrival of Scorpion

Promise to complete the mission, and no one can destroy the development plans of the Kingdom of Rain!

The slogans are loud, but there is no action on the part of the people.

You can write an application for private investment projects, and I can approve part of it if it's suitable.

Just take a look!

After saying that, he left, and Kakuzu started to pull people into the water with great enthusiasm. After so many years in the ninja world, it was still easy to do something like Mission: Impossible.

Noah is not angry about this either. This guy sees business and ideals very clearly. As long as Noah's plan to liberate the world can bring about good prospects, he will never get off the bus.

Orochimaru was also accelerating the cracking of the curse seal. If it didn't work, he still had Nagato's reincarnation eye and the double protection of the earthly resentment, so it shouldn't be that easy to die.

But Obito, you really worked hard. How can I bear to give you such a cruel blow?

Of course, how about continuing in the future?

The first tug-of-war between the artistic duo and the undead duo on the other side began.

In short, Kakuzu's methods were more sophisticated, and he finally deceived the cautious artist.

After all, Scorpio is a young genius. He is far behind in terms of task completion and human sophistication. He still needs to suffer a few more losses before he can grow up.

It turns out that the Rain Country is controlled by the Akatsuki organization, so the controlled Sand Ninja cannot enter the core area at all.

The connector has just joined the organization and has not yet gained trust, but it is still okay to recommend someone.

A terrorist organization? Want to overturn the current rules of the world and create peace?

I'm afraid that the masked man has a lot of ambitions to take over such an organization, but what does it have to do with me?

It just provided me with a stable research place.

As for doubts, Scorpio doesn't care at all.

He really doesn't have any ambitions, he can just wait quietly until the masked man comes to fight with the leader of the organization.

When the time comes to deal with the blockers, the mission will be completed and everyone will get what they need.

As for whether the guy called Jiaodu will betray him, I don't have to worry too much. There is a high probability that he will also be sealed with a curse seal. This thing is really unsolvable in a short period of time.

In this case, let's meet up at the edge of the Rain Kingdom and enter the core early to complete the mission.

Throwing down a few bundles of scrolls, tidying up his puppet scorpion, he set out on the road of no return.

Under the gloomy sky, Xie followed the guidance of the intelligence and came to a somewhat empty place.

Alas~~this environment, this place, this atmosphere.

Scorpion, who walked into the open space, was a little helpless, wondering if his luck was too bad.


That's right! Little one!

Kakuzu emerged from the earth with a sinister smile. The fire in his eyes almost ignited Scorpio.

This is the certificate of investment, I have earned it!

It's really an artless act, even a little ugly.

Art? Tsk! My view on art is whether it is valuable or not. Art that is worthless has no meaning.

It's really ugly. In that case, let me make you a puppet.

Scorpio is not in the mood to explain to the other person what art is.

boom! boom! boom!

Scorpion, who has not yet transformed his regeneration core, has not yet broken through the ability to control more than ten puppets at the same time, so this is his peak state at this moment.

Nine killing machines of different shapes stood in the field, and the weapons made from the strongest resources of Sand Ninja Village exuded an ominous aura.

The scorpion stands calmly and confidently in the middle, which is the aura of a top figure player.

After the last smoke cleared, the strongest wind shadow in history appeared on the stage again.

Even Kakuzu was startled by that face, he knew it.

There have always been bounties for the Five Shadows, but the money exchange has never dared to list them.

Privately, VIP customers like Kakuzu have seen the bounty amounts. Among them, the amount of the third generation Kage, known as the strongest, has always been at the top of the bounty.

As a result, I saw this person's face here, and holy shit, he is really a bold person.

The problem is troublesome

Taking out the half-finished Third Kazekage is Scorpion preparing to explode with all his strength and then retreat.

There is no room for error in traps. Basically, a wave of success is required. He was trying his best to save his life without caring about the principle of confidentiality.

It's a pity that pieces of paper fell from the sky, making the corners of my eyes twitch when I looked at them.

Here comes the woman. Xiaonan, the richest woman in the Rain Kingdom and one of the leaders of the Akatsuki organization, arrives.

What he disliked the most was his boss's fighting style, which he always called the coin-throwing tactic in his heart.

But this time the battle is indeed led by Xiaonan, so we can only endure it.

Noah sent Konan because of attribute restraint.

In the original work, Xiaonan singled out the red sand scorpion who was alone at the time and invited him into the Akatsuki organization.

This time it was enough to let Sister Nan take action. Nagato holding the battle in the distance and Xiaobai hiding underneath were an insurance policy.

The restraint attribute in the ninja world is really powerful. If a strong person has obvious weaknesses, it will be difficult to survive.

The five attributes are mutually reinforcing and incompatible, special ninjutsu with yin and yang attributes are difficult to understand, ninjutsu that absorbs chakra is afraid of natural energy, etc.

Unfortunately, the Puppet Technique is very weak against the Shiki Paper Technique.

There is no difference in the ending. All the puppets are directly fixed by the paper, and the chakra threads are all broken.

There is no need to be afraid if the Third Kazekage's transformation is completed. He can use the Sand and Iron Technique to attack at will.

It's a pity that a human puppet who can't release ninjutsu is meaningless. It just collapses on the ground and has no dignity.

The past generations of Kazekage are really lucky.

The third generation was killed by a genius from the same village and made into a human puppet. The fourth generation was killed by Orochimaru just to give a gift to his teacher. The fifth generation took away the tailed beast and died suddenly. Without the protection of the protagonist, the grass on the grave would not know how tall it is.

After discovering that the puppet was useless, Scorpion felt that this ninja world had no hope.

Aren't you recognized as the top expert in the village? Why do you always get frustrated after leaving the village? There are so many ways to restrain the puppet technique.

The mentality is a bit unbalanced, and the in-depth development of human puppets and the final forbidden art must be put on the agenda!

The dense paper sealed the sand ninja genius, and the battle ended.

It was very windy and calm, and there was even very little movement.

What made Kakuzu unhappy was that the opponent surrendered very naturally, unlike him who surrendered after four hearts were blown out.

You have to know that traces of that canyon can still be seen to this day. Is he proud?

That woman must have looked at the pretty boy across from her so she didn't kill her. This time, she used chakra-sealing paper. Where is your detonating talisman?

Even if eight hundred or ten detonating talismans were thrown around, they wouldn't explode. They were obviously treated differently.

In the end, all the scrolls were confiscated and Xion was taken to the prison in a dignified manner.

And Noah is also here. The colleagues in the Xiao organization's non-staff personnel department work very efficiently, and the talents they recruit are all the talents that are in short supply in the Rain Country, which is very good and excellent.

Red Sand Scorpion, let's talk about art.

Oh, what do you know about art?

At this time, Xie saw the looking down look in the eyes of the man opposite him, and he could vaguely see what seemed to be countless people behind him.

Art~~This is what we need to start with

I must tell you that my update status is very good at the same level as the starting point.

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