Spiritual energy, the product of an average mixture of self-spiritual energy and physical energy, is difficult to evaluate. It requires a large number of samples to measure the intermediate value.

After that, there is a test to the limits of physical function. This set of equipment is a tool specially prepared for the new generation of ninjas.

Anko started to go through the process like a guinea pig among them, sighing repeatedly that this is how high-end ninjas practice?

They haven't seen high-end ninjas either.

By sunset, Anko's test had been completely completed, and she was indeed an ordinary ninja.

If you want to break through the limits, you need to acquire technology, but the transformation of biotechnology is relatively risky, so it is better to think about external equipment.

Hongdou may have felt that his qualifications were a bit poor, so he felt a bit inferior.

You must know that she also came with the hope of the whole family, but the ninja world is too cruel.

The invisible pressure on her body almost made her cry.

As a result, a hand gently patted her forehead, and a slightly hoarse voice came.

Don't worry, he's very good. Go back and rest first.

It is the teacher's responsibility to help disciples improve their strength.

The shock of being comforted by a cold male god when she was depressed directly broke her heartstrings, and Hongdou's heart was filled with longing emotions.

Hongdou longing +10086

Well, Orochimaru-sensei, I will definitely work a thousand times harder.

Orochimaru still knows how to win people's hearts, and he showed a little bit of clues when the data was not good at the beginning.

Then use a gentle attitude to warm the other person's heart. This is the instinctive way to control.

Orochimaru, whose brainwashing ability is no different from that of the cult leader in the original work, is not a vegetarian either.

When he walked outside and saw Kabuto who had already refined chakra, he wasn't surprised. This level of talent was normal, but Anko felt a ruthless blow again.

Anko, take Kabuto back to the orphanage. It's too far there.


Lord Orochimaru is really attentive and gentle, which is completely different from what others say.

Hongdou is addicted +1.

Watching the two children leave, Orochimaru felt very calm.

Hongdou~~Longing is the emotion farthest from understanding.

In the end, only Uchiha Shisui was left.

Sorry, it's a little late for you.

Zhisui didn't even dare. He had experienced countless teachings since he stepped into this mansion today.

First of all, the teacher treats everyone equally and does not make any distinction between the disciples based on their talent or bloodline. He also gives priority to helping Hongdou with the least talent to improve.

Secondly, the Yakushi Kabuto that Lord Orochimaru hired is indeed a genius, somewhat close to the talent of his own Itachi.

Finally, the research on chakra is very in-depth, and this kind of scholar-type ninja can always be intimidating.

In short, Shisui's brain power is really powerful.

You are already a mature ninja, so let me do some work to clear up some confusion.

Orochimaru was answering Shisui's various questions about the use of ninjutsu seriously. He liked to communicate with such geniuses, and he could explain everything at once.

Shisui's experience in ninjutsu amazed him. He didn't expect that the teleportation technique, which he was best at, could be developed in so many ways in the hands of Orochimaru. He had underestimated everyone in the world before.

Of course, when Shisui tried to exchange the will of fire in the end, he was rejected by Orochimaru.

Because Orochimaru really doesn't understand this thing. He had never opened the book that Noah had brought.

Ahem, you have only scratched the surface of the knowledge now. The profoundness of the Will of Fire still needs to be further refined.

The perspective on an idea will change according to age, experience, and altitude.

Don't worry, you read the book first. I put everything in the book.

By the way, I have a friend who has a particularly in-depth understanding of the will of fire. In other words, he has found a way to make the world a better place based on this will. I believe he can help you go further.

Orochimaru also said that after the three-person team is formed, he will take them to practice outside, and then they can exchange ideas along the way.

Shisui nodded and left. He was looking forward to that day.

Uchiha clan land.

Teacher Orochimaru is a very pragmatic and loving person. He has what I pursue.

Mitarai's house.

Teacher Orochimaru is a gentle person. I have to practice hard to be worthy of staying under his disciples.

Konoha Orphanage.

Teacher Orochimaru is a very wise man.

Ten days later.

Shisui stay for a while.

When he came to the underground laboratory, Shisui naturally sat on the chair. He also went through the steps of the physical test.

He also contributed to the compilation of the teacher's scientific ninja training manual.

Do you have any impression of the incantation in this shape?

Orochimaru took out a piece of paper with a cross star-shaped incantation stamped on it.

When Shisui saw it, he felt it looked familiar. This seemed to be an Uchiha curse talisman?

It should be a transfer seal unique to your clan, cast through the Sharingan.

Orochimaru was very calm and didn't hide anything.

Jiraiya and I were investigating some things recently and happened to find this spell, so I would like to ask you to investigate it secretly.

Shisui's eyes suddenly became serious. There were actually two Sannin involved. Could the Hokage be involved behind this?

This thought made the boy's back instantly freeze. The clan and the village were currently in a critical period of integration. If another accident happened, it would be irreversible.

Teacher this.

To tell you the truth, this is the work of someone who is trying to divide the village and the Uchiha. We need to find this traitor in order to stabilize the Leaf Village.

All kinds of information were flowing in Zhisui's mind, and he finally decided to help the teacher break the curse seal first.

As for reporting to the clan elders? He just gave up after thinking about it.

That's right, just like Noah said, Shisui is a proud and conceited Uchiha at heart, and he doesn't trust the people in the clan at all.

If there are some stupid and incompetent clan members in the clan who are messing around, then don't blame Shisui for taking matters into his own hands.

Although it is a bit excessive to ask Shisui-kun to complete this task secretly, it would be best if the enemy can be identified as soon as possible. Please.

No, I want to thank Mr. Orochimaru.

So Shisui returned to the Uchiha clan with this note in mind.

How was your practice today?

Very good, the progress of physical skills through scientific methods is very fast.

Yeah, but you know the experiments involving blood and eyes.

Please rest assured, Patriarch, Teacher Orochimaru is very measured in this regard.

very good.

Master Patriarch, I would like to borrow the library to check some information.

Fugaku nodded, expressing his appreciation for Shisui's serious efforts.

As for the warrant for the library, I gave it directly. Uchiha's top secrets are all underground at Nanga Shrine. In his opinion, the secrets in the library can be opened to the most talented boy at present.

In the library, Shisui began to flip through the scrolls.

Finally, a description of this technique was found in an ancient scroll.

The confinement talisman and seal talisman can be buried in the opponent's heart to control the opponent at will. Actions to remove the spell will be inhibited, and there is no way to remove the spell by yourself.

It is a control ninjutsu created by the Sharingan combined with the sealing technique of the Kingdom of Uzumaki. It requires the cooperation of some extremely high Sharingan eye power.

Creator: Uchiha Madara.

Shisui was a little anxious after confirming that it was indeed Uchiha's handiwork.

The distressed Shisui thought about it all night and stayed up all night, and finally brought the information to Orochimaru the next day. The principles of sealing here were also handed over. At the same time, it is also pointed out that this technique can only be released with the Sharingan.

Orochimaru expressed his gratitude to Shisui for his help.

As long as you keep your faith in Konoha and continue to learn the will of fire in depth, you will not be deceived by the provocateurs.

You can pass on the Will of Fire to the person you believe in most.


Shisui feels that the one he trusts most in the family currently is Itachi, who also has ideals.


The Kingdom of Wind, somewhere in the desert.

found it!

Hei Jue crawled out of the sand with difficulty. This place was too restrained for his body.

I will let that bastard hiding in the desert know how powerful Uchiha Madara is!!!

Then I saw an idiot wearing a black robe and a mask running breathlessly in the desert.

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