It's a pity that he gave up after being opposed by all the ninja clan, but he was still planning to continue attacking later.

I just didn't expect that the Sandaime Hokage would forcefully force him into his place halfway. I guess Danzo was about to jump underground.

Looking into Shisui's eyes, Orochimaru's smile was very kind.

Shisui's Sharingan should be unusual, otherwise how would ordinary eyes be able to penetrate Noah's eyes? You must know that the other party is accompanied by a pair of samsara eyes.

Resist the urge to lick your tongue, some asshole said it looked a lot like a villain.

Anko Mitarashi, good at taijutsu. An outstanding graduate of the Ninja School. He doesn't like spicy food.

Orochimaru's smile was still gentle, and Mitarashi Anko's so-called outstanding endurance was nothing in his eyes.

This level can be achieved just by relying on scientific exercise or medicine, let alone being born with blood.

If you want to become a strong person, you must either have extraordinary brain thinking and structure like him, or you must have special bloodstains to help you reach the top.

Anko's specialness is nothing at all, and he seems to be a brainless guy, reminding him of Rope Tree inexplicably.

This kind of person is actually very easy to brainwash. The original plan was to accept Hongdou and make her his assistant and experimental subject.

At that time, I was almost completely integrated into the darkness. As a result, when I went to explore the Kingdom of Rain on a whim, I was violently dragged up by a bastard and thrown into the sun.

It seems that now I can only teach this little girl with a bad temper.

When Orochimaru's vertical pupils touched the little white hair with the least aura, he felt a hint of interest. Have you been observing?

My name is Kabuto Yakushi. I come from the Konoha Orphanage. I haven't learned any ninja-related knowledge yet.

Don't worry, coming here and becoming a ninja is just the minimum requirement for you.

He wanted to see how much potential the kid who could get Noah's attention had.

Shisui is also very interested in Kabuto, and the Uchiha clan has also obtained the information about Anko. There is really nothing more to say. In the past, Uchiha's Sharingan could not see such an existence.

But he absolutely did not believe that Orochimaru randomly selected this white-haired orphan, just like Orochimaru did not randomly accept him as his disciple.

When you enter my sect, you may have different training methods from other ninjas, so be prepared.

Shisui was very concerned about this experience that was different from other ninjas, so what he said specifically should mean something.

I only leave you one year to gain the strength to survive. Some people can graduate in one year, and my students should not lose to him.

This sentence was said to Kabuto, the only one who was not a ninja. Orochimaru was still very proud in his heart.

The disciples of the Sannin are not special. Jiraiya, that idiot, trained Namikaze Minato, so he was lucky.

He didn't want his apprentice to lose too much.

Anko was afraid of this request, but fortunately she was an orthodox ninja school graduate.

The teacher is holding that little white-haired boy to the standards of that monster Kakashi Hatake. How pitiful.

What a talent!

This is Shisui's idea. Orochimaru-sensei will not take it for granted. Can his junior brother really be comparable to Kakashi?

Even within the Uchiha clan, there is respect for a strong man who graduated in one year and then repeatedly made military exploits in the war.

Kakashi is now synonymous with super genius, but it is the Sharingan that lowers his evaluation.

You can ask any questions at any time. I hope you won't ask too stupidly.

Orochimaru's misanthropy still broke out, and Anko, who was eager to give it a try, was suppressed as soon as he said these words.

This little girl probably understands that what she says is probably stupid based on her IQ.

As for the subsequent test of grabbing the bell, he simply skipped it. Kabuto Yakushi couldn't participate in anything now, and the gap in combat power between Anko and Shisui was as big as the world.

The three-person team has not yet been formed, so there is no point in doing this kind of thing.

Now in the first lesson, let's talk about what is a ninja?

The person who performs the task. Someone who can endure anything. A person who possesses extraordinary powers. Then there are those who explore the unknown.

It doesn't matter. Some people say that ninja is just a profession. Like craftsmen, scientists, and farmers, they are all professions.

It's just that our division of responsibilities is different. Ninja is more of a profession engaged in violence.

? !

This sentence had a big impact on Shisui, but he didn't know how to refute that person.

Of course, I would say a ninja is someone who can use chakra.

As Orochimaru said, he gave everyone a book. Well, he was still influenced by Noah. Things like scrolls have been slowly eliminated from daily life.

This ninja textbook was prepared when he was writing regular textbooks, and it is just right for use here.

Don't think that you don't need to study after you graduate or have been on the battlefield.

His disciples are going to follow the path of ninjas in the new era, and the old thinking of the past must be revised.

“Chakra, as a special kind of energy, is extracted from our spirit and body and becomes an energy source that can be used.

It can strengthen our body, perform ninjutsu with seven attributes, and can also control the enemy's five senses and hallucination thinking.

Chakra is the foundation of everything, I hope you must remember it.

This is the conclusion Orochimaru came to after working in the Land of Rain for half a year.

Noah has reminded him countless times from various aspects that there is a big secret in chakra, but he has never studied the foundation of ninja before.

Now I have a renewed desire to explore, hoping that it will be an exciting world.

You will understand this book yourself after you go back, and then each person will submit a 5,000-word study note next week.

5000 Hong Beans feels like she may have never written so much in her life.

Shisui nodded and said there was no problem. There is a library within their clan that can check information about this.

The next classes will be taken separately.

Shisui, you will teach Kabuto to refine chakra and some basic information. Anko will collect body information first, and I will help you formulate a plan.

Orochimaru had no interest in doing basic literacy work again. It's normal for an enthusiastic teenager to help another teenager.

The plan was customized for Hongdou first because she had the least potential and the weakest strength, but she didn't want to hear the news that this disciple died tragically during the mission.

When she came to the basement and looked at the cold instruments and incomprehensible data, Hongdou was a little intimidated.

Testing of height, weight, blood type, and chakra amount are in progress.

Noah hopes that Orochimaru can energize chakra data, such as how much energy reaction is one card and how many is two cards.

He also suggested the unit of card, which is said to represent an easy-to-understand standard.

It's just that Orochimaru made it clear that it was difficult, as the fluctuations in chakra were huge. Different effects appear with the ups and downs of mood and state.

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