Konoha Village.

The white-haired little boy arrived outside Orochimaru's mansion.

He keenly felt the cold feeling like a cold-blooded animal's lair, and the fear from the bottom of his heart was constantly pouring out.

The door to change your life and destiny has arrived.


Kabuto had been in a very confused state before coming.

It's a bit funny to say that he didn't even remember when he met this Sannin who passed down Konoha and was chosen to become his disciple.

It seemed that the whole world knew about it before he heard the news from the dean's mouth.

And even the dean had already contacted his future teacher to confirm the news before telling him.

Through the dean’s narration, we understood what a great opportunity this was.

One of the most powerful ninjas in Konoha, and one of the highest status.

The most important thing is that by worshiping this teacher, you can have rice to eat and new clothes to wear.

At the same time, I can also help my friends in the orphanage and the director I respect most.

He became an orphan during the war and lost his memory, and was taken back by the dean's mother.

They spent the happiest year of their lives. Even though the war on the front line was very tight and they lived very pitifully in the orphanage, everyone still lived very strong. Vigorous like weeds on the roadside.

At the same time, he also found the most trustworthy person in his life, but suddenly one day he was casually pointed by Orochimaru who was passing by and he became someone who even the dean had to treat with respect. Everything seemed to have changed.

Fortunately, he didn't have to leave the orphanage. He could go back and continue living every day, which made Kabuto's resistance a little lessened.

Of course, as a child who has experienced the war, precocious wisdom is inevitable. He has seen through the hardship of the director, and he hopes to help the orphanage through his changed destiny.

Before he came to Orochimaru, he had already received his last name, Medicine Master. A pair of brand new glasses was a gift from the dean.

Have the courage to step through the door.

He found that two other disciples were already standing in the courtyard. The little girl of his own age was glaring at him fiercely, while the other boy with a ninja sword on his back showed a gentle smile to him.

Anko was naturally unhappy because she had worked so hard to become a disciple of Orochimaru.

And this guy with white hair was randomly selected. This kind of thing made her extremely unbalanced.

Shisui was in a good mood because he saw Teacher Orochimaru's will of fire and his compassion for civilians and orphans.

The three disciples gathered together and stood in the courtyard.

Shisui took the initiative to come over and greet Kabuto and exchanged names. In fact, Shisui had already figured out all the information about the kid in front of him. As a mature ninja who had been on the battlefield, he believed that the unity of the team was very important.

As for the gap in strength, in the eyes of some families or strong men, as long as you have enough talent, you can quickly improve.

Of course, they couldn't catch up with him. Shisui had slowly discovered the true power of the Sharingan.

Don't be nervous, Lord Orochimaru is a very warm person.

Kabuto felt that the world was uneven, and that was not what the dean had taught him about science.

Although I don’t know why the dean knows so much about ninjas, the abilities and information of the other two students are fully prepared, including a lot of information about Orochimaru-sensei.

In addition to etiquette these days, I have to memorize these things. This is a compulsory course for a powerless person.

The orphanage was not a paradise. They were forced to develop their minds in order to have a better chance of survival.

But I heard so many examples of cruelty, coldness, and bloodshed. Strong scientific research capabilities and extreme behavior.

What happened to Wen Rou, the Uchiha senior brother?

Oh~ I understand. It is indeed a better way to praise the teacher's gentleness in Orochimaru's yard.

He is indeed a well-known genius, and his principles of conduct are very clear.

This is how Kabuto Yakushi's first impression of Shisui was formed. He was a guy who was enthusiastic on the surface but very dignified in reality.

The young boy still lacks experience. If his dean were here, he might have analyzed that this was a purebred Uchiha with ambitions.

As for Uchiha's castle, it is difficult to control his smile unless he has received professional training.

Seeing that the two friends were getting together, Hongdou reluctantly came over.

Orochimaru in the room was lamenting the uncertainty of the world, and he had accepted a few more disciples.

The reason why he had some resistance to accepting apprentices came from his first apprentice, Senju Nosuki.

At that time, Orochimaru really put a lot of effort into it. The character of Naoki was a bit like Naruto Uzumaki, both of them were carefree ninjas.

He also put a lot of effort into teaching this disciple who was not very compatible with him, and the relationship between master and disciple was very harmonious.

In other words, a new bond was indeed being formed at that time.

Originally, the Senju clan's physique could be used to create a new powerful ninja after being polished.

But dead.

During the war, I don't know what circumstances caused Naoki to die on the battlefield. Because of this, Orochimaru was emotionally broken again.

The estrangement between Tsunade and him also started from this step.

Now Noah is the promoter, and the three generations and four generations and others have worked together to help him complete the master-disciple inheritance again. Otherwise, how can we say that things in the world are unpredictable?

The best situation has emerged now, that is, the combination of two geniuses named by Noah and a reckless little girl is not bad.

At least it's better than accepting other people you don't know.

Orochimaru and Noah have a high degree of overlap in how to train their disciples. They both focus on developing students' potential and then strengthen them at the end.

The means are not limited to ninjutsu, weapons, wealth, technology and other means.

It was the right time for the three of them to become disciples under Orochimaru's name. At least they would not be short of these.

Now it's time to meet these non-staff students of the Akatsuki organization.

Very well, it's a good thing that you two get along so well.

There is no murderous intent, no instantaneous appearance, and no flashy appearance.

A brief introduction to myself. My name is Orochimaru, a Konoha ninja. I like to explore the unknown truth. Well, some people say that I have aversion to stupidity, which is quite right. I hope you won't disappoint me.

The remaining three little guys on the other side began to briefly introduce themselves.

Uchiha Shisui. He is good at illusions and fire-based ninjutsu. His favorite thing is the Will of Fire given by his teacher. He doesn't like people who destroy the peace.

Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction.

He also knew a lot about the descendants of the Uchiha mirror, and had long been targeted by Danzo at the root.

According to analysis, he is a ninja that is relatively easy to control and has great potential.

They had already been working on letting Shisui enter the Anbu through the Yondaime to ease the relationship between Uchiha and the village. Only then would Danzo be able to take action.

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