Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1195 Persuading Orochimaru to accept a disciple

Orochimaru. How are you doing?

Sarutobi Hiruzen came to Orochimaru's home with a smile on his face, not caring whether there was cold tea on the table or drinking it in one sip.

After handing over the position of Hokage, this was the first time he saw his apprentice. With his keenness, he sensed some strange changes in Orochimaru.

It seemed that the dark and rotten smell on his body when he was hanging out with Danzo had dissipated a lot.

If you ask me how I am doing, I can only say that it is okay. The projects have been stopped, the positions are gone, and some of them have nothing to do.

The smile on Hiruzen's old face was a bit unsustainable, but this was something that both he and Minato had been negligent about.

Mainly because Orochimaru's identity is a bit special.

He is a good brother of the 4th Hokage's teacher and a former commander, so his status is naturally very high. In terms of credit, he is not inferior to Minato, and in terms of position, he is still above Minato.

So what kind of work should be assigned to him now is a problem for the whole of Konoha.

The presence of a man who once almost became the 4th Hokage in the village is a test for Minato and the existing political system.

Orochimaru's influence did not dissipate much even after the cold treatment at the end of the war.

Placing him in a lower position is also a bit too insulting and inconsistent with the meaning of Will of Fire.

It was also very embarrassing that Minato accidentally caused Orochimaru to have nothing to do in the village after stopping the root application experiments.

Jobs were not given and even hobbies were banned. It was a bit of suppression rather than suppression.

So this recruitment of disciples is just an opportunity to focus on the disciples, and the war is over.

Wouldn't it be more beautiful to raise a new generation to add fuel to the Will of Fire?

Konoha's talent reserve is seriously insufficient at the moment, and too many ninja seedlings were pushed onto the battlefield as children and suffered heavy casualties.

Even if there were geniuses among them, they had no chance to grow, which led to a shocking statistic compiled after the war.

These data cannot be made public. It is a betrayal of the two founders of Konoha. This incident itself is a subversion of the Will of Fire.

In front of Orochimaru, Hiruzen used his experienced politician's face to downplay the matter.

Hehehe, are you planning to take on a disciple soon?

Orochimaru is immune to the amiable smile, and he still knows the face of the person in front of him after spending many years together.

If you have anything to say, just say it.

How about that Uchiha Shisui?

He has good strength and is very smart. He is a true Uchiha.

The real Uchiha is Orochimaru's evaluation of Shisui, which is very high.

Do you want to accept him as your disciple? Minato. The village is planning to accept Uchiha in again.

As someone who has inherited the Will of Fire, it would be good for you to have another apprentice. Our Konoha Village has always been a three-person team.

If you only accept one, that little girl Hongdou will lack companionship. And I'm also worried about being alone all the time. The lack of friendship will make people gradually become withdrawn.

The will of fire will burn more fiercely when it is bound.

Think about the time when you, Tsunade and Jiraiya were studying together, it was a really wonderful time.

First, Akatsuki's will of fire and the rules of the ninja world, then Anko's emotional growth, and finally the emotional cards the three of them learned together.

It can be said that the progress level by level is well-founded. His many years as Hokage have made Hiruzen relatively experienced in handling some things.

When Orochimaru heard what Hiruzen said, he felt a little bored. It turned out that the so-called strongest Hokage was also under the control of a person thousands of miles away. Noah has already figured out even this step.

It's troublesome to accept a disciple. The Uchiha clan is not sure what will happen in the future.

Hiruzen still expressed his understanding. The current situation seemed to be going for the best, but what if those lunatic Uchiha people did something in private? It's not impossible to hurt the teacher.

It is clearly stated that Uchiha Shisui is Shisui, and his treatment is different from others.

For the sake of Konoha, accept this apprentice.

Orochimaru almost laughed, I did accept him for Konoha's sake.

Leng Jun, who has excellent acting skills, still maintained a cold attitude and made an embarrassed face.

Finally he let out a long sigh.

Give me the book of seals for a few days. I'm interested in a few ninjutsus. You can also give me part of the second generation's notes.

This means that Orochimaru agreed, and Sarutobi Hiruzen also directly agreed to this condition.

Orochimaru has read a lot of the Book of Sealings, and there are not many ninjutsu left in it.

As for the second-generation master's notes, naturally only people like Orochimaru can understand them, and most of the time they gather dust when stored in the warehouse.

Except for the ninjutsu doctor himself who can still use some skills, the gap between others and the second generation is too big.

The various data and deductions are really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

As for the ninjutsu records of the God of Ninja World.

If it counts if you put your hands together and shout anything, you can finish the statistics in about two pieces of paper.

If you put it in the middle of the road, no one would pick it up and treat it as a treasure.

Tobirama-sama's ninjutsu experience and the first generation's ninjutsu experience are really different in style.

As for the right to use these materials, it is not a problem for the fourth generation.

At this time Orochimaru had a new request.

After completing basic studies, I may take them out for training. I hope there won't be any strange comments in the village. I don't care, but the Uchiha clan may be worried that I abducted this child.

What kind of experience needs to be specially mentioned?

With Jiraiya and Tsunade, the disciples can stay in Konoha if they don't want to.

Hiruzen's face froze, what does this mean? Are you even leaving Konoha?

Teacher, is it really okay for me to stay here?

This rhetorical question made the Sandaime look a little ugly. Although it was unpleasant to hear, it was indeed the truth.

It would indeed be difficult to arrange if Orochimaru was in the village all the time. Just like Minato is not good at commanding Jiraiya.

The old man smoked his pipe and felt a little melancholy.

Oh, you've all grown up, and I won't say anything if you have your own ideas.

By the way, since it's a three-person team, you still need one more disciple. Do you want to consider Asuma?

I won't mind taking him out of the village to practice. He can play for a few more years.

The third generation thought very well. Since Asuma's trumpet has been raised to waste, it is better to send it to Orochimaru for high-pressure training.

Fortunately, there is an eldest son who is still obedient, although he is a little less talented.

And even if you really go out of the village to experience for a long time in the future, it's just a good time to broaden your horizons. Don't keep talking about nonsense like the new Will of Fire.

He has already investigated clearly, and many of his ideas came out of contact with the author named Adam.

But he had also read Adam's books, and he could only say that what he wrote was a very ideal version of the Will of Fire, even a little more radical than Konoha's.

There is also a lot of praise and admiration for the Third Hokage.

This. How can I put it this way? A fan of his wrote some very ideal things, but his own son took them seriously. This is like shooting himself in the foot.

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