Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1196 Shisui is in the bag

He was so angry that he couldn't help hugging her.

At the same time, I also want to talk to the author named Adam. He writes very well. Please don’t write like this next time.

Then Hiruzen saw the strange expression on Orochimaru's face.

In fact, what Orochimaru is thinking is that your son has been easily fooled into lameness by Noah, so it wouldn't be embarrassing for me to accept such a disciple again.

Anko already agreed due to favors from his old subordinates and the other party's years of pleading, so accepting another Asuma would be nothing.

Is this to balance my IQ?

He felt tired from the combination of one genius and two lagging behind, and Shisui might want to die.

Although Orochimaru's expression was only slightly strange, Sarutobi stubbornly believed that it was ridicule.

The anger in his heart suddenly surged. Has Asuma's incident spread throughout Konoha? That hateful unfilial son!

He suppressed his anger and said to the big snake with a smile.

Forget it, let me teach Asuma myself. You choose one of the civilian ninjas, you know the truth.

Well, I understand. I will choose an apprentice that I think is suitable.

Then the Third Hokage went home angrily. He felt that he had once again lost his dignity as a teacher in front of Orochimaru, his apprentice. Asma suffers death!

The fourth generation was in a good mood, and the third generation was indeed proud enough.

There is nothing to say about the relationship between master and apprentice, but Orochimaru is really so easy to talk to. He won't earn the Yondaime if he doesn't want to, and he will accept disciples if he wants to.

I'm envious, my disciple Kakashi often falls into the troubles of ordinary geniuses, and is much weaker when it comes to emotional matters.

A top genius like Orochimaru can see through the fog, the gap is too big.

But why did he start beating Asuma again after returning home? After all, he is already a chuunin in Konoha. How can he go on missions after you beat him like this?

Forget it, it's all a trivial matter.

Minato turned around and called Uchiha Fugaku.

The matter with Orochimaru-senpai has been resolved, and the rest is Uchiha's matter.

Fugaku said he understood. The Hokage had already reached this level. All that was left was to see what he and others wanted.

So on this day, as the clan leader, he personally went to Orochimaru on behalf of Shisui's seniors.

The two were actually comrades-in-arms, but they didn't communicate much. This time, Orochimaru's style was still very concise.

I don’t want to waste too much energy on this kind of thing, so if you want to become a disciple, hurry up.

Fugaku also understood the behavior of the former commander-in-chief, so he would naturally bring out Uchiha's collection as a gift for apprenticeship.

Shisui was also a little surprised when he knew that he wanted to take Orochimaru as his master. Being able to become the disciple of a Sannin is indeed a good thing, in terms of status.

To a certain extent, he can be regarded as the same generation as the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

If my strength and achievements were more outstanding, would there be a higher possibility?

The pursuit of combat power is the instinct of every ninja.

There are too few people who can guide him now. Shisui's current understanding and application of jutsu are among the best in the Uchiha clan because of his extraordinary talent.

The use and development methods of the Sharingan have been passed down by the clan elders. They hope to have another strong genius with the Sharingan. No one can guide him in this process.

So there are only other shortcomings left to supplement, and Orochimaru, as the all-round ninja recognized in the village, has very obvious ability enhancements.

Shisui's proud heart was hit even more by the sudden attack that day.

Being crushed at the speed he was proud of, Orochimaru inserted himself between him and the hijacker at a weird speed to block the attacks from both sides.

And the way of breaking the bones of the opponent's body is like the most basic use of chakra, very clever and very advanced.

Even if the Sharingan is copied, it cannot be used.

As for the method of erasing the curse mark on the ground, it was even more miraculous, as easy as looking at the lines on the palm of your hand. The opponent's depth in ninjutsu was beyond his reach.

It's a good thing. Sitting quietly by the lake, Shisui couldn't calm down.

The attentive Shisui always felt that something was wrong. From meeting the spy to meeting Orochimaru and then becoming his disciple, everything happened too fast.

The clan leader hopes that he can become a disciple, the fourth generation master hopes that he can become a disciple, and the third generation master hopes that he can become a disciple. Does Orochimaru-sama want it or not?

When the Will of Fire is not involved, Shisui is a true ninja and a true Uchiha.

Is that regret the beginning of everything?

Brother Shisui, you will join Lord Orochimaru right away. Are you very excited now?

Itachi ran out at some point and found Shisui. This was the training ground for the two of them.

You have to practice hard. When you are older, you may have the opportunity to join the disciples of other strong men.

Shisui was very sober, and if nothing else happened, becoming Orochimaru's disciple would be just the beginning.

When the Uchiha clan becomes more integrated with the village, subsequent ninjas within the clan will also have the opportunity to enter the sect of other strong men, allowing the family to fully integrate into it.

This is what Uchiha Shisui wants, so there is no point in thinking about why he would become Orochimaru's disciple.

No matter what is behind, in front of these eyes.

So on a calculated day, Fugaku led the elders of the Uchiha clan and Shisui to visit Orochimaru's mansion in person.

It is no small matter for one of the three ninjas to take on a disciple, and he is still a very famous Leng Lord.

Different from the casual approach of Tsunade and Jiraiya, the reputation of the Sannin is now at its peak. And Konoha Village needs this ceremony.

So the fourth generation Hokage and the third generation Hokage were invited to come as witnesses. In order to show the unity within Konoha, even Inokacho was invited by Hiruzen.

Such a scene also made Uchiha Fugaku very satisfied. It seemed that some of the Hokage sincerely accepted the Uchiha family.

Shisui knelt down in front of Orochimaru and performed the apprenticeship ceremony, and the gifts from the Uchiha clan were also very interesting.

One is a high-level illusion unique to the Uchiha clan, and the second is property. As the heir of the bloodline that can be traced back to the Ninja sect period, the Uchiha family, the top ninja family, has a lot of property, even Madara didn't take away much.

The history of conquering the four kingdoms and sweeping the world, as well as an ancestor who likes to collect spoils of war, really left too many things for this family.

There are a lot of precious chakra metals here, as well as many special materials, which interest Orochimaru, and the other party also likes them.

Orochimaru's gift in return was very simple, the Will of Fire.

Fugaku and Sandai were very moved when they saw this scene.

This light book is more precious than all ninjutsu gifts.

This is a sense of recognition, and Fugaku feels the kindness and recognition of Orochimaru and Konoha.

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