Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1194 Disciple Recruitment Plan

Uchiha Shisui is a descendant of Uchiha Kagami, who died during the Second Ninja War. He is also one of the direct disciples of the Second Hokage and has a special status in Konoha.

The young Shisui has been active at the forefront of the fight for Konoha, adhering to the will of fire passed down from his ancestors.

As a young genius, he is far from being as powerful as the Uchiha clan boasts. The so-called Shunshen Shisui is more of a small-scale name.

In the three battles, he only introduced some prototypes of his phantom teleportation technique, and he was still a little far away from the real highlight moment.

At this moment, Shisui joined the Konoha Guard as an elite and was patrolling the streets. This is also the Uchiha's preference in resources for him, allowing him to have a position.

On this day, as usual, he endured the strange looks from the villagers and started patrolling.

In his opinion, these are all trials that must be experienced. The Will of Fire said that one must have the consciousness to burn oneself to light the way forward for the people in the village.

There's just something different today. During the investigation, he discovered a man who was acting hurriedly and strangely.

With the dynamic ability of the Sharingan, you can clearly see that the other party's expression is very unnatural, and you can also feel some unique auras around you. Are the ANBU arresting the prisoner?

Suddenly, this guy seemed to have discovered something. He suddenly violently injured people and tried to break out of the encirclement, but was stopped back by the dazzling attack.

In a fight between trapped beasts, he decisively kidnapped a pregnant woman in the village.

At a glance, it was obvious that this man was not some very powerful ninja spy. When the Anbu were performing their missions, even if there were hostages in front of them, they would not be allowed to give up the attack.

Sure enough, the ANBU launched the attack regardless, and at this critical moment, Uchiha Shisui rushed directly into the scene and intercepted those kunai.


Konoha Guards, Uchiha Shisui. Just leave this to me.

If ANBU really didn't care in the past, so what about Uchiha. The people directly under the Hokage are not afraid of any major clan.

It's just that the Yondaime Hokage has just recently told him that when Uchiha is involved, he must inform his superiors before taking action. This is a behavior to avoid intensifying conflicts.

It can be seen from this that it is the orthodox Anbu that comes instead of the root. If it were the root, it would be more exciting to kill.

As a young man with the will of fire, Shisui naturally couldn't bear to see the other party drag a pregnant woman into the water, so he faced the hijacker.

He held the hilt of the knife tightly in his hand, and looked at the other person with his Sharingan that was specially closed.

Shisui, who has experienced the battlefield, understands that it is useless to say anything at this time, and he only needs a chance to take off the opponent's head.

The red light flashed slightly.

Then, in full view of everyone, the second Shisui appeared behind the opponent and chopped down the hand that was holding him hostage.

Just when everyone thought the ending was set, another black shadow flashed across the field, holding Shisui with one hand and capturing the spy with the other.

Kid, you are too careless, look at your feet.

Zhishui was horrified. There was an unknown spell with a radius of two meters under his feet. He didn't know when it spread.

This man is a dead man, with the consciousness of dying together, and if you get close to him, you are playing into your heart.

As he spoke, the man directly broke all the bones of the hijacker and threw him to the ANBU without even letting out a miserable cry.

The ANBU bowed respectfully and said hello to the visitor before leading them away.

Thank you Orochimaru-sama for saving me.

Shisui also saluted seriously, the Sannin were already big shots to everyone.

It's okay. With your ability, even if you are possessed by the curse seal, you will only suffer some injuries. You probably won't die.

Of course Orochimaru knew it, because this thing was a method he invented to release the curse seal of death.

The principle is modified from the Four Symbols Seal, and it is just right for use here.

After saying that, Orochimaru was about to leave. When he walked out of the door, he suddenly turned sideways and said something to Shisui.

The talent is pretty good, he doesn't look like a fool. Unfortunately, I already planned to accept that kid Anko.

After saying that, it was as if he had said too much, and he shook his head and left, not knowing whether he meant what he said or not.

Shisui was a little surprised and didn't feel much about becoming a disciple of Orochimaru, but the people in the accompanying security team were different. They immediately took it to heart and sent someone to relay it to Uchiha Fugaku.

Did Orochimaru really say that?


Fugaku was overjoyed when he heard the rumor.

I originally thought about arranging for Shisui to join the Anbu within one year, but the Uchiha clan has been marginalized by other ninja clans. It is really difficult to complete this matter, and even the Hokage cannot ignore the opinions of most people.

Now there is a new way to get close to the Hokage family.

He still knew that Orochimaru was persuaded by the Sandaime to quit the Fourth Hokage War, but the more so, the better.

Fugaku himself really has no ambition to compete for Hokage. So it is a good thing to let Shisui enter Orochimaru's door.

He was close to the Hokage clan again, and there was no such high threat, and he also expressed his clan's attitude.

You must know that this is not an idiot like Obito, but the real genius Shisui.

But who knew at that time whether Orochimaru was telling the truth or lying?

Fugaku, who was worried about gains and losses, finally went to the Hokage Tower to express some of his thoughts on the matter to the fourth generation, hoping that Minato could help.

And Minato was indeed very interested when he found out. Using this method to win over Uchiha was also a way for him to reduce pressure.

It's just that Orochimaru is a friend of the same generation as his teacher, so it would be very inappropriate for him to give orders.

This is disrespectful to a strong person, and Orochimaru may not offend him. After all, he has stopped many of the other party's experimental projects.

So Minato came up with Elder Sarutobi's idea.

The descendants of Orochimaru and Kagami?

Sandai blew out a puff of smoke. I immediately felt very comfortable.

This is a good thing. Orochimaru recruiting more disciples will also be of great help to Konoha.

I know this child Shisui, he still looks very similar to Kagami.

The Sandaime also felt that this method of recruiting disciples was a good one, as the enthusiasm of the disciples could draw Orochimaru over.

What Danzo did was not the right way at all.

It's a pity that Asuma didn't live up to his expectations, otherwise I would have arranged it for Orochimaru.

Speaking of which, Namikaze Minato felt a little embarrassed. This matter between father and son was really difficult to resolve.

Basically, everyone knows that Asuma has been very unhappy with his old father recently. It is said that the boy is accusing the Sandaime-sama of impure fire will.

The most taboo thing is to let children go to the battlefield, which is against the rules.

Anyway, the beating was very fierce, the kind of hanging from a tree.

The fourth generation also had a gossipy heart, and it is said that even the monkey demon was drawn out later. It was Master Biwako who fought tooth and nail to save one of this stupid boy's legs. The other one was already broken.

This matter of accepting a disciple really stimulated the third generation's nerves.

Children from other families have made great achievements on the Kirigakure battlefield, and when they come back, they can impress Orochimaru's arrogant disciple. ,


You should go back first. Orochimaru will be left to me.


After getting up, Elder Sarutobi planned to personally persuade Orochimaru to accept a disciple and go out for some fresh air.

Sorry, posted late

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