Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1193 Kakashi and Shisui

Is this because he is worried that the white-haired kid's methods are too crude and will arouse the vigilance of Danzo's old Yinbi?

This was too easy for Orochimaru.

With his charisma and ability to penetrate Konoha Village, Kakashi can definitely discover this without anyone noticing.

Even if the third generation and Danzo worked together to handle the matter back then, it was relatively rough. In fact, neither of them wanted White Fang to die.

And that terrible man Sakumo would also collapse when he saw the shadow of the Sandaime Hokage behind the incident.

What a pathetic man, obviously so powerful.

Orochimaru recognized the opponent's strength very much and felt very sorry for Sakumo's death.

What choice will a young man who knows the truth make? Then there will be one more person who slowly understands the true will of fire and wants to burn the Leaf Village, right?

The second one is the kid from the Uchiha family. A genius even younger than Kakashi.

It turned out to be a refined copy of Will of Fire given to him. To be honest, this task is still somewhat difficult.

I've met that kid before, and his talent is absolutely astonishing.

Shisui is different from ordinary Uchihas. First of all, on the surface, he is very cautious and enthusiastic, which is different from other tribesmen, but in his heart, he is extremely arrogant and even better than others.

It's just that it's hidden deeper, or that ordinary people can't see that side.

He may only agree with what he sees. As for how to see a new Will of Fire and take it home and study it, it is very difficult.

So what to do? We can’t let this bastard Noah see the joke.

When the other party went out, he went from being a stranger to getting to know the son of the Third Hokage to chatting and laughing with Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas. He did everything so well, and even carried out the thoughts of Kakashi, the rising star of Konoha. deflection.

As a result, if he couldn't do this, he would be inferior to others, which Orochimaru, who was equally arrogant, still cared about.

Uchiha Shisui. Is the connection young?

Young. Hongdou!

As one of the three ninjas, it shouldn't be too much for him to accept a disciple. Let Uchiha become a more established and popular Hokage line!

Although he failed in the fourth generation Hokage competition, in the eyes of the outside world, he more actively quit, which is a kind of peaceful evolution.

As a third-generation disciple, he still has a high prestige in the village.

Accepting a team of three as apprentices is also in line with the traditional practices of their lineage.

There is a little girl in Mitarashi's family who has been trying to become his disciple. It would be feasible if she added the descendants of Uchiha Kagami.

If we find another civilian ninja to form a trio, I guess the teacher might be very happy and willing to make this happen.

A positive way of saying it is that the bond of the village has once again deepened.

The more I think about it, the more I find this step to be very interesting, and it can also be used to harness geniuses for one’s own use.

It can definitely exceed Noah's expectations. Why should Shisui read a book? I'll just be his teacher and let him learn these things. That's it.

After working with that bastard for a while, Orochimaru's thinking has broadened a lot, and he prefers to solve problems from the source.

It's Noah, this guy, who pays so much attention to Konoha.

He doesn't let any talent go, but will the Uchiha family really do what he does?

Orochimaru, who has read some Nidaime research materials, still maintains a certain distance from things like the Sharingan.

Mainly because at his level, the effect of the three Magatama Sharingan has been minimal. That's about it when it comes to growth potential.

It was Jiraiya's prophecy and Noah's reminder that made him start to pay attention to this blood inheritance limit again.

The secret of the Sharingan is probably not that simple.

There happens to be an experimental subject growing under his command and observing at the same time. This is called a win-win situation.

At the end of my mind, I still had an idea about the art of Flying Thunder God. And something called the Flying Thunder God Formation. I hope Orochimaru can study this.

Time and space. Headache.

The art of immortality, as well as the magic chakra and natural energy mentioned before. And that white cell tissue on hand. and intercolumnar cells.

With so many projects on his desk, Orochimaru once again lamented that he was unable to do anything at all.

Suddenly he understood how terrifying the race of Uzumaki and Senju was.

Their chakra and mental endurance are many times that of ordinary ninjas. If they have such a physique, wouldn't they be able to speed up research?

Having at least a few hundred more avatars to do research together is the romance of those with scientific research abilities.

After burning the scroll, Orochimaru began to exert his strength.

He waved his hand to summon a subordinate to handle Kakashi's affairs, and the intelligence from that year was gathered one by one.

As for whether Kakashi can be found, it all depends on his ability. Orochimaru doesn't want to design a more retarded setting.

At the same time, some valuable research materials were backed up and distributed to external bases.

Jiraiya can wander around the world, and he can also set up some laboratories in some secret places.

Although it is not as rich as the root, it is still okay to have a few advanced ones.

As for the pillar cells? He must leave with a little hope that Elder Danzo won't be too angry.

Orochimaru had a feeling that he was about to leave the village.

When Noah and Orochimaru teamed up to design Konoha, the atmosphere inside the village was a little tense.

When a great ninja clan who had always been outside the village's political system wanted to integrate, the matter progressed very slowly.

One more person who comes in to divide the power is considered too many, not to mention that Uchiha himself controls the police force.

There are fewer positions at the top. When the elders or clan heads of the Uchiha clan come in, where should they be placed?

Besides, what if this kind of ambitious ninja tries to make progress?

This time the resistance is no longer those who are hostile to the Uchiha clan like the Third Generation and Danzo, but the fear of the small and medium-sized ninja clan.

Hinata was watching the excitement from the sidelines. The Hinata family also paid a high price to achieve their current status.

Orochimaru also began to take the initiative at this point of internal power conflict.

Of course, he knew that it would be very suspicious if he suddenly accepted a disciple based on his personality, and his reputation may not be very good among the ninja clan.

So he gave his bold idea to Noah, believing that the man who liked to make up stories would have a better way.

He also asked Noah to find the third candidate. Since the other party knows so much about Konoha, there will definitely be one.

Orochimaru is becoming more and more perverted, even having this idea.

Anko Mitarashi, Shisui Uchiha, there's still one more person left.

It's best for someone to be a civilian. It's okay to have a lower status, but he can't be too stupid. Orochimaru can't accept the existence of idiots.

Noah was happy for Orochimaru's train of thought. Sure enough, a healthy soul was too important.

The third person actually has no choice.

Suddenly he remembered the orphanage in Konoha, and a child wearing glasses came into Noah's sight.

So he opened the scroll and wrote back again, writing a detailed step-by-step plan.

Thinking that this time the genius of Uchiha must also fall into the clutches of their Akatsuki organization, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie.

He grabbed a poor little snake and stuffed it inside.

Encounter, guidance, rejection, acceptance.

After Orochimaru saw it, he also became extremely afraid of Noah. This guy is really too bad. He likes this method.

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