Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1192 Target: Talents from the five major countries

On the surface, the ninja world is undergoing a smooth transition.

Noah smelled an uneasy atmosphere, and there was never any calm in this ninja world.

I feel that according to time calculation, that guy Obito should have come to the Land of Rain to do something.

The current Akatsuki organization and the current Nagato have not acted according to his vision. Conquering or guiding the basic disk is a basic operation no matter how you look at it.

I have prepared a lot of plans for this guy, but why hasn't he shown up yet? Is he such a smart person?

Noah fell into deep confusion.

A lot of time has passed since the end of the Third Ninja War. Isn't this guy lost on the road of becoming a villain and planning to defeat the Akatsuki organization alone?

Is it because Uchiha Madara himself doesn’t know yet? One eye shouldn't bring intelligence.

What Noah didn't expect was that someone would really pull him down like this, and he couldn't even try to conquer his two younger brothers.

The red sand scorpion is hiding and seeking in the desert, and Jue, who can transfer his body among inorganic objects, has no advantage at all here.

At this time, Obito is tracking Kakuzu's traces, and Black Zetsu is also helping this tool man to make continuous progress.

Kakuzu is very cautious because he lives a long time, has many enemies, and is timid at heart.

Even with five lives, he didn't mess around, because he had really seen how those two guys who were like gods and demons defeated that modern and perverted strong man.

This adds a lot of trouble to Obito's plan.

So the fact that I haven't appeared in the Land of Rain until now is not because I don't have this heart, but because my ability is limited.

Noah still elevated Obito to a position that his abilities did not reach.

Noah, who had been guarded by Void for a long time, could only let go and finish the work at hand first.

Yu Ninja Village still needs a few senior managers.

This sentence has been said countless times.

Yahiko's growth rate is still too slow, and a young man who has never experienced a big crisis is still not working hard enough.

Not everyone can have the means and talent like the fourth generation Hokage of Konoha Village.

The basic education of Konoha ninja has indeed raised the upper limit of many people, and the upper limit of genius has become wider.

So we still have to find solutions from Konoha and other big countries.

The only ones who can support this place now are themselves, Yahiko and Hanzo. The three of them have put too much energy into maintaining the Rain Country.

I missed Long countless times because he could always provide Noah with a stable rear area, allowing him to do whatever he wanted on the sea.

It is the base area of ​​Yuren Village that restricts Noah's travel, preventing him from implementing many interesting ideas.

Of course, Noah also discovered the benefit of the Ninja Continent, that is, thousands of years of training have made ninjas the most useful tools.

They can quickly accept things that are reasonable, unreasonable, and contrary to common sense and implement them accurately.

There is no problem whether you understand the thought or not.

This is the main reason why I can still control the development of the entire Kingdom of Rain even when there is such a shortage of personnel, and the spread and depth of ideas have not reached a certain level.

The world is different, and the methods of operation are also different. We must keep pace with the times.

He picked up the scroll and started writing some information crazily on it, then took out a small snake from the box and roughly stuffed the scroll into it.

The little snake disappeared with a bang. It seemed that it had been channeled away.

Psychic beasts are really magical. If I have the chance, I will take some powerful friends with me to Longdi Cave to visit the White Snake Immortal.

I hope that we can reach some principles of peaceful coexistence with Longdi Cave, otherwise it will be troublesome to always use some psychic snakes that are not intelligent.

How much can a small snake carry? If it is the size of a snake, it will be a high-quality logistics person.

Alas, Wan She~~ you died so miserably.

Then Noah was concerned about the development pattern of other hidden villages.

He doesn't mind where the talents come from. As long as he can accept ideological learning, he is a good comrade.

It's not like Konoha alone can produce geniuses. Oh, well, only Konoha can produce the top geniuses, but Noah from other Hidden Villages doesn't want to let go of ordinary geniuses.

At present, Kirigakure Village is still in a state where the third generation is not dead, but it is getting closer.

As the bodyguard of the first generation Byakuren, he is not young anymore. If another accident happens to Obito, it will be nothing.

When the fourth generation comes to power, the talent pool of the Kingdom of Water will be opened up for itself, so there is no rush.

At present, there are conflicts and mergers in Kirigakure Village at every turn, and the Mizukage is simply unable to unite those powerful ninja clans.

There is too much gap left for Noah, and he can go in and select some talents at any time.

For example, the Kaguya clan. There are also the Minazuki clan, the Oniden clan, etc. Orochimaru obviously has a preference for such ninja clans and new generations.

The Kingdom of Earth is very difficult to deal with. Even more difficult than Konoha to some extent.

Iwagakure Village was run very well by that old man Onoki. Even though he suffered so many defeats in the Third Ninja War, he still maintained the prestige of the village.

There is no problem with the overall grand strategy, but due to the show of personal strength, the explosive troop flow was defeated by the strong ones and had no troop lines.

Of course, the stability after the war is also due to Ohnoki's personal combat power. At present, the elimination of Bloodstains is still at the stage where no one can beat him.

Another reason is that there are no amazing talents emerging from the Kingdom of Earth. No one in the new generation has challenged the position of Iwakage, and he can hold this position so firmly.

After that, the only person who could be regarded as a top talent in the village was Deidara, the judge of the village.

But children of this age are now wearing crotchless pants, and it is not good for Noah to poach people at this time. He still needs the help of the Kingdom of Earth to teach him for a while.

The Kumo ninja gave up immediately, and the level of unity was even higher than that of the Earth Kingdom. Those barbarians are all unreasonable. Talking to them about the interest class is really better than suppressing them with force. Once they are subdued, everything will be easy to talk about.

Finally, there is Sand Hidden Village.

Speaking of Sunagakure Village, Noah's expression became a little interesting.

It is a country that is very short of supplies and very eager to establish new channels.

In the desert with the worst location among the five major countries, even water resources can become a very precious thing.

After the World War, Konoha was hit hard, and the economic and people's livelihood system was on the verge of collapse, with high national debt, difficulty in obtaining supplies, and the powerful force that the monks retained.

No matter how it sounds, it sounds so obvious. At this time, Shayin Village has a leader who can unite the masses. Fortunately, Luo Sha is not very good.

If it can be managed well, it will be a good breakthrough.

As for the talent in the desert, it's not that there's a shortage of talent. At least there's a Red Sand Scorpion.

As for whether he is a traitor or not, it seems that the village has not yet classified Xie as a traitor.

Noah felt very relaxed when he thought about the plan he had planned for Sand Ninja Village. How could it be his style to simply sit in control of the Rain Country?

Finally, there is a place in the desert that he cares about very much, but it is not convenient to go there because his body has not recovered yet.

I will eventually have to take a trip after I fully recover. The matter of the Six Paths and the Pure Land needs to be resolved.

Before he could feel proud, he was puzzled by questions from Xiaonan.

Here Orochimaru also received notification from Noah.

Do you think so highly of this kid?

Noah hopes that Orochimaru can maintain a certain level of help to Kakashi, so that the other party can inadvertently discover more root truths and facts.

Especially in the White Fang incident, some clues can be revealed a little bit.

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