Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1185 Welcome to the Kingdom of Rain

So Uchiha Madara wants to break this rule, and Orochimaru ignores this rule. Six Paths can only float outside the world, and their fate is to go against most people.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Ahem, Noah will take Robin next.

It would take quite a long time to take the ox cart from Konoha Village to the Land of Rain. In the past, such guard tasks would have made ninjas impatient, but this time Kakashi did feel unusually relaxed.

Not only physical relaxation, but also spiritual relaxation.

It had been a long time since he had freed his mind from the dark room, so Adam directly gave him a world to temporarily escape reality.

The boundless sea, the navy that enforces justice, the pirates who indulge their desires, and the customs and customs of various other worlds are really attractive.

The collision of devil fruits, dreams, treasures, and beliefs. It’s a whole world, a world that doesn’t feel like it’s in the story.

Although the strong ones among them don't look like normal people, the 3-meter-tall ordinary people and the 6-meter-tall little giants are weird to think about.

But in reality, kings don't take the usual path. At least he has never seen strong men of Sannin and above wearing ninja vests, and many of them have quirks.

The biggest difference should be that the strong people in the ocean world think very selfishly. Yes, that's selfish.

Compared with Konoha, those strong people all have their own ideas and act on them, never considering what others will think. But this feeling is really enviable.

Maybe with this thought, my father would not have died.

He admitted that he looked down on the fool named Noah very much at first.

A guy who started out as a slave and had no power to control the chicken dared to brazenly talk about destroying the old world. This kind of overestimation of his own abilities made a mockery of the rigorous profession of ninja.

It's just that kind of courage and the will to interfere with reality are really a little admirable.

Fortunately, the idea of ​​carrying it out even if it drags the world into war is in the story. If it happened in reality, he would definitely kill this guy.

After escaping with a small life, the idiot named Noah actually started planning to overthrow the world government.

Should he say it or not, this courage surpassed everyone Kakashi knew.

When he saw Noah traveling around the world and recording the miserable lives of ordinary people, his mind also thought of that group besides ninjas.

It seems that the civilians of the Fire Nation are not doing so well either. Ordinary people in the other four major countries, including small countries, live a precarious life.

The pain in life that I had only seen during the anti-bandit mission in the past came to my mind again. It turns out that it is the same in every world, and people at the bottom without power and resources will have a very difficult time.

Can Noah really overthrow the world government just by relying on them?

And then the operation of joining Shigetsu Kendo made Kakashi start to think about whether this was a reference to the swordsmanship legend of the traditional samurai period.

The so-called strongest sword should be able to protect what you want to protect and cut off what you want to cut off.

This sentence gave Kakashi a great inspiration. It seemed that the broken White Fang dagger was broken because he had no faith in his sword, which was a tool that traversed the ninja world.

And my father told me.

He said this while practicing Hatake Swordsmanship for the last time before leaving him.

It's just that I didn't have much experience at the time. In addition to the changes in the nature of chakra, belief is also a very key point.

The sword energy that the sword edge could cut through a forest allowed him to see the way forward in kendo in his fantasy. Unfortunately, he had decided to live instead of Obito, and it was impossible for him to abandon the Sharingan.

Pulling out the kunai from a wave ninja, Kakashi glanced around and returned to Noah without finding any danger.

Strangely, the closer we get to the Kingdom of Rain, the fewer these bandits are. Are they influxing into that small country?

Mr. Adam, keep going.


Ahem, last time we said that Noah was about to leave the army, what happens next?

Then, he returned to O'Hara to pay homage to the powerful man who had died. He also paid homage to himself who had died in the fire in a muddle-headed manner.

The story continues and the bullock cart moves forward.

Noah's storytelling time is not fixed every day, and he will stop at any time to discuss with Kakashi the differences between the ninja world and the sea world.

After all, some stories still cannot resonate, but there are some parts that can be strongly resonated with. It seems that the draft needs to be revised.

Finally they reached the border of the Fire Country.

If we walk for another 5 days, we will reach the capital of Rain Country, and Kakashi's mission will be over.

When he saw the dividing line of Rain Country, Kakashi realized that he was walking so fast this time.

Regarding this mission, the boy felt that time was like sand between his fingers, and the story called Noah had just begun.

However, the mission comes first, and the schedule cannot be slowed down just for the sake of a mere fabricated story.

Stop, check.

They were intercepted at the gateway to the mainland, and four Rain Ninjas appeared here.

The Country of Rain is currently in a state of seclusion. In fact, no ninja can enter the country through official channels, otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation.

This deterrence was still there when Sanshouyu Hanzo was still alive.

It's just that Noah's special identity had already cleared the checkpoints in advance, so he was let go as normal.

When Kakashi stepped into the Land of Rain, he realized something was wrong.

The atmosphere here is a bit unlike other countries in the world.

They had just crossed through the northwest of the Country of Fire. The peasant tenants were deeply intruded by bandits and suppressed by the noble vassals.

From the farmland to the people who work there, they all look ordinary, but the atmosphere inside the Country of Rain is actually so harmonious.

That was the only word that could describe the scene in front of me.

Large tracts of farmland are divided into fixed sizes, and water flows through the fields in a planned manner.

Much of the terrain should have been rolling hills, but it has now been flattened into good plain farmland.

Even in a country shrouded in gloom, the expressions on farmers' faces are not so gloomy and sad, but full of hope.

Mr. Adam, Rain Country. It's okay.

It had nothing to do with the mission, so Kakashi didn't want to ask any more questions. The boy who always kept his identity as a Konoha ninja in mind did not want to do anything that would cause misunderstanding after the war.

Because his forehead protector had caused quite a commotion, the fear and disgust for ninjas radiated from everyone.

But what's even more surprising is that after the rain ninja appeared, these civilians seemed to have put down their worries and continued to farm with peace of mind.

It seemed that Yu Ren had their trust.

However, Konoha ninjas in the Fire Country will cause slight panic when performing tasks or passing by. Is this because the national conditions are different?

The country suddenly became mysterious.

Don't do anything drastic, Kakashi, you know, this was one of Konoha's battlefields before, so it's understandable that they have some emotions about Konoha's symbol.


Not understanding it, Kakashi felt uneasy in the Land of Rain.

It was a kind of uneasiness that was separated from the atmosphere of the normal world, without the trajectory of the past rules.

Although it's a little late, I still want to say welcome to the Land of Rain.

I was really unlucky today, the water pipe burst in my house. Real estate and maintenance people come and go, so taking a day off is a lot of work. The result is that it can't be repaired until tomorrow.

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