Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1184 Noah is so stupid

Otherwise, Danzo wouldn't have used this young man to assassinate the Sandaime in the later period. That old guy really had a great eye for troublemaking.

At this moment, even though Kakashi's body was faithfully performing his mission, his heart was already torn apart by the deaths of people close to him one after another.

It's really a good time to start.

Kakashi, although I am not a ninja so it is not appropriate to say this, but what I want to say is that if you really understand the will of fire, you can definitely avoid many disasters.

You, a foreigner, have only read this book for a few days and you feel you understand something!

Inexplicable anger rose in his heart, and Kakashi couldn't accept the understatement of people outside who said things that seemed to be correct.

Sorry, did I say something that hurt you?

Silent, Kakashi felt that he was a little out of character, and he actually vented his emotions by scolding an ordinary person.

This is because his own training is not enough. As a tool, ninjas cannot use emotions to affect the mission.

There was no response to the mission target's apology, but has peace really returned?

I once discussed the will of fire with Mr. Jiraiya in writing, and he still very much recognized my opinions.

Kakashi was silent, what was there to talk about when it was all empty talk.

Jiraiya and I said that the key to the Will of Fire is to become a light, so that you can protect those who want to live in the light.

Jiraiya said, what if the surroundings were completely dark and filled with monsters and monsters?

I said that fire can bring equal destruction to these things. Burn a decayed place and give civilization a new lease of life.

If you can do this, even the Third Hokage will be moved.

Kakashi felt that something was wrong with this conversation. Lord Jiraiya seemed not to be such a serious person, but the fact that he was able to write the Genshin Shinobi made Sage's reputation a little better.

The boy was a little shy about this topic because he couldn't think about it.

The Will of Fire suddenly became a being that burned others, which was a little different from the way he learned to burn himself when he was in school.

Kakashi, since I'm bored on the road, why don't I tell you a story.

After listening to it, you may understand what fire is.

Kakashi was noncommittal, he was long past the age of listening to stories. The cruelty of the ninja world made everyone experience the baptism early.

It is said that there is such a world. Most of this world is filled with sea water, and people live on various islands.

There are also magical fruits in this world. As long as you eat one, you will have magical powers, but you will also get the curse of the sea.

The rulers of this sea are the world governments, their...navies.

And the other force is the pirates. They.

It's really a grand worldview. No matter how mature or depraved Kakashi is, he is still a teenager, and he will always be curious about the new world.

This opening setting alone has completely surpassed all the storybooks I read and listened to when I was a child, and is more interesting than any ninja story.

Pirates are a common problem in the Kingdom of Water. Has this author ever been to the land of water?

As for the unified world government, it must be something like the Land of Fire, which protects the rules and operations of the sea. The navy is a military institution like the Leaf Village.

However, the relationship between daimyo and Konoha in the real world is more equal.

Do you want my treasure? If you want it, go to the sea and find it. I'll put it all there.

The era of great pirates has arrived, and countless pirates have appeared on the sea. Some of them chase their dreams, some indulge their desires, and people with various purposes rush to the sea.

Kakashi-kun, what do you think will happen if so many pirates appear?

It will bring killing and destruction. Bandits are mortals who will not restrain their desires. Mastering power beyond the world will only make their harm even greater.

Kakashi was not silent. He thought of the actions of those Nami ninjas who occasionally mastered chakra that he had seen during his daily mission to suppress bandits, and he basically understood that most pirates looked the same.

Yes, because the pirates were burning, killing and plundering, the sea was in turmoil. At the same time, the protagonist of this book appeared, named Noah.

Although I'm embarrassed, the name Noah is my favorite name, so I used it here.

The fire burned away the all-knowing tree on O'Hara, and Noah and his sister escaped from the island.

Should it be said or not, this first chapter really went beyond Kakashi's thoughts.

When he first heard about the navy and pirates, he felt that the protagonist must be one of the two forces.

The result is neither. The slaves start the game and are then surrounded and killed by the navy representing justice. The reason is to explore the truth of history.

Kakashi said it was understandable as to why O'Hara was destroyed. This is the difference in the world.

Even if you know some information, you will be close to death. This is not uncommon in the world of ninjas, so there are cursed seal ninjutsu such as the tongue root seal.

From this, it can be inferred that the role played by the world government in history must be problematic, but the dark side of every country is so dirty.

The killing of civilians by the navy is even more common in the ninja world. Everyone knows that this is wrong, but it can only depend on personal consciousness. Konoha's ninjas probably wouldn't do such a thing.

That Noah is really stupid.

? !

Noah looked confused. The point of this story is that the protagonist is stupid?

Where does this come from?

It's really shameless to talk nonsense in the face of the navy's highest combat power. Anyone who dares to threaten the stability of Konoha Village will be ruthlessly obliterated as long as they dare to speak out.

It’s amazing what you said makes so much sense. Didn’t you want to be mute before?

And anyone who can say that the world is wrong is either a lunatic or a devil. No matter how you look at it, he shouldn't be the protagonist.

As for understanding what fire is? Are you saying that if you don't follow the rules of the world, you will be thrown into the fire and burned to death?

Noah had the urge to take out Hedao Yiwen and give this little white hair a serious blow.

Since when did Kakashi have a character with a paralyzed face and a poisonous tongue, he should just forget about it.

But this story is quite interesting. Did Noah later join the pirates and start taking revenge on the World Government?

Fortunately, Kakashi added this sentence, otherwise the seventh generation Hokage would have died tragically in the wilderness.

This also shows that ninjas are really patient people, and only a few people in the whole world escaped to see the world and peace.

Most people silently accept the operation of these things, even so-called geniuses.

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