Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1186 A Different Country of Rain

Cloudy, rainy, humid, muddy, desolate, and insensitive. This is most people's impression of the Land of Rain.

The same goes for Kakashi. Although he has never been here, he knows the characteristics of this place from listening to his comrades chatting.

Talking about the fact that the water vapor is thicker than the Water Kingdom, ninjas don't like this place.

Thick armor and vests are a torture to stick to the body in humid places, and weapons maintenance and material transportation are also big problems.

The lives of countless ninjas from the Three Kingdoms were buried in this muddy battlefield.

But as it is a common battlefield with the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Wind, we have to come.

After setting foot on this land, everything else was completely different from the ninja manual and the experience taught by the predecessors.

Is this the land of rain?

The last few days in the Land of Rain were a rare magical experience for Kakashi in his more than ten years of life. This country was surprisingly peaceful.

Everyone is busy, and there is an invisible force arranging everyone's work.

Farmers at the lowest level need to learn the use of new farm tools and farming knowledge. It's actually ninjas teaching farmers how to farm? What a magical operation this is.

Those farm tools are also different from those in the Fire Country, and they look more advanced.

What's strange is that there are no children in the fields. You must know that children are now considered a key labor force in a family.

Where have they all gone? Reading? !

This development made Kakashi feel incredible. Why wasn't he captured by some evil organization for experimentation or entering a certain death warrior training camp?

The house was horribly crude, and it looked like it was made of really poor soil.

Due to the climate problem in the Rain Country, these broken houses are also equipped with wooden boards and thatch to isolate the rainwater.

This architectural style is quite in line with the national conditions.

The textbooks are also extremely simple, which is very different from the knowledge learned in Ninja School, but it is indeed a literacy course.

What is this operation? The prototype of heaven on earth?

The Country of Fire definitely cannot do this kind of thing. Letting ordinary children study would break the world's cognition.

Children in Konoha Village go to the Ninja School to take assessments. Those who are qualified will become ninjas, and those who are not qualified will become ordinary people in the village to serve ninjas, which provides a channel across classes.

Outside Konoha Village, people are constantly repeating their lives according to thousands of years of tradition.

What is the purpose of having so many people study in the Land of Rain? has no meaning?

Keep this in mind and inform your teacher if you have the chance. The atmosphere in the Land of Rain is too strange.

While walking, he suddenly noticed a violent explosion in front of him, and Kakashi hurriedly stood in front of Adam.


They say be careful, but in fact they mean don’t worry.

Finally something unexpected happened. How could such a small country not have bandits, bandits or rogue ninjas?

Suddenly I felt that I had a place to be useful, otherwise it would be too embarrassing for me as a ninja to only perform his duties within the Land of Fire.

Kakashi pulled out his kunai and prepared to fight, but was shocked by what happened next.

It is indeed a battle, it is indeed a suppression of bandits.

However, during the pursuit, very few lethal ninjutsu were used, and they were all focused on control.

The rain ninja actually did not kill the bandits after breaking through the bandit's stronghold, but tied them together and prepared to take them away.

Do those ronin or ordinary people who fell into trouble have any value?

Even young ninjas know that the people with the least experimental value in the ninja world are the ordinary adults who go up the mountain. Due to the lack of daily necessities, their bodies are so exhausted that they are basically unable to do any heavy work.

Abnormal things happened one after another.

A ninja from Konoha? How did you get in?!

The confrontation happened in an instant, and the two parties were at war with each other.

Kakashi didn't understand why the other party was so hostile. It was normal for ninjas to go to other countries to perform official tasks during non-war periods.

Although they will receive some glares and secret obstructions, it is really rare for them to draw swords against each other like this.

Konoha's golden brand is not something that just any country dares to offend.

call out!

A paper kunai was shot at the midpoint of the confrontation, and a girl was floating in the air waving her wings.

Continue to perform your mission. The Konoha ninjas are performing an escort mission. Leader Yahiko has approved it.


Ninjas of Konoha. Don't walk around randomly in the Rain Country. Walking along the continent is the country.

When the ninja dispersed, Kakashi was still staring at the woman who flew away, the wings behind her back seemed to be made of paper.

The special secret technique is not simple for Rain Ninja.

In the conversation just now, it was stated that the mission approval was not an order from Sanshouyu Hanzo, but from Leader Yahiko, which should be noted down.

This person may be the newly emerged leader in the rain ninja village and has strategic significance for Konoha.

The ninja's instinct to gather information was taking effect, and Kakashi could only control himself not to go too far.

The next journey seemed to have been arranged in advance by the female ninja, and nothing unexpected happened.

Keep going along this main road and listen to the story as you go.

After traveling a lot, Kakashi realized that everything in the Land of Rain seemed to be in its infancy. Most areas still felt similar to those in the Land of Fire. Maybe the previous scenes were rare.

So the focus is still on the story of Adam.

When the two walked into a courtyard of the capital of the Land of Rain on the last day, Kakashi knew that the story had come to an end.

The first attack on the Red Earth Continent to free the slaves was a huge success, letting the world know that there are always some people who are stubborn enough to shine a light of resistance in a dark world.

Mr. Adam, is this the meaning of the lights? Burning everything you have to seek that uncertain future is just to let everyone see the light for a moment.

Everyone has their own understanding. I don't know what you can feel from it. But Noah definitely doesn't just want to see that little light.

Kakashi felt a little emotional. Although the protagonist was very stupid and overestimated his abilities, he was determined to do an impossible thing from the beginning. This spirit was particularly shocking.

In other words, it can only be shocking if it is divorced from reality. This time, I paid a heavy price to survive from the red earth continent. But even if he narrowly escaped death, he didn't achieve much results, he just saved those slaves.

It sounded like a fairy tale, and in his understanding it was absolutely unreasonable.

In the world of ninjas, so many resources will not be invested for this group of people of little value. Kakashi, who has experienced war, has a strong say.

Unless the person to be rescued has special value, such as intelligence or special status.

Otherwise, the Hokage would not issue such a mission. This is common sense.

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