Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1183 The first contact begins

Kakashi Hatake.

A man who has been silent since childhood.

The recognized genius boy of Konoha, coupled with his very self-disciplined practice since childhood, finally became someone else's child.

At first, it was for his father's approval. After all, Konoha White Fang's son was the label he had heard the most.

Later, I liked it, I liked the feeling of becoming stronger through practice.

Ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu cannot stop him from moving forward, but his father always said that the ultimate enemy of the strong is himself.

If you don’t understand, your enemy is your enemy. No one can stop me, who has already mastered sword skills.

At present, the only things that restrict him are his physical fitness and chakra amount. These won't be problems when he reaches adulthood.

Kakashi's ambition was to surpass the Konoha White Fang known to the world, so he also developed thunder-attribute ninjutsu in addition to his sword training.

You must find your own path and become a new strong person. Everything is going on in the expectation of others.

Until one day, rumors suddenly spread in the village that Hatake Sakumo abandoned his mission, causing heavy losses to Konoha.

Although I don’t know why the ninja’s intelligence mission spread so much, the atmosphere of life has changed.

Konoha Village is no longer the Konoha Village it was before, and malice is coming like a tide. Even passers-by were pointing vaguely.

Those who praised me in the past were moving away from me, and in the end, only two or three of my friends still didn't look at me with disgust.

My father seemed to become unusually silent, especially when he saw the companions he had rescued speaking harshly to him.

In the end, death bloomed in the Hatake mansion, and all the malice disappeared like the ebbing tide.

What happened to this world?

It turns out that putting mission first is the ninja's creed. With this awareness, he kept moving forward in the war, leaving behind countless people who were holding him back.

The team that was finally re-formed was his original teammates.

How could an idiot like Obito understand what a ninja was? He was still more suitable to help an old lady cross the road in Konoha Village.

But my friend spent his life telling him that those who break the rules are trash, and those who don't cherish their companions are worse than trash.

Sharingan heroes are amazing, Obito is a true genius.

It's just that the war is cruel, and the teacher's flying thunder god can't save his brother.

Then Lin, who had vowed to protect her with her life, voluntarily fell to Raikiri, and Kakashi, who had lost the meaning of life, became decadent again.

genius? No, it's trash.

The war was over and his best friends were gone.

So is it more correct for a ninja to be a tool without emotions, or to become a person with emotions like Obito?

No one gave him an answer. Everyone was just celebrating their escape from death, glad that the war was over, and cheering for the new Hokage to take over.

Kakashi received an A mission when he was sinking into darkness. Protecting a traveling author returning to the Land of Rain.

A very common task, but also very unusual.

Gathering intelligence is an instinct for ninjas. When Kakashi saw Adam for the first time, he felt that this man had a deathly aura that was only found in the cemetery, but from his eyes, he could see the vigorous vitality like fire. Burning.

Everything disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he was still that ordinary person.

Labels like author, scholar, and teacher are naturally attached to me.

Judging from the appearance, he is also a helpless person, and he doesn't even have the savvy to walk in the ninja world.

lets go.


Adam in Konoha Village sat obediently on the bullock cart, looking at the flow of people on both sides as if he was thinking about something with his eyes blank.

After leaving the gate of Konoha, the other party stretched out directly in the car, his movements were very natural and comfortable.

It feels like you have entered your own world, and there is an inexplicable sense of relaxation and beauty like that of a legendary dragon taking flight.

The smell of danger was fleeting, like an illusion.

Kakashi instinctively felt that there might be a story on the subsequent journey, so he prepared for battle.

But my preparations were in vain, there was no violent storm, no flash of sword, no flash of sword.

The other party took out a book from his luggage and started reading.

The author named Adam has been reading a book on the bullock cart, and he is still reading The Will of Fire compiled by the Sandaime Hokage.

Even in Konoha, not many people should read this book, but every ninja will have a copy at home, even their own homes.

Kakashi remembers that the sales of this book have been at the lowest point in bookstores in recent years, and it is said that it has recently been replaced by Roots of Ninjaden.

Kakashi, can I call you that? Do you Konoha shinobi like the Will of Fire?

Silent, he did not have the habit of talking to the objects of his protection during the mission.

I don't like it. It's normal if I don't like it.

What did this guy say that could make Konoha ninjas say they didn't like the Will of Fire? Things that both the Sandaime and the Yondaime liked were not something that a ninja like me could question.

Kakashi, who was hesitant to speak, still didn't speak, but his mentality was a little unnatural.

It's obvious that today's teenagers still don't have the mentality of ignoring interference like they did after they were born, or in other words, Metkai's death entanglement has not yet begun.

The Meaning of Fire is a very great work. It's a pity that you people in Konoha don't seem to understand it very well and just regard it as a boring reading. It's a pity that Sarutobi Hiruzen-sama has worked so hard~~~

Don't we understand? Young people think that even during the war, Ninja School students have to learn this thing. If we don't understand, do you understand?

It is said that Jiraiya-sama's new book Genxunoden is also inspired by the Will of Fire.

No wonder it couldn't be sold, Kakashi complained silently in his heart.

At this moment, the young man simply couldn't accept something like the Will of Fire, which at first glance seemed to be full of positive energy.

The person who is trapped in self-destruction has entered a path of no return, and Noah is the one who comes to help him break through this path.

But overall I am a bit disappointed when I come to Konoha this time. It seems that the people here have not been enlightened under the influence of such will.

“People just have to follow the rules.”

This was the first sentence Kakashi said, and it was also a counterattack against this ignorant author.

They talked a lot along the way, but didn't he still know what Konoha was like?

During that time, wherever Sakumo took Kakashi out, he would be greeted with strange looks and pointing fingers.

Even the teachers in the Ninja School were showing some expressions they had never seen before, intentionally or unintentionally.

Something in fantasy like the Will of Fire has never appeared at all. Even the rescued ninja stood up and reprimanded his father. This doesn't just mean that this world only has cold operating rules and there is no transcendent fire.

Therefore, his life creed is to complete the mission of a ninja, as long as he performs the mission.

Noah smiled slightly, knowing that Kakashi was resistant to the so-called will of fire.

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