How many people does that guy want to tell his story to? Otsutsuki Hagoromo, a name lost in time, is now being told everywhere by this bastard.

The immortal sighed. It seemed that sooner or later, the whole world would know about his family's troubles.

Moreover, the opponent's power is constantly wearing down the Yin and Yang seal. If nothing happens, it will take about ten years to completely break it.

That's when I really have a headache. I hope Asura and Indra can live up to their expectations this time.

The ninja world, no, this world might be turned upside down by some bastard.

The perspective returns to Konoha.

Jiraiya was listening to Mr. Adam talk about the creation process of this book. After listening to it, he could only sigh that it was a great skill to write such a work.

There is such a profound foundation hidden in the details, and it takes so much care to fabricate a background, so does your own book still have a chance?

Jiraiya, who was in distress, still didn't know Noah's writing ideas and what he said he didn't want to do at all.

Even more content is waiting behind.

Mr. Adam, I would like to ask why the young people who are the protagonists in the book want to overthrow the original country instead of joining it to change the country.

I see that the priest in the work usually talks about a lot of content in the scriptures that encourages people to do good. Wouldn't it be great if it could be as in the original scriptures?

Another doubt arises in Jiraiya's mind. Even if the country is riddled with holes, wouldn't it be possible to change people's lives by changing leaders and changing policies?

Just like the third generation of Konoha was replaced by the fourth generation after his death, as long as Minato leads the village well, the country can still be saved.

That's a good question, Mr. Jiraiya.

Speaking of this, Noah became energetic.

This is my reasoning for this social process.

Maybe I have traveled to too many countries, both big and small. I have witnessed countless joys and sorrows.

In the end, I discovered that the source of many tragedies is actually caused by this general environment, but this world has developed a very good civilization and it should not be like this.

So I began to feel that there was something wrong with the current system.

what is the problem?

Jiraiya was a little confused. Although this ninja world has a history of a thousand years, the one-country-one-village system is less than a century old.

A country or a village will become better if it has a good leader. But what if it has a bad leader or a leader who deteriorates after taking office?

Time is the most ruthless force, and many people will change accordingly.

A young man who is full of energy will become sluggish and conservative, and friends who were originally like-minded will part ways because of changes in their pursuits.

So the question is not about replacing the leader at the top.

Jiraiya was a little speechless, but that was not unreasonable. The bad things done by the three generations of old men in the later period seem to prove this point.

What happened with Hatake Sakumo and Tsunade really made him not recognize his mentor.

The structure of this world has actually not changed for thousands of years. The Ninja Village system has only turned the regular killings and battles in the chaotic era into large-scale wars every ten years.

In every world war, countries like our Country of Rain will suffer. Countless people will die.

“So I’m envisioning a world situation that breaks that.”

For example, the framework and system should ensure that this society will not experience greater turmoil, so that all people can become the masters of this country.

Everyone has enough to eat, and everyone has books to read. Let peace appear here in a more realistic way.

I'm sorry, maybe it's because of my current health that I unconsciously want to do something.

Some things are not that simple. I will continue to try them in my subsequent works. Even if I make mistakes, I can give some hints to people who want peace.

This straightforward vision made Jiraiya feel uncomfortable because the words were so superficial.

There are no exciting words or very positive words, and they are countless times worse than Will of Fire.

But that kind of simple emotion and pragmatic action has a burning power, as if the other party is doing something very right.

If it were used to write a novel, wouldn't it be a bit much?

Why would you do such a thing?

What this question means is, does an author need to spell it this way?

“I am a citizen of the Land of Rain, the country that has been crying.

After being away for so many years I thought there was some way I could save my country.

I thought that small countries with relatively few wars, such as the Kingdom of Frost or the Kingdom of Taki, would be able to do something about it, but they didn't.

The five major countries have also been visited. To put it very strangely, in the countryside and towns, there is not much difference between it and the Country of Rain.

Then maybe peace is really not something that ninjas can achieve, so they started to explore if there is any other way.

Sorry, I said a little too much to make you laugh.

Jiraiya didn't smile, but felt sad.

He was not qualified to laugh at a determined seeker. It turned out that there were still people running for peace.

We were obviously discussing novels, but I talked about a lot of things. Let's go back to novels.

Noah looked like he had said too much and brought the topic back to the novel.

At this point, the identity of a peace-loving author from a small country has been established, and it is enough to give the other party a small shock.

These words won't have much effect when the Fourth Generation first came to power, but they may have new insights when Konoha is once again in trouble.

Noah never thought about drawing Jiraiya into the Akatsuki organization through a few exchanges, because it was unrealistic.

The opponent's psychological defense and demand points are currently not something that the Akatsuki organization can provide, even if Nagato comes forward.

The two then began to discuss the Nene Shinobiden.

There is no problem with the protagonist's perseverance. Ordinary people need emotional encouragement.

It's just that Naruto's growth has been too smooth. It doesn't mean that he encountered fewer enemies and difficulties.

But he doesn't look like a normal person and is a bit out of touch with reality.

If your foundation is a little empty, you can visit the world of ordinary people and see their opinions on the relationship between perseverance and success.

After all, your book is not just for ninjas to read.

To be honest, if an ordinary person saw what Naruto did, they would most likely think he is sick or a monster.

People will fear a moral saint.

Jiraiya somewhat understood what the other party meant. Ninjas would think what he wrote was nonsense, and ordinary people would also think it was nonsense.

The sales problem is really a headache.

I think everyone has something they are good at. Maybe writing this type of writing is not what you are good at. Why not open up your mind and write something that everyone likes to see.

Jiraiya was shaken when he heard Adam's reminder. In fact, when he was writing the Gensho Ninden Biography, he had the urge to write another kind of work.

However, he still needs to think about it again. If his pen name is exposed, he may be put on a wanted notice by Konoha for rebelling.

This exchange took a long time, and most of it was Jiraiya's thinking time.

When he left at night, the immortal hesitated for a moment and left without saying anything.

I read it while chatting about Adam's injury. It was a miracle that he was still alive.

What he wanted to say was that since he didn't die, he still had a chance. It would be a pity that such an excellent author and seeker of peace died.

You can introduce a person who is very powerful in medical ninjutsu to the other party, or you can take the opportunity to meet the person you miss day and night.

But reason told him to observe and observe again, so he returned to his shabby house.

I received too much information today, which is a bit brain-burning. The Rishi needs to be cool and collected.

Noah was very calm, and if he could win over Jiraiya within five years, it would be considered a success.

And he had to leave Konoha in three days. If he didn't leave, he would be targeted by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Late at night, Orochimaru stood in the corner of the house with some curiosity.

Who are you going to hire to protect you back to Rain Ninja Village?

Some cavin. Thanks to the boss of Three Hundred Jin Potatoes for the reward. I haven’t felt such a huge shock in a long time.

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