Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1181 It turns out to be him

Within three days, Jiraiya still found Noah again.

This time it’s about book publishing. Because he has no historical achievements and is not a well-known figure, booksellers are very cautious when accepting manuscripts.

Generally speaking, a small circle of people writes books and introduces the authors to each other through some channels.

And Jiraiya relied on his transcendent status in the ninja system to forcefully intervene into the group of authors, which of course had something to do with his own expenses.

When a supernormal ninja who kills many people talks to a bookseller, he is willing to publish a book at his own expense, which is a huge honor.

Offending the ninja leader is not a smart thing to do if you want to get along in the Fire Nation.

The other party also printed some Genxing Ninja to test the waters. The results of the test were the same as they initially assessed, and it was indeed not easy to sell.

But at least the relationship is established, and the bookseller will definitely make money.

It would be troublesome for ordinary people's works to be published. Regardless of the relationship, they may not even get to the stage of review.

Even if you get in, it may not be printed out. The so-called good writing and good business attributes are also determined by people.

However, with Jiraiya's help, the progress is naturally good. Since the book is not printed at one's own expense, the bookseller has to read the work.

Niu Mo? A weird name, but it has a strong story and power.

It's a masterpiece, it needs to be looked at carefully.

After a brief look at it, the other party said that it would take some time to research, and the author would be notified if he decided to publish it.

For a person who had no worries in Konoha, he didn't have time to deal with this, so he asked Jiraiya to help represent him.

Naturally, Jiraiya had no problem. Although he was wandering around, he still had channels to contact booksellers. Otherwise, how would he have delivered the manuscript of Intimate Heaven later on?

This is the best result. There is a Konoha Sannin watching over it. Regardless of good or bad, at least the process will be accelerated.

After the publication of the work, Noah will prepare to leave Konoha.

The Rain Ninja Village cannot be left without someone, and Obito is still in a wait-and-see state regarding the Akatsuki organization.

If he sees a flaw, he will step in at any time to find an opportunity to control Nagato. This time I go back to find an opportunity to subdue this bastard for a few years at a time.

Moreover, the reform of the Kingdom of Rain has just begun, and Yahiko still cannot make many choices in the direction.

Hello, here to entrust a task.

I came to Konoha's mission commissioning office and started to fill in the mission information. As for the subsequent background investigation, I had already arranged it.

The ninja sitting here was an unknown chuunin, and he received Noah like an ordinary person.

Adam, return to the land of rain

It's a very simple escort mission. Hire a ninja to protect you back to the Land of Rain. There may be enemy attacks on the way.

Normally this kind of mission is a C-level mission, but considering the fact that the war was just over and there were rogue ninjas and bandits everywhere, it was rated as a B-level mission, and the new author was willing to spend the money to give it an A-level mission.

A-level rewards range from 150,000 taels to 1 million taels, usually for detecting information from both countries and protecting important persons.

Noah was very wealthy and directly gave him two hundred thousand taels.

In this case, there will not be many ninjas that Konoha can arrange. A jounin or a famous special jounin still has to take action.

The employment contact plan is to contact Konoha's talents through a reasonable method and try not to arouse suspicion.

And high-level talents will definitely not perform B-level missions. If they save money to get a B-level mission, they may just give it to an unknown chuunin, and Noah will lose money.

If it weren't for the fact that the review of S-level missions requires the Hokage's approval before they can be issued, Noah actually wouldn't mind doing it for S-level tasks.

It's just that A-level people are relatively easy to operate through the connections of a certain leader of the Akatsuki organization. Compared with talents, these are just small amounts of money.

The secrets and materials that were taken out when wooing Orochimaru were at least over 100 million in resources, and contained the ultimate secrets of the ninja world.

Without such courage and financial resources, do you think Orochimaru is an easy person to convince? It takes hundreds of millions to get close to people.

Is there a designated execution ninja?


After confirming that there were no other problems, the other party asked Noah to go back and wait for notification. The specific allocation matter still needs to be reported for allocation.

As for asking if there are any designated ninjas you know well, it means asking if you need customization, which means adding money.

One of the main incomes of the Ninja Village is from completing tasks. The end of every war is a time to reallocate resources.

Naturally, the losing side will have fewer missions to entrust. After all, who wouldn’t want to find a powerful Ninja Village to entrust them with?

Konoha has always grown up with such dividends.

Noah was very calm when filling out the task form. He had already taken care of this step.

Not specifying it is also out of caution. Who knows if the fourth generation will stop this commission.

Also, Hokage is generally not responsible for the specific distribution of tasks below S level. Most of them are based on the recommendations of the task distribution department.

There are a lot of tasks being carried out and completed every day in Konoha, and it is impossible to always let a village of shadows handle them.

The young Kage needs to maintain his fighting power and training time in order not to fall behind, and there are countless tasks to deal with every day.

In the later stages of the original work, Hiruzen frequently appeared only when it came to the protagonist Naruto.

Even a mere C-level mission out of the village was carried out by Sarutobi Hiruzen himself. This is a platoon.

But being able to get Naruto out of the village also shows that this old Hokage still has kind thoughts and guilt after all.

It is estimated that when the Hokage agreed to this C-level mission, an extremely fierce quarrel must have broken out in that office, and the elders knew all about it.

Maybe there was Danzo standing in the darkness of the office, staring desperately at the ultimate weapon he thought about day and night.

A-level employment mission, to protect the author Adam back to the Land of Rain. No suspicious things have been found yet, and Kakashi Hatake is selected to perform the mission.

Namikaze Minato had no doubts when he saw this task application form. Konoha had a mature evaluation system and generally would not make any mistakes.

I was just a little stunned when I saw Kakashi's name.

Why Kakashi?

Reporting to the Hokage-sama, the only Jounin in the village who has not yet been assigned a task is Kakashi Jounin. If it is inconvenient.

No, it's okay. Kakashi has the ability to take on this task. Please notify him according to the normal task distribution process.


As a disciple of mine,

After the Third Ninja War, Namikaze Minato and Kakashi really didn't see each other much. It was more that Kushina went back to care.

But the information given every time he came back was very worrying. Kushina even wanted to beat up this little guy. It was said that he was as annoying as a dead fish.

Minato also found this matter difficult and difficult to deal with.

The matter of the Sharingan has become very sensitive after the war, and the Uchiha clan has already proposed the recycling of the Sharingan.

That is to say, it was suppressed because of his relationship with becoming the fourth generation and Fugaku.

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