Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1179 The beginning of deception and the helplessness of Liudao

If the chakra system is not good, there is still a senjutsu system. The only man among the three ninja who has mastered senjutsu should not be underestimated.

Moreover, it would be strange for an author who traveled to various countries to have no strength at his side.

At the same time, there is no need to hide the injuries on his body, which can dispel the other party's suspicion and pave the way for hiring Konoha ninjas as bodyguards in the future.

It's not that Noah is too cautious, but that the profession of ninja is so suspicious by nature. On the contrary, it is better to play freely with half-truths and half-falsities.

This time, my character is an explorer who hopes for world peace, a character who leads Jiraiya to change his perspective.


First there was a heroic laugh, and Jiraiya used laughter to cover up the surprised expression at the moment they just met.

Noah was a little disappointed not to see the super awkward fairy dance.

The other party's vigilance is still quite high. Because he feels threatened, he still maintains his daily posture that can adjust his body shape at any time.

That's true, it's less than a year before the end of the war. Even if Jiraiya escapes again, he won't get it right now.

In the end, Jiraiya still focused on asking for advice on his works, and the identity of the other party can be explored in subsequent conversations.

Mr. Adam, I have read your works. I am

There was nothing new in the regular beginning, and Noah greeted the toad fairy very reservedly.

Both parties communicate equally as authors.

After a brief introduction to each other and expressing his admiration for the gadfly, Jiraiya asked a few questions with a skeptical attitude.

It is nothing more than the background of the work and the opportunity for its creation, so there is nothing wrong with this issue.

Anyone who sees such a profound work will wonder under what background this book was created.

What's more, it would be strange not to ask more questions about Noah who doesn't look like an ordinary person.

What Noah is waiting for is questioning. Only by exchanging more works can he take control of the direction in his own hands.

The first two worlds have provided him with enough resources to make up a very good little story.

I was originally supposed to be a scholar and traveler. To put it bluntly, I had some ability to protect myself before I was injured.

I have seen the sunset in the desert, seen the mountains towering into the clouds, and even crossed the boundless sea.

I have unearthed the secrets of an ancient country 800 years ago, and entered a closed ancient city isolated from the world, not to mention countless capitals with various styles and countless worlds in the world.

It's just because of some accidents. So I want to tell what I have seen and heard in the context of this world while I am still alive.

The Gadfly was my first book.

The other party has actually traveled to so many countries and collected so much historical and mythological materials.

He has also observed all kinds of life and all walks of life. Is this why the work is more realistic?

I’ve learned, I’ve learned, this time it’s my attitude towards writing.

So what do you observe the most? Huh? That's not good, izakaya, style street, hot spring hotel, little sister, big Tsunade

I can’t think about it, so I’d better turn my mind back to serious communication.

Jiraiya is still in the early stages of creation, and he has not yet discovered that he has the instinctive talent to write a series of masterpieces.

Now continue to listen to Noah’s lies.

The inspiration for the work is based on the Kingdom of Ghosts and the Kingdom of Tang. Both countries have strong religious atmospheres.

Especially since the Ghost Country is still a country that integrates politics and religion. The country is managed by a legendary witch who is said to have the ability to see the future and is unparalleled in beauty.

Many ancient tribes also have myths and legends from that era that have been passed down, and they have become a kind of family heritage.

As for the political system, it is based on the setting of the Great Shrine of the Goddess Mao more than a thousand years ago. At that time, the power of religion should have reached a peak.

After finishing the information for the background reference of the story, Jiraiya felt that he had gained a lot.

Beautiful witch

He was met with a look of disdain from Noah on the opposite side. I have said so much, but you are so good at focusing on the key points?

No, hahaha, I'm just curious about the prophecy ability.

According to records, witches can only predict things related to themselves. I have not continued to study the deeper secrets.

Well, Jiraiya felt bad that Mr. Adam didn't continue studying miko.

It turns out that there is so much humanistic knowledge in this world that I never knew. Although he is already considered a master in his own right in the ninja world, in the cultural world he is just a student.

Wandering around, he never paid attention to the historical and cultural background that seemed to him fascinating. This was the gap.

Moreover, he had only heard about the legend of the Goddess Mao from the Great Toad Immortal, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him also knew about it.

Seeing that Jiraiya was interested, Noah told this guy some 'hearsay'.

I also pieced together the story about the Goddess of Uzumaki based on the fragments I saw in the library of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, the Kingdom of Ghosts, and other countries. I can tell you briefly, but don't take it seriously.

Yeah, I understand.

The topic was a bit confusing, but Jiraiya said it didn't matter. Adam, the author, had opened the door to a new world for himself.

Legend has it that the Goddess of Mao came from outside the sky thousands of years ago and brought peace to the world with the power of the gods.

According to my research, it seems that the dividing line between the era of ninjas and samurai is that time, so I would boldly guess that the chakra used by your ninjas appeared during that time period.

Of course, I think the so-called goddess refers to the symbolic meaning of religious theocracy overriding the daimyo in that era, not a real person.

Later, the power returned to the daimyo's hands, and the goddess disappeared from the world.

Back to the story, the goddess gave birth to two children with the blessings and prayers of the people. It is said that one of the children was named Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

That is, the founder of the legendary Ninja Sect, Sage of Six Paths.

Jilai wasn't too surprised after hearing this. There were too many legends of the Six Paths in the ninja world.

The barbarians of Kumogakure also said that Rokudo was a dark-skinned super muscular man, and Iwagakure also said that the place where they built the village was where Sennin founded the Ninja sect.

Every ninja village has a legend like this. Who wouldn't want to be a relative of such a big boss?

Konoha didn't have much desire for these legendary bonuses because of the two super bad guys Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

It's just the first time I've heard of the name and origin of the Immortal of Six Paths, and it's quite interesting.

The Great Toad Immortal is very obscure about this kind of thing, but the story pieced together by a novelist like Adam is more attractive.

He felt interesting, but the six paths between life and death were helpless.

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