Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1178 Jiraiya’s surprise

At night, in the hotel in Konoha Village.

Konan came and asked when Noah would return to Rain Ninja Village.

After all, as a representative of the Rain Ninja Village, he should consciously leave Konoha after witnessing the handover ceremony of the Fourth Generation.

The other people in the Little Ninja Village are already planning to go back. If the Great Ninja Village is still here, there may be some new documents that need to be signed by the fourth generation.

You go back first this time. I have a few people here that I want to meet.

As for safety issues, don't worry. Don't forget that we still have a leader doing scientific research here.

I will hire Konoha ninjas to protect myself on the way back.

Hire, protect.

These two words are so weird when used on someone.

Do they know what kind of monster they are protecting? Anyway, in Xiaonan's short life, she has never seen a ninja with such an exaggerated style.

And when she heard that her teacher was going to hire Konoha's ninja to protect herself, Konan was happy about that ninja's fate.

Because another person is about to fall into the clutches of the teacher. No, he is being guided by fate.

What kind of look are you looking at? It's just that we in the Country of Rain are suffering. In order to let everyone live a good life, we can only do this.

Yeah, yeah, the teacher is right.

It's good that you can understand my teacher's intentions. By the way, don't forget to say goodbye to Mr. Jiraiya when you leave. If he wants to find an interesting author to chat with, you can always introduce him to him.

As a teacher as well, Teacher Noah’s style is really pragmatic, and he never misses an opportunity.

But it’s really interesting that Mr. Jiraiya can also become the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization.


Konan went to Jiraiya to say goodbye.

Jiraiya, who had a very free and easy outlook on life when it came to the reunion and separation of his disciples, was not very sad. He was lucky to see them all well.

I feel very gratified to see that you have been fulfilling your dreams as teachers since you were young. It is really great to have you in the Land of Rain.

Yahiko's views were a bit radical when he was a child. Keep an eye on him when you go back.

Letting everyone feel the same pain will not bring peace. Bringing my fundamental ninja biography to him is the teacher's best work.

Xiaonan happily accepted several books of Nene Shinobiden. Most likely, the teacher who couldn't sell the books in bookstores started giving them away.

As for Mr. Yahiko Jiraiya, don’t worry, he has given up his previous childish ideas.

To change the world, we must completely destroy the old world. It is too childish to let everyone feel pain.

Jiraiya feels that he may not have done anything great in these years, but his life has become happier.

The eldest disciple became the fourth generation Hokage and had just begun to lead the village to rise again.

His village began to regain its vitality visibly to the naked eye.

And the few disciples from other villages who were recruited later are also working hard for the oath to bring peace to the Kingdom of Rain.

Especially when there is a son of destiny that he is optimistic about among them. It seems that the whole world does not need him to continue to work hard.

Maybe the only thing I'm more concerned about is the destroyer of worlds in the mouth of the great toad fairy.

I don't know if Orochimaru's reasoning is reliable, but this does not prevent him from continuing to wander in the ninja world.

There are a few things to do before leaving.

Xiaonan, can you recommend the author of Gadfly to me? I think this work is very excellent and I want to learn from it.

Jiraiya was still honest and consciously admitted that the novels he wrote were not as good as others.

After reading it repeatedly, he thought he could draw on some ideas to complete his work.

Well, Jiraiya still hasn't given up on his fundamental ninja tradition. He is not the kind of person who gives up easily.

Instead, I felt that adding a more realistic angle to the second book of Gensho Ninden to highlight Naruto's perseverance to never give up would also be more resonant.

Of course Xiaonan had no problem with this request, and she saved herself the effort of hinting.

Regarding the visit, Konan also followed Teacher Noah's instructions and relayed it to Jiraiya, of course in his own voice.

Although Mr. Adam is a travel author, someone who can write such profound works must have some rules.

The first appointment was very formal, with certain requirements from gifts to location and time.

This is just raising one's status. It would be very rude to simply agree to such a temporary visit.

Asuma didn't have to do this because the other party was young and would have a natural resistance to such red tape interactions.

Moreover, Noah was just discussing romantic affairs as an ordinary friend, so he had to have a good sense of proportion.

Jiraiya is different. People who have been in the ninja world for many years still know some rules more or less.

Since you are asking for advice, you still have to be more serious. The master is the teacher.

If Noah comes up and sticks to the other party enthusiastically, he will only think that he has other intentions. After being more vigilant, he will be in a passive state.

Jiraiya met the travel writer Adam for the first time in an ordinary tea room.

Out of the ninja's instinct, he felt the breath of the people in the room through the bamboo curtain and frowned. It seemed to be the breath of a young man.

Will the author who can write the gadfly be a young man? How can it be.

So Jiraiya opened the curtain with scrutiny and vigilance. The person who caught his eye was indeed a young man, but the work was definitely written by him.

Because of the eyes!

That kind of look that has experienced many vicissitudes of life and is full of wisdom is not something that young people can have. It reminded him of those mountain masters of the school he had seen in the Land of Fire.

Of course, I always feel that the eyes of those school leaders are a bit cloudy in comparison.

There is a fire in Adam's eyes, just like the fire returning from hell in the eyes of the protagonist in Gadfly.

It seems that he has gone through countless hardships and perseverance to develop such a will, and even when he looked at it, he still felt a little short of breath.

It is simply unbelievable. You must know how to move your energy and nourish your body.

Without pretense and restraint, most people will be in awe when they see you due to your status and strength.

But the other party's fearless and majestic attitude can actually stand up to others and even overwhelm him. He is an amazing person.

Moreover, the aura exuding from this author's body is very weird, somewhere between dangerous and non-dangerous, but there is no feeling of chakra.

It was so mysterious that Jiraiya's curiosity was aroused, and he wanted to know the true origin of Mr. Adam in front of him.

There is absolutely no way he is an ordinary travel writer.

The reason why Noah didn't pretend to be an ordinary person was because ordinary disguises could no longer fool such an expert.

Orochimaru can sense Noah's abnormality in his own way, and Jiraiya can do the same.

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