Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1177 Asma, read a book!

Then he issued a declaration belonging to the Yondaime era, which was so impassioned that especially the elders in the village felt new vitality.

Then new times bring.

In the end, Noah also dispersed with the crowd, not standing out at all.

After the fourth generation took over Konoha Village, the entire village remained unchanged.

Namikaze Minato discovered a thorny problem on the first day he took office, that is, his instructions always needed one more step to be passed on, which was to give them to Elder Sarutobi to take a look first.

Minato, don't get me wrong. It's just that I have some experience in government affairs, so I will help you to check things for now. I will quit when you can handle these things with ease.

The third generation said with a smile, he really thought so and there was no harm in it.

What could Minato do, he could only accept this.

Who knows that Daidaiying is still alive? He is a good and filial boy.

Then he took over the Anbu and found that the problem was even bigger. It seemed that the handover of the Anbu was even more difficult. This armed force that only belonged to the Hokage had to be better than Elder Sarutobi in reporting the situation.

It wouldn't be wrong to say how innocent a child Minato is, but this scene still makes it a little difficult for him to start.

This kind of boredom is unique to him. Fortunately, Kushina is constantly comforting the Fourth Hokage in her own way.

Naruto's birth also has a certain background of the times.

Noah was ushering in the harvest season at this time.

Asuma was very happy after losing his identity as the son of Hokage. He was full of admiration for Sarutobi Hiruzen but mixed with prejudice.

Children of this age always think that their status is based on ability. Whatever they do as the son of Hokage, people will classify success as the good teachings of the third generation adults.

Those who don't do well are those who talk about being like a father and a dog, having such good resources but not working hard.

This child has faced a lot of invisible pressure since he was a child. He can only maintain his career as a ninja by practicing hard.

However, the new generation of super geniuses such as Uchiha Shisui and Hatake Kakashi were so dazzling that he felt the sadness of looking up to geniuses at this age.

In his youth, Asuma was a standard delinquent with some talent.

Even if it is to fight against Sarutobi Hiruzen, it is also to show his differences, and to cover up his inferiority due to his lack of talent through a non-serious attitude.

It was also through distorted thinking that I came up with the idea of ​​​​considering what jade is.

I have to say that I am still thoughtful and can understand the true meaning of the sentence The most important thing to the village is not Naruto.

Of course, what makes him happy now is that the pressure on him is gone, the war is over, and the excitement of adolescence can no longer be suppressed like a beard.

It’s just that the beloved girl still hasn’t made any progress. Don’t bad people deserve love?

Why do girls of this age like delinquency and debauchery?

Ninja is already a super cool profession, and bad deeds simply bring down this original identity.

What does a little girl like most? The radiant side, the excellent side, the handsome side.

Noah expressed his understanding and disapproval of Asma's understanding of coolness. It seems that adolescent boys always have such misunderstandings.

Mr. Adam, my grades are not very good. And there is a guy in my classmate who is a little bit more handsome than me, and his grades are a little better than mine.

Asuma is also desperate. Apart from being the son of Hokage, he also has a bad temper.

In terms of performance, no one among them in this period can compare with Kakashi, the bastard, and all the ninja phantoms are so good. He had so many advanced ninjutsu and was still beaten like a dog.

In terms of looks, that guy is so handsome! His operation with half his face covered is unexpectedly very popular. His silver hair and cold eyes are very lethal. There are countless girls in the class who admire him.

In terms of performance, the 12-year-old jounin~~~ is a super explosive existence in the entire history of Konoha. A jounin can already have the right to vote on major events, and can even lead a team to perform tasks alone. leader.

My self-confidence is really hard to show in front of Kakashi. Even the old man nags me to learn more from Kakashi, a typical kid from other people's families.

Everything he knows is leftover from other people's play, so naturally he feels unable to use it.

Maybe Hong really didn't care about these things, but the little boy's competitive spirit would.

Especially a young master like Sarutobi Asuma who has no family pressure and always has a good living environment.

Noah also understood very well. Although Kakashi graduated in one year, the legend he left behind was really attractive.

A standard beautiful, strong and miserable character, placed in a costume romance, can definitely support a plot with a heroine or a hero.

Asuma-kun, your problem is that you are immature.

Not immature?

Asma touched her ancestral shiny mustache and the cigarette in her hand, and fell into deep thought when she saw the mature face in the mirror that was ten years older than her real age.

Do you know that now I can go to an izakaya to drink, but of course not in Konoha? All the shops recognize his famous face.

The store owner may not remember the small half of Kakashi's face, but he will definitely remember the faces of the financial owners and powerful people.

Noah's purpose is to guide Asma onto the right path, and love is the most suitable catalyst for this child.



Believe me, the classmate you mentioned is at most a little better than you academically. But in terms of cultural attributes, you can find your own way.

People's worship of knowledge and pursuit of power are eternal,

As your strength improves, you can use the improvement of knowledge to increase your temperament.

Just think about it, there are many big people who start practicing calligraphy after becoming famous, and often write some incomprehensible things to package themselves.

They are already at the top of their game and will not do useless things.

Asuma thought about her father who was always writing and drawing, and somehow felt that it made sense. The old man looked quite wretched, but he was indeed a bit handsome when he was writing.

Including the clan leaders he knows, they all like to write and draw.

The path Noah pointed to is really not a fool's errand. In the Japanese context, Sinology represents a person's cultural accomplishment in a sense.

If a ninja uses his cultural training to chase another female ninja, it will definitely be a dimensionality-reducing blow.

Of course, the other party also needs to have a certain degree of appreciation. If an ordinary civilian has a home, it is really better to give him a ninja sword.

Asuma felt suddenly enlightened, and she felt that love for a child of this age was extremely high.

So what exactly do I do?

“Read books and learn to gain deeper insights and reflect your differences.”

Village, Naruto, ninja, ordinary people. If you have a deep understanding of the relationship between these people, you can definitely show a different style in front of the girl you love.

After all, who doesn't like a man who holds the whole of Konoha in his heart?

After a long conversation, Asma was completely convinced, Mr. Gentleman!

Noah also sent a few books in a timely manner. There were not many particularly exciting contents, but they were just partial thoughts on class.

Of course, the book Gadfly is also included in it, with the euphemistic claim that it can improve the relationship between father and son.

Seeing Asma leave happily, Noah smiled.

The most powerful motivation for young people is love.

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