Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1176 The Third Generation’s Political Means

Now is really not the time to wander around, unless you are a daring lunatic who is skilled in art.

For example, Obito.

He stood in front of Lin's commemorative monument in the night, his red Sharingan trembling slightly as he looked at the photo.

Konoha is in ruins after all, without its former prosperity.

The world has been like a cemetery since you left.

Those people in the Akatsuki organization are useless. They spend their days dreaming in the Land of Rain. Land? Daimyo? How can such a thing cause changes in the burning world?

Uchiha Madara, a strong man who has dominated the world for many years, is finally old and would believe such ridiculous things.

After learning that the Fourth Hokage was going to be born in Konoha Village, he came over to watch the ceremony obediently. They are a group of spineless people.

After I finish solving the problems in Konoha, I will subdue those people, and then collect the tailed beasts together. This way I can see you sooner.

I just went to see Kakashi. The poor guy was as immersed in the mission as before.

In order to resurrect you, I didn't want to cause any complications, so I let the liar go after all.

Originally, I wanted to take revenge on Konoha in three days and make the Yondaime's succession ceremony a joke.

But from the roots, I found a better way of revenge, a way that makes Konoha and Namikaze Minato regret.

Lin, the next time I come to see you will be when Konoha is destroyed.

I don’t know what kind of information Obito gained in the past few days in Konoha that made him so confident, and Black Zetsu breathed a sigh of relief after Obito left.

The strategy he racked his brains to come up with was not in vain, and he was also grateful to the veteran Genbu who sent him the countermeasure plan.

This group of people are so evil when it comes to their own people. Even Mrs. Hokage is plotting against them. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk

As for Noah, it seems that he changed his name to Adam and came here to sell books.

It doesn't matter what that monster wants to do, as long as it doesn't involve Obito.

As time goes by, we don’t know how many conspiracies were born, and we don’t know how many conspiracies went bankrupt.

These two nights were extremely lively, and the Anbu had indeed gained a lot.

These were suppressed by Konoha who was prepared, which was why Noah was unwilling to go out at this time.

Who knows what black technology or unknown blood inheritance limit has suddenly exploded in this village.

The day before the takeover ceremony, Uchiha Fugaku left early to perform his mission.

Itachi, protect mom. You are already a mature ninja.

Yes, Father.

Seeing Itachi's calm response like a little adult, Fugaku felt sincerely happy.

Even though he is a chauvinist, he is really lucky to get Mikoto.

Having given birth to such an outstanding offspring, Itachi is simply a genius among geniuses, and his talent is not inferior to that of Shisui.

And his wife also has a very good relationship with the wife of Namikaze Minato, allowing the Uchiha clan to smoothly integrate into the village.

All the things I worried about in the past have disappeared.

Rizu of the Hyuga clan also went out. He had the honor to participate in this task because of the family's efforts.

All Uchiha can participate, and the Hyuga clan cannot lag behind.

This was a time to express their sincerity in front of the Fourth Hokage, and they couldn't really pretend to be cold when the dust settled.

Ninja clans such as Inarakacho and Sarutobi also sent their own elites to protect Naruto.

Although the clan leader was not sent out directly like Uchiha, he still showed his solemnity. Everyone knew that Uchiha was in a special situation, and this time he came to stand in line and hand over his name.

The Sandaime felt reassured and a little sad looking at the extremely powerful escort team. After all, these people came here for Minato.

I'll leave it to you all to hold the succession ceremony tomorrow. I'll hand over the list of missions to Minato.


As soon as he said these words, everyone disappeared with a whoosh.

In the morning, many people had already gotten up early and went out to rush to the Hokage Tower.

All residents of Konoha want to witness this peaceful handover. It was really an honor to see the leader of the Ninja Village alive to hand over.

Representatives from various countries were also brought to their respective areas, and the ANBU and strong men were already in place.

Under Kushina's longing eyes, Namikaze Minato put on the royal robe belonging to the Fourth Hokage and stood quietly aside, waiting.

The Third Hokage also put on the red and white Hokage robe and walked to the stage.

This is the transition of an era. After this day, he will no longer be Lord Hokage, but Elder Sarutobi.

First, he told that during the first Ninja War, he was entrusted by the second generation target and became the third generation Hokage of Konoha.

He said that his inheritance is orthodox, including the following fourth generation.

Naruto inheritance also talks about this. For special cases, you can refer to the operation of Danzo's acting as Hokage in the future.

Basically, there is no allegiance from any ninja clan. This is something that everyone is protecting.

Then he said that what he did during his reign failed to live up to the expectations of the first and second generation adults. It can be regarded as the Hokage version of the self-indictment.

In this way, the death of White Fang, the Battle of Mount Kikyo, the countless ninjas who died in the Third Ninja World War, and the responsibility for the seedlings rushing to the battlefield were all shouldered.

With the position of Hokage, the previous negative influence was eliminated. The fault was all due to him, Sarutobi Hiruzen, not leading Konoha forward.

Although in Noah's opinion, this is nonsense, just using the position of Hokage can offset so many lives, especially the death of White Fang happened before the war.

Everyone knows that Hiruzen Sarutobi will join the Council of Elders after he abdicates, and everyone knows that he will continue to live well.

But who said that in this era, this statement is still very popular. It seems that Naruto's abdication is an extremely terrible punishment.

One sentence from a great man is more effective than a hundred words from ordinary people, even if they are nonsense.

Countless people even felt that it was wrong to vent their anger on the Third Hokage after the war, and feelings of regret were overflowing.

Establishing correct three views is a very critical thing for the people of Konoha Village.

What they lack is the ability to think independently and normal knowledge.

Noah made a mental note and continued observing.

After saying his decision to take the blame and abdicate, there were voices in the crowd trying to persuade him to stay. Of course, this was definitely a matter of trust. The third generation was also an expert at manipulating people's hearts.

After that, the official takeover came, and the Yondaime walked to the stage in high spirits.

The sunshine-like aura made Hiruzen feel his own decay, as if a new era was about to begin.

Hiruzen still said that sentence when he handed over the hat that symbolized Hokage.

Fire will burn wherever there are leaves flying. The shadow of the fire will illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout. The true power of the ninja will be revealed when he wants to protect the people he cherishes.

This sentence directly sublimated the handover ceremony and filled the atmosphere.

The ordinary people below also had tears in their eyes, as if they had heard some touching words.

The fourth generation, Feng Minato, was even more cleansed in his soul and solemnly took over this responsibility.

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