Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1175 Orochimaru’s Test

The day after tomorrow is the takeover ceremony. In order to avoid unexpected incidents, I ask you to perform guard duties.

The handover ceremony of the Fourth Hokage is currently the top priority in Konoha Village. On the surface, it is just a few Jonin pretending to stand guard.

In fact, the secret arrangements were very careful, and even the two direct disciples were arranged.

Those who dare to cause trouble on this occasion are people or forces who are prepared to fight to the death.

The four major countries certainly don't dare to do this at present, but they may not have the intention to hire people to cause trouble secretly.

It's hard to describe the hatred during the war. The small countries surrounding the big countries were basically completely destroyed as battlefields. There were countless people who hated Konoha.

Sometimes people's actions are driven by emotions. In that case, even a fireball was a big deal.

The Sandaime's request at this time was to kill without mercy. Prioritize the use of illusion control among the crowd, and kill directly outside the crowd.

Jiraiya is in the Hokage Tower, and Orochimaru is on the Hokage Rock.

The other sides are handed over to Inogacho and Uchiha Fugaku.

The Third Hokage was indeed careful in arranging the handover ceremony, but Uchiha Fugaku was proposed by Minato.

He said that he wanted to strengthen the Uchiha's participation so that they could reintegrate into the village.

And Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto are best friends, so Fugaku, who took the wife route, got this job.

The current leader of the Uchiha clan is also a person, capable of bending and stretching.

I started betting on Namikaze Minato very early. At the beginning, I might just want to get closer to the Hokage line.

After discovering that Minato might become the Fourth Hokage, he put pressure on the entire clan, and fought hard to kill the enemy on the Kirigakure front to express his stance.

This time I participated in such an important guarding mission again, which can be considered a great progress.

The guard team was handed over to the deputy Yashiro, and he was given the responsibility of closely guarding the third and fourth generations.

New life was rising, and Hiruzen Sarutobi was in a very good mood.

Maybe he and Danzo really misunderstood the meaning of the second generation, and it may not be right to keep alienating Uchiha.

After assigning the task, the two of them were allowed to disperse. However, the Sandaime couldn't help but said to his disciple the moment he left.

That. Jiraiya.


When I have time, I go out more. I am always indoors. It hurts my body.

Jiraiya was confused for a moment, and then became furious.

Old man, what are you talking about! Ninjas are people who have to endure everything!! Don't underestimate me! I'm just reading, do you understand?

Yeah, it's good to read. It's good to read. If you have nothing to do, go out for a walk.

Mainly, Jiraiya's haggardness made it difficult for Sarutobi Hiruzen to believe that this cheerful and a little too cheerful disciple only read books.

Except for Jiraiya from the Hokage Tower, everyone was angry. The teacher didn't believe in his character.

Finally, when I saw my decadent and haggard appearance from the glass on the roadside, I felt speechless and a bit vain.

Angrily, he went home to tidy up his appearance. The handsome face of the Toad Immortal was gone. How could he attract those beautiful little sisters who admired his inner beauty?

Orochimaru smiled helplessly and disappeared.

At night, Orochimaru appeared in the house of a travel writer named Adam.

It's really scary to emerge from the shadows so late.

You didn't want to do anything when you came to Konoha this time?

Noah felt a little strange when he heard Orochimaru's tone. It seemed like he was encouraging him to do something.

You were so angry after you came back. Why do you still expect to embarrass Konoha?

That's not true, but I thought that people like you definitely don't like to make small fuss. Isn't it true that you came to Konoha to sell books?

Orochimaru still knows a little about Noah, and he is really brave.

It's not even a question of assassinating the Hokage, but of course he probably wouldn't do it.

In the past few months, Noah has used several angles to show his disdain for the position of Hokage, well, it may be his disdain for Sarutobi-sensei.

The evaluation of Minato Namikaze is okay, but not very high either.

This person's every move is very purposeful. If it seems aimless, it's just better to hide it.

I'm most likely selling books this time and looking for some comrades who can develop.

You know, the talents of Konoha are the best in the ninja world even at the current low point. For the development of the Akatsuki organization, we can only let some outstanding people take on multiple roles.

Orochimaru was a little helpless when he thought about his position as the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization. The value of this leader had really plummeted.

I don’t know what Sansho Hanzo in the Rain Country thinks. Anyway, he doesn’t want to be the leader.

That idiot Jiraiya is not that easy to convince. Just relying on a book is not enough.

Orochimaru knew very well the nature of his friend, who was naive.

It always feels a little weird to have this word on a mature ninja.

This word is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing.

Perhaps Noah's impact was strong, but after Namikaze Minato came to power, this old friend might place his hopes on this disciple.

Noah is also very sober. It is still unrealistic for a book to change a person.

Konoha's talents cannot be relied on just the few of us. Namikaze Minato has really brought a different scenery to this village.

Then what are you going to do?

We still have to rely on Danzo-sama's help.

Orochimaru was speechless for a moment, but it seemed that Noah was right.

How could there not be some powerful rebellious ninjas in Konoha? That bitch is really talented at harming his own people. Even I wanted to kill him several times and then rebel against the village.

Of course, it is possible that we will need help from Lord Sarutobi Hiruzen in the later stage.

Noah also named a person, the former Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was the most powerful weapon to restrain the Fourth Generation.

It's very strange. It seems that the elders of every village are a group of old guys who don't do much in human affairs.

Each and every one of them was afraid that the village would not be completely torn apart, so they worked hard.

After Orochimaru heard this, he felt that the village was about to end. The top management, except Minato, seemed to be a drag.

I'm about to get the sealed book from Danzo. What are your plans?

It's nothing. Just write down the ninjutsu and forbidden techniques you are interested in. I really can't practice them without chakra.

Yeah, I forgot about it.

Another test from Orochimaru, working with smart people is trouble.

He had always suspected that Noah's body had recovered to the point where he could practice chakra, and hoped to confirm this.

It was mainly the resistance and dislike of the power of chakra that aroused the snake's suspicion. The suspicious BOSS template was really suitable for Uncle Snake.

If there were no soul problems in the original work, he would have ended it long ago.

After driving away Orochimaru's clone, Noah fell asleep peacefully.

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